A new species of genus Chlaenius BONELLI 1810, subgenus Haplochlaenius LUTSHNIK 1933 from China (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Chlaeniini) and notes on two species previously described Author D. W text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2012 2012-12-28 44 2 1195 1205 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.5329203 0253-116X 5329203 Chlaenius ( Haplochlaenius ) evae nov.sp. T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype : China , Sichuan prov. , Qingcheng Hou Shan , 70 km NW Chengdu , 1500 m , 6.-13.VIII.2010 , S. Murzin leg. (cWR). D i a g n o s i s: A Haplochlaenius species of large size with hindwings reduced, body unicolorous black, head and pronotum middle-sized, the latter cordate, elytra oblongovate, with carinate intervals, legs black, antennae with antennomeres 1 to 3 black, the remaining ones brownish. Head and pronotum shiny, elytra only moderately shiny (male). Habitus see Fig. 2. D e s c r i p t i o n: Body length 25.3 mm ; width 9.4 mm . Colour, microsculpture: Body unicolorous black, antennae with antennomeres 1 to 3 black, the remaining ones brownish. Microsculpture mesh pattern on head and pronotum consisting of weakly engraved isodiametric meshes, somewhat stronger on pronotum, causing a surface shiny, on elytra isodiametric meshes strongly engraved, surface only moderately shiny (male). Head ( Fig. 2 ) medium-sized, somewhat narrower than pronotum (ratio PW/HW: 1.31), frons and vertex moderately convex, almost coarsely but sparsely punctured towards margins, between eyes unpunctured, frontal furrows shallow, elongate, with some wrinkled punctuation, clypeus coarsely punctured, bisetose. Eyes medium-sized, almost hemisphaerically protruding, temples short, rectilinear, of about one fourth of eye diameter (seen from above). Mandibles short and broad, palpi elongate, slender, apical palpomeres not dilated. Mentum ( Fig. 6 ) bisetose, with no distinct mentum tooth but with a weak bilobed protuberance, submentum bisetose. Ligula wide, bisetose. Antennae long and slender, in males reaching scarcely to middle of elytra, and with about antennomere 6 reaching pronotal base, antennomeres 1 and 2 with some fine setae apically except obligatory setae, antennomere 3 with fine setae of different length, sparsely arranged, about 3.2 times as long as 2 in males, antennomere 4 to 11 pubescent. Pronotum ( Fig. 2 ) medium-sized, cordate, only somewhat wider than long (ratio PW/PL: 1.15), widest somewhat before basal half. Basal margin only a little wider than anterior margin (ratio PBaW/PAW: 0.88), and somewhat narrower than pronotum at middle (ratio PW/PBaW: 1.27). Anterior margin weakly emarginate, anterior angles somewhat acutely projecting forward, weakly rounded at tip, from there slightly curved laterally to basal two thirds, from there basad distinctly sinuately narrowed to posterior angles which are somewhat obtuse-angled and widely rounded at tip. 1 lateral seta behind posterior angles at end of apical fifth at left side only, (in holotype ) lacking at right side (there no pore puncture present), setae in posterior angles positioned well forward at about length of antennomere 2. Disc weakly convex, lateral channel relatively wide (about as wide as antennomere 2), in basal fourth somewhat widened and reaching basal fovae. Basal fovea large but shallow, continuing apicad in a narrow furrow and reaching the end of basal third. Midline distinct, deeply engraved, especially in apical third, not reaching anterior margin and hardly reaching basal margin. Base and basal fovae with dense and coarse seta bearing punctures, continuing along lateral margins, base at middle with some vertical wrinkles. Disc with sparse and fine punctures, bearing finest short setae, toward lateral and anterior margin with somewhat more dense and more coarse seta bearing punctures. Elytra ( Fig. 2 ) long-ovate with humeri very weakly suggested and widely rounded, moderately convex, base about as wide as pronotal base (ratio EL/EW: 1.48), widest shortly behind middle. Scutellar pore puncture small, at beginning of stria 1, scutellar stria long. Striae finely punctured. Intervals 1 to 7 carinate, the intervals 2 and 4 somewhat weaker formed and somewhat less raised behind base, interval 8 almost flat behind humerus, then with a suggested carina toward apex. Without subapical excision, each elytron at apex weakly obtuse-angled, rounded at tip, elytra slightly gaping. The faces of the carina and the other non-carinate intervals with dense, somewhat granulate punctures bearing yellowish-brownish setae, the edge of the carina glabrous and shiny. Hindwings reduced, about half as long as elytra. Sterna: Pro- and mesosternum, mesepisterna and abdomen with fine and scattered punctures bearing fine, short setae, metepisterna and metasternum with somewhat denser and stronger punctures. Prosternal process elongate, somewhat acutely narrowed, unmar- gined, somewhat deepened at middle. Metepisterna very short, somewhat wider at anterior margin than long at ventral margin. Legs: Average for Haplochlaenius species, protarsi of males with protarsomeres 1-3 strongly widened and with ventral spongy pubescent vestiture. Median lobe of aedeagus: Large, voluminous, gently arcuate, with well developed apical capitulum, somewhat inclined to apical part in lateral view ( Fig. 4a ), apical lamella in dorsal view Fig. 4b. C o m p a r i s o n s: The new species is closest to Chl. klapperichi JEDLIČKA 1956 and Chl . nanlingensis DEUVE & TIAN 2005 in habitus, which also are brachypterous and hence have about the same form of the elytra. While the first species differs distinctly by a metallic coloured head and pronotum, Chl . nanlingensis , though sharing habitus and colour, can be separated by a somewhat different shape of the elytra, with maximum width somewhat before the beginning of the apical fourth (somewhat behind middle in Chl . evae nov.sp. ), by more flattened elytral disc (distinctly convex in Chl. evae nov.sp. ), a narrower pronotal lateral channel which is less wide than antennomere 2 (about as wide as antennomere 2 in Chl . evae nov.sp. ), and a somewhat different median lobe (Compare Fig. 4a with Figs 15, 16 in DEUVE & TIAN 2005). Chl . pecirkai JEDLIČKA 1932 having body and appendages black and also the elytral intervals carinate, differs distinctly by a smaller head in relation to the pronotum, which is convexely narrowed toward the posterior angles (distinctly sinuately narrowed in Chl . evae nov.sp. ), by a different shape of the elytra with distinct, though widely rounded humeri (humeri only very weakly suggested in Chl. evae nov.sp. ), and by a different median lobe and hence can be separated easily. Obviously Chl . pecirkai is also of smaller body size. Kirschenhofer has examined the holotype of Chl . pecirkai with the body size of 23.0 mm and some paratypes (in the Natural History Museum, London). Supposingly Chl. pecirkai has the hindwings not as strong reduced as in Chl . evae nov.sp. and Chl. klapperichi (a specimen of Chl. pecirkai from South Yunnan : "Tche-Ping-Tcheou", body size 21.6 mm , cWR) investigated concerning this character has the hindwings about as long as elytra and not folded apically). E t y m o l o g y: It is with great pleasure I dedicate this species to my mother, a constant encouragement throughout my life, and who has supported my entomological experiences and studies with great but understated interest. The epithet is formed as a noun (name) on the genitive. D i s t r i b u t i o n: Up to now only known from the type locality. H a b i t a t: Unknown.