Two replacement names in Asian Rubus (Rosaceae) Author Wang, Huan-Chong School of Life Sciences, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China, e-mail: hchwang @ ynu. edu. cn & Key Laboratory for plant Biodiversity and Biogeography of East Asia, Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650204, China text Phytotaxa 2014 2014-06-18 172 3 293 296 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.172.3.12 1179-3163 5142697 Rubus nguyenii Huan C.Wang , nom. nov. ( Figure 1 ) Replaced name: Rubus caudatisepalus T. H. Nguyên & Yakovlev (1982: 108) , nom. illeg. , non Calderón (1973: 57) . Type : VIETNAM .? Hoang Lien Son :? Sa pa, collection date unknown, sine coll. 75 ( holotype HN , not seen, probably lost.) Paratype : VIETNAM . Bac Thai : Dai Tu , 1967, Be Kim khe s.n. ( HN !) . Etymology: —The new specific epithet is dedicated to Nguyên Tien Hiep, one of the authors of Rubus caudatisepalus T. H. Nguyên & Yakovlev. Additional specimens examined:— CHINA . Yunnan : Jingping county , Yongping village , Hetou Zhai , Laoling , 2200m , 9 May 1956 , Sino-Russ. Exped. 1128 (IBSC-0323388, KUN- 689454, PE-00168928); Pingbian county , Jianshe village , Laojian Shan , 2140m , 19 March 1954 , P . Y . Mao 03504 (IBSC-0323378, KUN-689452, KUN-689453, PE- 00168937, WUK-196043) . Notes: —Based on two collections from northern Vietnam , Nguyên & Yakovlev (1982: 108) published the name Rubus caudatisepalus T. H. Nguyên & Yakovlev , which they placed it in sect. Corchorifolii Focke (1911: 129) . The name R. caudatisepalus , however, had been previously used by Calderón (1973: 57) for a different Mexican species. Thus Nguyên & Yakovlev’s name is a later homonym of R. caudatisepalus Calderón and illegitimate. A replacement name (nomen novum), R. nguyenii Huan C. Wang , is proposed here. Rubus nguyenii Huan C. Wang is very similar to R. corchorifolius Linn. f., a species widespread in East Asia , but differs from the latter by its stems nearly glabrous, leaves long acuminate at apex, lateral veins of leaves 9-11 pairs, sepals caudate at apex, styles pilose at base, and fruits nearly glabrous. This species has so far been reported only from northern Vietnam (Nguyên & Yakovlev 1982, Averyanov & Nguyên 1996 ), here two gatherings ( Sino-Russ Exped.1128 and P. Y. Mao 03504 ) from southeastern Yunnan , China , are first reported for the flora of China .