A revision of Chinese species of Mesopolobus Westwood (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) with descriptions of four new species from China Author Xiao, Hui Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; E-mail: xiaoh @ ioz. ac. cn Author Sun, Lei Plant Protection College, Shandong Agricultural University, Tai’an, Shandong, 271018, China Author Jiao, Tianyang Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; E-mail: xiaoh @ ioz. ac. cn & College of Life Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China Author Li, Zi Key Laboratory of Zoological Systematics and Evolution, Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China; E-mail: xiaoh @ ioz. ac. cn & College of Life Sciences, Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China text Zoological Systematics 2016 41 1 64 81 http://zoobank.org/9aaf42bb-d96d-4b3f-be8e-8fcd05d4ea7d journal article 4169 10.11865/zs.201604 74b7bfe4-e37c-4095-9f3e-78e0f9cbef6a 2095-6827 4617570 9AAF42BB-D96D-4B3F-BE8E-8FCD05D4EA7D Mesopolubus tongi Xiao , sp. nov. ( Figs 7–11 ) Female. Body ( Figs 8–9 ) length 1.7 mm . Head and thorax black-green. Antenna yellow brown. Leg testaceous except coxa concolorous with thorax. Head width 1.18× as height in front view ( Fig. 7 ), eyes separated by about 1.3× eye height, malar space 0.39× as eye height, lower face with antennal toruli to half of clypeus and gena with white hairs. Head 1.8× as broad as long in dorsal view, POL 2.33× OOL. Antenna with 3 transverse anelli, antennal insertion placed on the lower ocular line ( Fig. 10 ), scape not reaching anterior ocellus, Fu 1 transverse, Fu 2 and Fu 3 quadrate, Fu 4 and Fu 5 slightly transverse, clava 1.75× as long as broad. Relative measurements: head width 47, height 40, dorsal length 26, frons width 30, eye height 23, malar space 9, scape length 21, clava length: width as 14: 8. Pronotum with collar margin indistinct; mesoscutum 0.65× as long as broad; propodeum with median carina and plica, lateral plica and shallow punctures; nucha short, with short longitudinal striation. Fore wing ( Fig. 11 ) with basal vein and basal cell bare, marginal vein 1.65× postmarginal vein. Gaster sessile, 1.75× as long as broad; hypopygium at most 1/2 length of gaster. Relative measurements: mesoscutum width: length as 44: 29; marginal vein 33, postmarginal vein 20, stigmal vein 13, gaster length: width as 42: 24. Male. Unknown. Material examined. Holotype . , China , Hunan , Hengshan ( 27°18′N , 112°42′E ), 7 September 1980 , coll. Xinwang Tong ( IZCAS ). Diagnosis. The new species is close to M. teliformis (Walker) with the Fu 1 anellus like. The species can be identified by the gena with white hairs (without white hairs in M. teliformis ), clava 1.75× as long as broad (1.6× in M. teliformis ), and scape as long as eye height (shorter than eye height in M. teliformis ). Etymology. The new species name is from the collector (Mr. Xinwang Tong) of the specimen. Biology. Unknown. Distribution. China ( Hunan ).