Rhamphomyia Meigen of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago, Greenland and Iceland (Diptera: Empididae) Author Sinclair, Bradley J. Canadian National Collection of Insects & Canadian Food Inspection Agency, OPL-Entomology, K. W. Neatby Bldg., C. E. F., 960 Carling Ave., Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada bradley.sinclair@canada.ca Author Vajda, Élodie A. Department of Natural Resource Sciences, McGill University, Macdonald Campus, Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, QC, H 9 X 3 V 9, Canada elodie.vajda@mail.mcgill.ca Author Saigusa, Toyohei 17 - 1 - 402 Baikoen 2 - chome, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka-shi 810 - 0035, Japan toyohei_saigusa@yahoo.co.jp Author Shamshev, Igor V. Laboratory of Insect Systematics, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St. Petersburg, 199034, Russia shamshev@mail.ru Author Wheeler, Terry A. McGill University, Macdonald Campus text Zootaxa 2019 2019-09-13 4670 1 1 94 journal article 22501 10.11646/zootaxa.4670.1.1 8e19d5d0-be5e-4022-a16c-b3ce0e554c54 1175-5334 3773507 urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:5D56C44D-BBAE-4CE7-9184-8A6DDC8009A4 Key to male Rhamphomyia of the Canadian Arctic Islands, Greenland and Iceland 1 Prosternum clothed entirely with white to brownish silky, hair-like setae ( Fig. 3D ); sternite 6 with cluster of strong golden setae; sternite 7 with pair of horn-like projections ventrally ( Fig. 3C ).................... R. ( Ctenempis ) albopilosa Coquillett - Prosternum bare; sternite 6 without row of golden setae; sternite 7 unmodified or modified different than above.......... 2 2 Cerci directed anteriorly ( Figs 6A , 9C , 12B , 15B ) (subgenus Dasyrhamphomyia )................................... 3 - Cerci directed posteriorly............................................................................... 6 3 Thorax short haired (setae shorter than gaps between rows) with acrostichals and dorsocentrals 1–2 serial, with brown vittae beneath rows; cerci with dark apex, with left cercus overlapping right at tip ( Figs 12B, C ); hind tibia with anteroventral row of dark, stout, spine-like setae shorter than half tibial width.................................. R. ( D .) leptidiformis Frey - Thorax long haired (setae longer than gaps between rows) with acrostichals and dorsocentrals 2–4 serial, without brown vittae beneath rows; cerci not darkened at apex, with right cercus overlapping left at tip ( Figs 9D , 15C ); hind tibia without anteroventral row of dark, stout, spine-like setae..................................................................... 4 4 Cerci pale, elongate, extending to tergite 3, overlapping subapically in addition to apical overlap ( Figs 15B, C )........................................................................................... R. ( D. ) nigrita Zetterstedt - Cerci brownish to black, shorter, extending to tergite 5, only overlapping apically ( Figs 6A , 9C )....................... 5 5 Dichoptic; abdomen with setae longer than length of abdominal tergites; cerci blackish ( Fig. 6A ); hind tibia and femur with pronounced fine, pale ventral pubescence ( Fig. 6C ).................................... R. ( D. ) erinacioides Malloch - Holoptic; abdomen with setae shorter than length of abdominal tergites; cerci pale brown ( Fig. 9C ); hind tibia and femur with long setae beneath ( Fig. 9A )...................................................... R. ( D .) hovgaardii Holmgren 6 Wing without dm-m crossvein (cell dm open) ( Fig. 62C ); scutum with shiny vittae................................................................................................. R. ( Pararhamphomyia ) diversipennis Becker - Wing with dm-m crossvein (cell dm closed), sometimes dm-m crossvein or M 2 base absent in R. ( P .) omissinervis Becker ; scutum without shiny vittae............................................................................. 7 7 Cercus with distinctive finger-like projection dorsally near base ( Figs 53B , 60A )................................... 8 - Upper margins of cercus without finger-like projections....................................................... 9 8 Large species (wing length more than 5 mm ); phallus curvature occurring before folding into epandrium; cercal finger-like projection stout ( Fig. 53B ); mid tibia with at least 3 preapical anteroventral and posteroventral setae dark, stout, spine-like..................................................................................... R. hirtula Zetterstedt - Small species (wing length less than 4 mm ); phallus curvature hidden within epandrium; cercal finger-like projection slim, short, less than half cercal length ( Fig. 60A ); mid tibia with 2 anterodorsals and 2 posterodorsals longer than twice tibial width................................................................................ R. setosa Coquillett 9 Tergite 8 long, subequal to length of epandrium ( Iceland only) ( Fig. 46B ).................... R. ( P. ) simplex Zetterstedt - Tergite 8 shorter than length of epandrium................................................................ 10 10 Subepandrial sclerite prolonged into pair of medioposterior lobes beneath cerci ( Figs 31C , 28A , 25C , 34A , 36C , 38C , 40A ).. .................................................................................................. 11 - Cercus without pair of subepandrial lobes beneath.......................................................... 17 11 Apex of subepandrial lobe forked....................................................................... 12 - Apex of subepandrial lobe unforked..................................................................... 14 12 Phallus stout, looping dorsally above cercus and epandrium; apex of phallus expanded with ridge of teeth-like projections ( Figs 28A, B ).............................................................................. R . ( P. ) helleni Frey - Phallus slender, filamentous apically, extending slightly beyond epandrium; tip of phallus slender, tapered, lacking teeth-like projections......................................................................................... 13 13 Fore tarsomere 1 swollen, slightly broader than width of fore tibia at apex ( Fig. 31A ); tergite 5 without stout posterolateral setae; subepandrial lobe with outer finger-like process lacking apical seta, longer than inner lobe ( Figs 31 C-E)............................................................................................ R. ( P. ) hilariformis Frey - Fore tarsomere 1 slender, narrower than width of fore tibia at apex; tergite 5 with several closely set stout posterolateral setae ( Fig. 38B ); subepandrial lobe with slender, outer finger-like process bearing 1 very long, fine, black seta ( Figs 38C, D ).................................................... R. ( P. ) lymaniana Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. 14 Phallus not forming loops.............................................................................. 15 - Phallus forming loops................................................................................. 16 15 Hind tibia with some anterodorsal, posterodorsal and dorsal setae more than 2X tibial width ( Fig. 25B ); apex of subepandrial lobe rounded ( Figs 25A, C )............................ R. ( P. ) frigida Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. - Hind tibia with anterodorsal, posterodorsal and dorsal setae shorter than 2X tibial width ( Fig. 34B ); apex of subepandrial lobe pointed ( Fig. 34A )....................................................................... R. ( P. ) hoeli Frey 16 Hind tibia clavate ( Fig. 36D ); hind tarsomere 1 shorter than length of tarsomeres 2–4 combined ( Fig. 36D )............................................................................................ R. ( P .) kjellmanii Holmgren - Hind tibia not clavate ( Fig. 40B ); hind tarsomere 1 longer than length of tarsomeres 2–4 combined ( Fig. 40B )........................................................................................... R. ( P .) omissinervis Becker 17 Phallus hidden within epandrium, leaving only base visible ( Fig. 17B )................................................................................. R . ( Eorhamphomyia ) shewelli Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. - Phallus slim to hair-like, usually extending farther than length of epandrium, and often with curvatures................ 18 18 Phallus with distinct loop on apical half around apex of epandrium ( Figs 51C , 57A )............................... 19 - Phallus without loop, gradually curved................................................................... 20 19 Sternite 8 with stout, “horn-like” lateral projections ( Fig. 51D ); phallus with loop forming acute angle ( Fig. 51C ); hind tarsomere 1 swollen, wider than hind tibial width at apex ( Fig. 51B )................................ R. herschelli Malloch - Sternite 8 without projections; phallus with small in-ward U-shaped loop ( Fig. 57A ); hind tarsomere 1 slender ( Fig. 56B )........................................................................................ R. laevigata Loew 20 Midleg distinctly modified: femur strongly curved upwards; tibia curved inwards, with 3–5 dark, stout mid-posterodorsal setae longer than 2X tibial width; tarsomere 1 spindle-shaped, covered with dense, erect and moderately long setae ( Figs 42A, B )................................................ R. ( P. ) petervajdai Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. - Midleg simple....................................................................................... 21 21 Apex of epandrium truncate ( Figs 44A, C ); hind tibia with distinctive inward bend on apical part; hind tarsomere 1 spindleshaped, convex dorsally but straight ventrally ( Fig. 44B )................................................................................................... R. ( P. ) septentrionalis Sinclair, Vajda, Saigusa & Shamshev sp. nov. - Apex of epandrium rounded; hind tibia straight; hind tarsomere 1 clavate or uniformly slender....................... 22 22 Anepisternum shiny and scutum with 1–2 pairs of shiny vittae; hind tarsomere 1 clavate, increasing in size apically such that apical width broader than hind tibia ( Fig. 48B ); cerci weakly constricted in middle, posterior half parallel to epandrium ( Fig. 48A ).......................................................................... R. ( P. ) ursinella Melander - Anepisternum pruinose and scutum with pruinescent vittae; hind tarsomere 1 evenly slender, nearly as broad as apical width of hind tibia, ( Fig. 25B ); cerci strongly constricted in middle, posterior half strongly divergent from epandrium ( Fig. 25A )....................................................................... R. ( P. ) filicauda Henriksen & Lundbeck