Chinese psyllids in the genus Cacopsylla (Hemiptera: Sternorrhyncha: Psylloidea) associated with Spiraea (Rosaceae) Author Luo, Xinyu Author Li, Fasheng Author Cai, Wanzhi text Journal of Natural History 2016 2016-05-31 50 2215 2235 journal article 21219 10.1080/00222933.2016.1193644 0c8b54d6-d787-458d-8a1b-61dd9b5dcb88 1464-5262 3992974 7A048333-56D1-41BF-BDC9-3D4D948BB6E6 Cacopsylla falcata sp. nov. Figures 1 (a–g), 2(a–c), 8a, 10(a–b) Description Adult. Colouration ( Figure 10 (a–b)). Body orange in overall view. Vertex mostly orange, with inner-posterior angles white. Genal processes ochre. Compound eyes purple, ocelli orange. Occiput black. Antenna yellow, with black apices on segments III–XIII, and segments IX–X entirely black. Thoracic dorsum yellow in ground, with the vast majority covered by orange stripes and patterns; anterior half of pronotum irregularly tainted orange; the two triangular patches in mesopraescutum almost covering the whole ground. Metapostnotum with two black patches bilaterally. Ventrum of mesothorax black except for a transverse narrow band in the middle. Legs yellow, with outer wall of metacoxa dark brown. Fore wing membrane ( Figure 1 (f)) hyaline, with a dark brown patch covering subapex of cell a 1 , expanding around as a light brown patch near anal break; veins brown. Abdominal terga yellow, with anterior margin of each segment blackish; abdominal sterna yellow in ground, with anterior half of segment III black, other segments with an indistinctly demarcated light brown patch in anterior margin near lateral margin, all segments with a small brown patch in posterior half near lateral margin. Male terminalia yellow, with ventral surface of subgenital plate lightly brownish. Female terminalia yellow, with apex brownish. Figure 1. Cacopsylla falcata sp. nov. , adult. (a) Head, front view, antennae removed; (b) male terminalia, in profile, ignoring distal segment of aedeagus and phallobase; (c) inner view of paramere; (d) distal segment of aedeagus; (e) female terminalia, in profile; (f) fore wing; (g) distal two segments of antenna. Scale bar: a = 0.25 mm; b, e = 0.155 mm; c, d, g = 0.124 mm; f = 0.625 mm. Table 1. Measurements, in mm.
Cacopsylla falcata Male (n = 5) Female (n = 5) 2.64–3.24 2.83–3.21 1.09–1.33 1.15–1.19 0.59–0.71 0.69–0.71 0.60–0.68 0.65–0.66 2.23–2.68 2.38–2.68 0.52–0.63 0.51–0.56
Cacopsylla hyalinonemae Male (n = 5) Female (n = 5) 2.97–3.26 3.27–3.66 1.16–1.28 1.28–1.34 0.64–0.66 0.67–0.71 0.58–0.61 0.64–0.71 2.36–2.49 2.49–2.82 0.48–0.51 0.54–0.57
Cacopsylla nocturna Male (n = 4) Female (n = 4) 2.71–3.12 2.92–3.28 1.06–1.07 1.02–1.19 0.60–0.67 0.62–0.64 0.51–0.57 0.56–0.58 2.37–2.71 2.55–2.91 0.46–0.47 0.45–0.53
Cacopsylla qilianana Male (n = 4) Female (n = 2) 2.23–2.38 2.46–2.50 0.47–0.48 0.49–0.51 0.49–0.52 0.56–0.58 0.61–0.64 0.62–0.63 1.94–1.97 2.08–2.10 0.38–0.44 0.43–0.46
Cacopsylla spiraeicola Fifth instar immature Cacopsylla falcata (n = 2) Male (n = 5) Female (n = 5) 2.45–2.76 0.75–0.80 2.64–2.94 0.69–0.70 BL 1.04–1.12 0.53–0.57 0.50–0.53 0.57–0.59 0.59–0.67 HW 0.54–0.57 2.02–2.16 0.45–0.48 2.20–2.54 0.46–0.48 FL 0.56–0.57
Cacopsylla qilianana (n = 3) 1.47–1.53 0.55–0.58 0.54–0.57
BL: total body length; AL: antennal length; HW: head width; TW: mesoscutum length; WL: fore wing length; TL: metatibial length; FL: fore wing pad length. Figure 2. Cacopsylla falcata sp. nov. , fifth instar immature. (a) Overall view, dorsal aspect on the left half, ventral aspect on the right half; (b) tarsal arolium; (c) anal pore field. Scale bar: a = 0.31 mm; b = 0.031 mm; c = 0.124 mm. Structures. Head ( Figure 1 (a)) inclined from longitudinal body axis by 80–90°, slightly narrower than mesoscutum transversely. Lateral parts of vertex rather short longitudinally; anterior margin and base of lateral ocelli strongly convex, appearing distinctly contrasted from the inner-posterior angles; boundary between vertex and gena clear. Surface of vertex finely sculptured with scaly microstructures and microscopic setae that gradually grow longer in the antero-inner angles, exceeding the length of the setae around antennal insertion. Gena processes long, gradually growing divergent, with apices subacute; outer margin relatively smoothly curved; genal whip setae relatively widely spaced. Antenna longer than HW; the more distally situated terminal seta only slightly shorter than the more proximally situated terminal seta ( Figure 1 (g)). Mesopraescutum strongly produced forward, pressing pronotum to be strongly arched. Metatibia with well developed genual spine, apical spurs arranged in 1 + 1 + 2 + 1. Fore wing ( Figure 1 (f)) oblong oval, strongly widening until apical 1/3; posterior margin nearly straight; height of cell cu 1 distinctly longer than length of vein Cu 1b ; fields of surface spinules relatively small, slightly contracted at margins of cells; fields of radular spinules as shown in Figure 1 (f). Male terminalia: Proctiger ( Figure 1 (b)) without posterior lobe, gently arched, with anterior surface waved near apex; apical 4/5 of anterior surface setosed. Paramere ( Figures 1 (b–c)) slightly curved forward, with apex curved backwards; apical tooth curved inwards, with tip subacute and pointed forward; anterior margin expanded into a small rounded lobe at subapex; inner surface with large numbers of long setae curving downwards, posterior margin also with large numbers of long setae. Distal segment of aedeagus ( Figure 1 (d)) relatively long and slender; apical dilatation sickleshaped; sclerotised end tube of ductus ejaculatorius projected backwards, and gently curved upwards. Subgenital plate ( Figure 1 (b)) near square in profile, except for the finely rounded ventral surface; weakly sclerotised anterior lobe present. Female terminalia ( Figure 1 (e)): Relatively long and simple. Anal ring covering about 2/5 of the total length of proctiger; proctiger slightly curved upwards; longitudinal row of rather long setae in dorsum of apical process formed of: four longest in the base, forming a strongly curved line, one short seta in apical 1/3, and one shortest in apical 1/ 5; fields of peg setae large, almost touching in the middle. Subgenital plate relatively long and narrow in profile, field of peg setae in subgenital plate covering apical 1/2. Valvulae dorsalis and ventralis gently curved upwards, stretching into the cavity beneath proctiger; valvulae lateralis rather narrow. Fifth instar immature. Colouration. Generally yellow. Compound eyes red. Apical 2/3 of antenna black. Structures. Dorsum completely covered with minute to long capitate setae, including ocular and postocular setae ( Figure 2 (a)). Antenna ( Figure 2 (a)) 7-segmented, with one rhinarium on apex of segments 3 and 5 each, and two rhinaria on segment 7. Wing pads ( Figure 2 (a)) large; fore wing pad oval, with about 10 long capitate setae on outer margin, anterior half with two pores; hind wing pad knife-shaped, with two long capitate setae on apex, anterior angle with one pore. Dorsum of fore tibialtarsus with one long capitate seta, dorsum of mid and hind tibialtarsus with two long capitate setae ( Figure 2 (a)). Tarsal arolium ( Figure 2 (b)) wide fishtailshaped, with expanded areas rather coarse, with relatively short pedicel gradually growing narrow basally, and with well-developed unguitractor. Third pair of sclerites with spiracle in abdominal ventrum completely fused with anal plate ( Figure 2 (a)). Abdominal ventrum ( Figure 2 (a)) with long or short capitate setae near the margin, other parts with long or short simple setae. Abdominal margin ( Figure 2 (a)) with 7 + 7 rather long capitate setae, gradually growing shorter medially, and with 3 + 3 setae close to the lanceolate type (sensu White and Hodkinson 1985 ). Circum anal pore field ( Figure 2 (c)) ventral and small, composed of a complete outer ring of single row of slit-shaped pores, and a complete inner ring of jagged single row of oval pores. 1 + 1 setae near the lanceolate type present anterior to anal pore field.
Material examined Holotype : male , dry mounted, Jinzhai Village, Yongshan, Yunnan , China , 28°0 54 N , 103° 32 17 E , 23 April 2014 , Luo Xinyu , on Spiraea ? teniana . Paratypes : 11 males , 12 females , dry mounted, 1 male , 1 female , slide mounted, 8 males , 9 females , 3 fifth instar immatures, preserved in absolute ethanol, same data as holotype . Host plant Spiraea ? teniana . Etymology Named after the sickle-shaped apical dilatation of aedeagus, Latin ‘falx’ = ‘sickle’.