A revision of the South African leafhopper genus Drakensbergena Linnavuori (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Drakensbergeninae) Author Stiller, Michael text Zootaxa 2009 2132 1 39 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.188410 961959e9-0ec7-4dea-87f0-5eb48c71eda3 1175-5326 188410 Key to species of Drakensbergena males 1. Antenna very long, 0.7–0.8 times as long as body length ( Figs 24–26 , 37 )................................................................. 2 – Antenna short, 0.1–0.4 times as long as body length (e.g. Figs 2, 5 , 17 , 30, 35 , 42 , 47 ) ............................................. 3 2. Vertex elongate (median length of vertex 1.5–1.6 mm ) ( Figs 24–26 ); pygofer lobe with concealed, membranous ventral tooth; pygofer lobe with fine setae, no macrosetae ( Figs 101 , 116 ); aedeagal shaft with subapical lateral margin denticulated and subapical ventral tooth ( Figs 60 , 71 ); style with anterior medial arm elongate, posterior apophysis short, digitate, curved laterad ( Fig. 135 ) ......................................................................................... D. gigascutica sp.n. – Vertex short (median length of vertex 0.9–1.0 mm); pygofer lobe truncate, without tooth, with two macrosetae ( Fig. 120 ); aedeagal shaft with margin entire; style with anterior medial arm short, posterior apophysis long, linear, directed posteriad ( Fig. 139 ) ..................................................................................................... D. ochracea Linnavuori 3. Aedeagal shaft bearing teeth dorsally and ventrally ( Figs 54 , 65 ) or lateral subapical margin concave with marginal denticulation (Figs, 55, 66) ........................................................................................................................................... 4 – Aedeagal shaft without teeth or denticles, smooth (e.g. Figs 56, 57 , 67, 68 )............................................................... 5 4. Aedeagal shaft medially with dorsal and ventral teeth ( Fig. 65 ), dorsal view, apex of shaft wider than base ( Fig. 54 ); pygofer lobe broadly rounded ( Fig. 108 ); plate apex with pointed protrusion ( Fig. 77 ); style posterior apophysis with apex narrow, tubular, base much wider than apex ( Fig. 127 ); length of body 10.4 mm ( Figs 1, 2 ) ............................... ......................................................................................................................................................... D. armstrongi sp.n. – Aedeagal shaft without dorsal and ventral teeth, with subapical lateral margin concave, with marginal denticulation ( Figs 55 , 69 ), dorsal view, parallel-sided ( Fig. 55 ); pygofer lobe with apex narrow, rounded, base with rounded recess ( Fig. 109 ); plate with apex rounded ( Fig. 78 ); style with posterior apophysis tubular, S-shaped, dorsal view ( Fig. 128 ); length of body 7.3–8.1 mm ( Figs 5, 6 ) .............................................................................. D. austrina sp.n. 5. Style apophysis projecting beyond posterior margin of plate ( Figs 11 , 80 , 111 ), apex of apophysis visible in undissected specimen plate 0.6–0.9 times as long as wide ( Fig. 80 ); .......................................................... D. breviata sp.n. – Style apophysis retracted into plate (e.g. Fig. 85 ), sometimes reaching distal margin of plate (e.g. Fig. 94 ); plate more than 1.0 times as long as wide ............................................................................................................................. 6 6. Plate posterior margin with deep notch extending two thirds into plate, forming lateral tubular process ( Figs 87 , 118 ) ............................................................................................................................................................ D. lobulata sp.n. – Plate with posterior margin entire, generally triangular, apex blunt (e.g. Fig. 79 ) or truncate (e.g. Figs 83, 93 ), sometimes with small tooth dorsally on posterior margin (e.g. Figs 90, 94 ) or with sclerotized ridge (e.g. Fig. 86 ) .......... 7 7. Posterior margin of plate truncate, with rounded lip-like sclerotized ridge, ridge at least half width of posterior margin ( Fig. 86 ) ......................................................................................................................................... D. labeona sp.n. – Posterior margin of plate never with a long sclerotized ridge, 1–2 dorsally directed teeth that sometimes arise from a sclerotized base (e.g. Figs 92, 94, 95 )............................................................................................................................. 8. Style apophysis flattened dorsoventrally, expanded, with small median tooth ( Fig. 134 ) ... D. fuscovittata Linnavuori – Style apophysis never flattened, tubular, very thin (e.g. Figs 129, 141 ), thick, digitate (e.g. Figs 131, 136, 142 ), or triangular (e.g. Figs 130, 138, 143 )............................................................................................................................... 9 9. Style apophysis thin, uniformly tapering to a fine point............................................................................................. 10 – Style apophysis digitate, base robust, apex blunt or abruptly pointed........................................................................ 11 10. Aedeagal shaft with deep cleft apically, length of cleft 0.4–0.5 times as long as length of shaft ( Figs 56 , 67 ); plate 1.9–2.1 times as long as wide, left and right sides similar in length, apex truncate ( Figs 79 , 110 ) ....... D. bisulca sp.n. – Aedeagal shaft with shallow cleft apically ( Fig. 63 ), length of cleft 0.1–0.2 times as long as length of shaft; plate 2.7–3.4 times as long as wide, left and right plates of unequal length, apex triangular ( Figs 91 , 122 ). D. prolixa sp.n. 11. Pygofer lobe with prominent apical tooth (3.3–3.5 times as long as wide) ( Figs 113, 123 ) ...................................... 12 – Pygofer lobe rounded, truncate, sometimes with minute or small weakly developed tooth or process (1.5 times as long as wide) (e.g. Figs 121, 124, 125, 126 )............................................................................................................... 13 12. Pygofer process posteriad ( Fig. 123 ); plate with subapical, lateral, dorsally directed tooth ( Figs 92 , 123 ), plates 2.0–2.4 times as long as wide .......................................................................................................... D. retrospina sp.n. – Pygofer process ventrad ( Fig. 113 ); plate apex with or without lateral triangular process, variably sclerotized ( Figs 82 , 113 ), plates 1.3–1.6 times as long as wide .............................................................................. D. deorsuspina sp.n. 13. Style apophysis with wide base, length up to 3 times as long as greatest width, generally short, triangular or elongate, digitate ( Figs 131, 138, 143 ) ................................................................................................................................ 4 – Style apophysis with narrow base, length more than 3 times as long as greatest width, generally more elongate ( Figs 133, 140, 144, 145 ) ..................................................................................................................................................... 16 14. Style with apophysis elongate, narrowly triangular or digitate, up to 3 times as long as greatest width ( Figs 131, 138 ) .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 – Style with apophysis short and broadly triangular, apophysis of style about 1.2 times as long as greatest width ( Fig. 138 ) ................................................................................................................................................... D. longinqua sp.n. 15. Apophysis of style about 1.6 times as long as greatest width, medial margin, lateroventral view, denticulate ( Fig. 143 ); plate 1.9–2.2 times as long as wide, with lateral and medial margins subparallel and posterior margin angled acutely ( Fig. 93 ); pygofer lobe pointed, with dorsal and ventral margins arcuate, with 0–2 macrosetae ( Fig. 124 ) ..... ............................................................................................................................................................ D. simulata sp.n. – Apophysis of style about 2.8 times as long as greatest width, lateral margin, lateroventral view, denticulate, with prominent tooth subapically ( Fig. 131 ); plate 1.4–1.8 times as long as wide, with lateral and medial margins converging triangularly ( Fig. 81 ); pygofer lobe broadly rounded, with about 6 macrosetae ( Fig. 112 ) ... D. cuneifer sp.n. 16. Plate long, 1.4–2.0 times as long as wide, posterior margin variable, sometimes with tooth, or notch flanked by rounded margins ( Fig. 90 ); style apophysis digitate, about 5.6 times as long as greatest width ( Fig. 140 ) ................... ................................................................................................................................................... D. phaeogramma sp.n. – Plate short, less than 1.4 times as long as wide, posterior medial margin obtusely angled, apex of plate reaching half way or two thirds into pygofer lobe ( Figs 114, 125, 126 ); style apophysis less than 5.0 times as long as wide........ 17 17. Pygofer, lateral view, with apex of lobe rounded, with ventrally directed apical tooth that is of variable length, about as wide at base as long; pygofer lobe with two macrosetae ( Figs 125, 126 ); plate with two dorsally directed teeth at margin, posterior margin narrowly or more broadly rounded, 0.8–1.4 times as long as wide ( Figs 94, 95 ); style with apophysis at its base narrower than width across preapical lobe, 3.0–4.4 times as long as wide, digitate ( Figs 144, 145 ) ....................................................................................................................................................... D. spinula sp.n. – Pygofer lobe, lateral view, with dorsal margin straight, posterior margin broadly triangular and ventral margin broadly rounded; pygofer lobe with few macrosetae (0–2) ( Fig. 114 ); plate with posterior margin truncate, medially with small lobe, 1.1–1.3 times as long as wide ( Fig. 83 ); style with apophysis at its base as wide as width across preapical lobe, 3 times as long as wide ( Fig. 153 ) .......................................................................... D. festucacola sp.n.