Diversity, distribution and new records of freshwater and estuarine shrimp in the state of Amapá, eastern Brazilian Amazon region Author Vieira, Inacia Maria 0000-0002-6911-0780 Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA. & inaciavieira 2011 @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6911 - 0780 inaciavieira2011@gmail.com Author Silva, Luiz Maurício Abdon Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA. Author Almeida, Alini Gomes Santiago De 0000-0002-9773-489X alinigsantiago @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9773 - 489 X alinigsantiago@gmail.com Author Almeida, Danilo Pelaes De Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais, Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Author Silva-Júnior, Orleno Marques 0000-0002-1173-1429 orlenomarques @ yahoo. com. br; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 1173 - 1429 orlenomarques@yahoo.com.br Author Tavares-Dias, Marcos Programa de Pós-Graduação em Biodiversidade e Biotecnologia (BIONORTE), Universidade Federal do Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. Instituto de Pesquisas Científicas e Tecnológicas do Estado do Amapá - IEPA. & Embrapa Amapá, Macapá, AP, Brasil. text Zootaxa 2022 2022-08-24 5178 1 41 71 journal article 129872 10.11646/zootaxa.5178.1.3 6329ab0a-3a78-4998-aae3-bf28b87876bb 1175-5326 7021864 4DECF608-22E1-4049-9271-F20E5E0ECB49 Euryrhynchus amazoniensis Tiefenbacher, 1978 Examined material. Municipality of Macapá : Environmental Protection area of Curiaú , Wetland Curralinho ( 00°07’26.74”N , 51°06’50.18”W ), 22.ii.2002 , I.M. Vieira and O.A. Alencar , 2 males , 5 females and 10 females with eggs ( IEPA 346 ) ; idem ( 00°09’23.9”N , 51°02’09.5”W ), 25.viii.2002 , O.A. Alencar and A.C.R. Araújo , 9 males , 15 females and 2 juveniles ( IEPA 375 ) ; same collection location ( 00°09’23.9”N , 51°02’09.5”W ), 22.ii.2002 , I.M. Vieira and O.A. Alencar , 3 males and 5 females ( IEPA379 ) ; Wetland Tacacá ( 00°02’14.7”S , 51°05’47.7”W ), idem, 18.vii.2002 , O.A. Alencar , D. Filocreão , O.M. Costa , 5 males and 8 females ( IEPA 396 ) ; at the same point as the previous collection, 18.vii.2002 , O.A. Alencar , D. Filocreão , O.M. Costa , 3 juveniles ( IEPA 397 ) ; idem, ( 00°02’13.11”S , 51°05’39.2”W ), 18.vii.2002 , O.A. Alencar , D. Filocreão , O.M. Costa , 1 specimen ( IEPA 400 ) ; idem ( 00°02’14.0”S , 51°05’46.7”W ), 7.i.2004 , I.M. Vieira , 1 female ( IEPA 502 ) . Municipality of Ferreira Gomes : Floresta Nacional do Amapá ( Amapá National Forest ), tributary stream of the Santo Antônio River ( 01°06’37”N , 51°53’37”W ), 6.iii.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 1 male and 1 female with eggs ( IEPA 817 ) ; idem, ( 01°06’37”N , 51°53’37”W ), 5.iii.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 1 male and 3 females ( IEPA 841 ) ; same collection location, 1 male and 3 females ( IEPA 849 ) ; stream in savanna, near farm Aricari , BR156, km 147, gallery forest ( 00°55’35”N , 51°15’45”W ), 31.i.2006 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 25 specimens ( IEPA 1668 ) ; same place and date of previous collection ( 0°55’35”N , 51°15’45”W ), 10 females with eggs and 35 specimens ( IEPA 1690 ) ; 28.i.2006 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , stream with sandy bed, transparent water and gallery forest ( 0°56’08”N , 51°13’12”W ), 1 female with eggs ( IEPA 1671 ) ; stream inside the forest, close to the residence of the Aricari farm ( 0°57’04”N , 51°14’56”W ), 30.i.2006 , colls. I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 11 females and 29 specimens ( IEPA 1676 ) .— Municipality of Laranjal do Jari : Sustainable Development Reserve of the Iratapuru River , Stream Baliza ( 00°18’36”N , 52°26’24”W ), 6.v.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 3 females ( IEPA 872 ) ; same point of previous collection, 11.v.2005 , colls. I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 3 females with eggs and 15 specimens ( IEPA 1195 ) ; idem, 8.v.2005 , I.M. Vieira , 5 females with eggs and 36 specimens ( IEPA 1266 ) ; stream in the interior of the Baliza tributary forest, 10.v.2005 , 2 juveniles and 2 females with eggs ( IEPA 1269 ) ; same point of previous collection, 2 juveniles e 16 specimens ( IEPA 1317 ) ; 3 females with eggs and 7 specimens ( IEPA 1318 ) ; Jari River ( 0°51’17”S , 52°32’53”W ), stream on the right bank of the Jari River (0°51’17”S, 52°32’ 53”W), 3.xii.2009 , I.M. Vieira , 7 specimens ( IEPA 1245 ) ; same point of previous collection, 17.vi.2010 , I.M. Vieira and E.F. Araújo , 2 specimens ( IEPA 1386 ) ; small stream on the left bank of the Jari River ( 0°50’46”S , 52°32’35”W ), 12.ix.2009 , I.M. Vieira , 1 specimen ( IEPA 1246 ) ; tributary stream from Jari River ( 0°50’44”S , 52°32’53”W ), 4.ix.2009 , I.M. Vieira , 2 specimens ( IEPA 1254 ) ; Stream Riacho Doce ( 0°50’05”S 52° 32’34”W ), 17.vi.2010 , I.M. Vieira and E.F. Araújo , 1 female with eggs ( IEPA 1393 ) .— Municipality of Pedra Branca do Amapari : Sustainable Development Reserve of the Iratapuru River , stream on the right margin of the Cupixi River ( 0°34’20”N , 52°18’36”W ), 28.vii.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 33 specimens ( IEPA 900 ) ; stream on the right margin of the Cupixi River ( 0°34’11”N , 52°18’28”W ), 28.vii.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 5 specimens ( IEPA 903 ) ; tributary stream of Cupixi River , with sandy bed and in other stretches with mud, unstable and deep ( 0°34’52”N , 52°19’12”W ), 6.viii. 2005 , I.M. Vieira , 1 specimen ( IEPA 1232 ) ; stream with sandy bed and in some parts with rocks, very narrow, transparent, water level approximately 40 cm deep, Cupixi River ( 0°34’40”N , 52°18’04”W ), 4.viii.2005 , I.M. Vieira , 2 specimens ( IEPA 1433 ) .— Municipality of Oiapoque : National Park of Tumucumaque Mountains , shallow stream forming a swamp during the dry season, tributary of the Anotaié River ( 3°12’47”N 52°02’22”W ), 9.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 1 male ( IEPA 948 ) ; Anotaié River ( 3°12’55”N , 52°00’55”W ), 12.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 3 specimens ( IEPA 1209 ) ; stream of the right bank of the Anotaié River ( 3°13’55”N , 52°01’02”W ), 7.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 2 specimens ( IEPA 1213 ) ; stream of the right bank of the Anotaié River ( 03°14’50”N , 52°01’04”W ), 5.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 2 specimens ( IEPA 1215 ) ; stream of the right bank of the Anotaié River ( 3°15’56”N , 52°01’09”W ), 8.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 1 specimen ( IEPA 1216 ) stream of the right bank of the Anotaié River ( 3°13’55”N , 52°01’02”W ), 7.ix.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 13 specimens ( IEPA 1219 ) .— Municipality of Calçoene : National Park of Tumucumaque Mountains , stream of tributary from Mutum River ( 1°23’51”N , 51°56’04”W ), 6.xi.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 5 specimens ( IEPA 1008 ) ; stream on the left bank of the Mutum River ( 1°23’22”N , 51°56’01”W ), 4.xi.2005 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 1 specimens ( IEPA 1015 ) .— Municipality of Pedra Branca do Amapari and Serra do Navio : stream on the right bank of the Anacuí River ( 1°49’43”N , 52°45’09”W ), 6.iii.2006 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 4 females with eggs and 1 specimen ( IEPA 1442 ) ; tributary stream from Anacuí River ( 1°50’37”N , 52°45’04”W ), 7.iii.2006 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 4 females and 12 specimens ( IEPA 1445 ) ; tributary stream from Anacuí River ( 1°50’58”N , 52°45’59”W ), 8.iii.2006 , I.M. Vieira and D.C.C. Vieira , 3 females and 7 females with eggs ( IEPA 1449 ) ; Rio Araguari , stream at the Capivara waterfall, 20.viii.1992 , coll. C. Magalhães ( INPA-CRU 001081 ) ; Serra do Navio , Rod Cachaça , Stream Piçarra , Fazendinha , 22.iii.1991 , ( INPA-CRU 001214 ) ( Figure 1 ). Geographic distribution. Orinoco and Amazon River basins, Venezuela , Colombia , Peru and Brazil (states of Amapá , Amazonas, Pará and Roraima ) ( García-Dávila & Magalhães 2003 ; Kensley & Walker 1982 ; Pachelle & Tavares 2018; Pimentel & Magalhães 2014 ; Santos et al. 2018 ; Valencia & Campos 2010 ; Vieira 2008 ; Pereira 1991 ;; López & Pereira 1998 ). Distribution in Amapá state . Amapá state basisn of the rivers Curiaú, Iratapuru, Jari, Cupixi, Anotaíé, Mutum, Amapari and Anacuí. Previous records. Pimentel & Magalhães (2014) ; Santos et al. (2018) ; Vieira (2003 , 2008 ). Ecological notes. Species collected in streams with beds containing a lot of leaf litter and shaded. Remarks. The specimens analyzed in this study correspond to the descriptions of Melo (2003) , Garcia-Dávila & Magalhães (2003) ; Pachelle & Tavares (2018) and Pimentel & Magalhães (2014) .