Deep-sea Cirripedia Thoracica (Crustacea) from the northeastern Atlantic collected by French expeditions Author Young, Paulo S. Museu Nacional / UFRJ, Quinta da Boa Vista, 20940 - 040 Rio de Janeiro RJ (Brazil) psyoung @ acd. ufrj. br. text Zoosystema 2001 23 4 705 756 journal article 6379 10.5281/zenodo.4689055 5aec84f2-b3a3-4f16-bb46-efec4dddcb9e 1638-9387 4689055 3B853248-623C-4344-BDD8-444040704ED2 Dichelaspis thieli Young, 1998 ( Fig. 13 A-C) Dichelaspis thieli Young, 1998a: 7 , figs 5, 6. MATERIALEXAMINED. — SEAMOUNT 2, stn TS 267, 34°22.50’N , 30°22.50’W , 2225 m , 3 specimens , tl (cl) 7.0 (5.7) to 12.0 (9.3) mm ( MNHN Ci 2843, MNRJ 13896). REMARKS The present specimens have a scutum less reduced than those described in the original description ( Young 1998a: 8 ); the basal arm is shorter and the occludent arm is still calcified. The terga do not develop an undulated basal margin, which was also observed in a smaller specimen described previously. But all three of the present specimens have the capitulum with a typical triangular shape and the height 2.5 times its width. The differences in the calcification of the plates are considered different stages of development. Dichelaspis thieli was recorded from off Morocco from 1300 m . These new records extend its distribution to the Azores region and to depth between 1300 and 2225 m .