Nephtyidae (Annelida: Polychaeta) from the Campos Basin, including two new species and a new record Author Franco, Natália Bizzo Author Rizzo, Alexandra E. text Zootaxa 2016 4114 3 291 308 journal article 39011 10.11646/zootaxa.4114.3.5 6ca7f46b-aacf-4777-b54d-78d8ca65b020 1175-5326 264583 79781290-DD73-46AD-921F-87ED8A573C36 Genus Aglaophamus Kinberg, 1865 Type species. Aglaophamus lyratus Kinberg, 1866 . Diagnosis (emended from Ravara et al ., 2010). Acutely pointed acicular lobes. Parapodial lamellae usually well developed; neuropodial superior lobes often present on anterior parapodia. Branchiae involute or recurved. Lyriform chaetae may be present or absent. All aciculae have curved tips. Antennae present. Pharynx usually with rows of more than 10 closely set subterminal papillae, of which the proximal ones are sometimes arranged in small groups; longer middorsal papilla present or absent; proximal region smooth. Jaws conical, hook-like. Nuchal organs rounded. Remarks. According to Ravara et al. (2010), the genus Aglaophamus does not have a long middorsal papilla in the pharynx. However, the specimens of A. juvenalis examined here have this middorsal papilla and also the other characteristics of this genus. Rizzo & Amaral (2007) also reported the presence of a long middorsal papilla in the pharynx in Brazilian specimens.