Phylogenetic systematics of the genera of Thryptocerina Jeannel, 1949 and new species from New Caledonia (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Oodini) Author Will, Kipling University of California Berkeley, Essig Museum of Entomology. Berkeley, California, USA Author Gueorguiev, Borislav National Museum of Natural History, 1 Blvd. Tsar Osvoboditel, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria text ZooKeys 2021 2021-06-16 1044 375 425 journal article 1313-2970-1044-375 D50CC77C2E6941FDA9BD395B025C43AE EBD9E81E5EC55AA491952682787793A4 Coptocarpus lescheni sp. nov. Figs 21 , 52 Material examined. Holotype : New Caledonia ; " 21°35'11"S / 165°46'30"E NEW CALEDONIA : Prov Sud Col D'Amieu , 485 m el, 4-26.iii.2007 Coll. R. Leschen , FITrap NCO78"// "EMEC1139862" Holotype pinned, with reproductive tract in a separate microvial. Specimen not in very good condition, with head separated from the rest of body (but still linked to it by a thin ligament), missing right antennomeres 4-11 and right mesotarsomere 5. Source collection EMEC, deposited MNHN. Type locality as given on label. Diagnosis. The only species of New Caledonian Coptocarpus with dense antennal pubescence starting at antennomere 2, the labrum with four setae, the middle pair very closely set in a small, common depression, and the basomeso- and basometatarsus pubescent dorsally. In all other species the antennae are pubescent from antennomere 4, the labrum has six setae each in its own depression, and the first tarsomeres of the middle and hind tarsi are glabrous dorsally. Note that in the type adjacent to the central pair of setae on the labrum are scarcely apparent structures, which possibly represent additional, very small setae or the vestiges of setae. Description. Habitus . Small sized, BL: 6.55 mm and BW: 3.10 mm, ovate, moderately convex body (Fig. 21 ). Color and luster . Dorsal and ventral surface primarily dark brown, sides of pronotum and abdominal ventrites dark reddish brown; antennae, palpi and tarsi yellowish brown; legs (excluding tarsomeres) dark reddish brown to deep brown. Integument moderately glossy, without spectral iridescence. Microsculpture and punctation . Dorsal surface of head and pronotum with isodiametric meshes, on head mesh not clearly visible due to strong punctation and wrinkling; elytra with isodiametric meshes on intervals 1-5, with slightly transverse meshes on intervals 6 and 7, and shallow, scarcely visible microsculpture on interval 8; ventral surface mostly with scarcely-visible sculpticells or sculpticells not apparent, only prosternal process with impressed isodiametric meshes evident, and abdominal ventrites with slightly transverse meshes. Head with uniform macropunctation on anterior and middle part, with macropunctation and wrinkles on vertex; pronotum and elytra with punctation smaller and less dense than on head; abdominal ventrites 1 and 2 at sides with several large punctures, ventrites 3-6 at sides with few coarse wrinkles. Chaetotaxy . Labrum with four setae of equal length each in its own socket, medial two very closely situated, positioned in a small, joint depression. Clypeal setae absent. Supraorbital setae absent. Elytron with one discal setiferous puncture in middle of interval 3 in posterior 1/5 of elytral length. Abdominal ventrites 1-5 without ambulatory setae. Head . Approximately 2 1/2 x as wide as pronotum (Suppl. material 2: Table S1). Eye small, moderately protruded, EyW/HW: 1.44. Labrum anterior margin straight. Frontoclypeal suture shallow but evident. Antenna moderately long, with last segment not exceeding pronotal base and pubescence starting from segment 2. Last labial palpomere rather swollen, blunt at apex, longer than penultimate one. Mentum tooth with paramedial border. Thorax . Pronotum 1 2/3 wider than long (PW/PL: 1.65); width at apex more than 2 x less than at widest point (PW/PA: 2.14). Disc with middle line fine and apical transverse impression distinct; anterior angles prominent, rounded at tips, anterior margin concave, anterior submarginal sulcus present near angles, lacking in middle. Prosternal process widely rounded, bordered throughout. Mesosternum anteriorly with two low, symmetrical tubercles separated by a space 4 x longer than diameter of one of them. Metepisternum 1 1/2 x wider than long, with lateral margin convex, coadunation with epipleuron long, located anteriorly and medially. Elytra . Slightly longer than wide (EL/EW: 1.16). Basal margin forming small denticle at shoulder, ended medially at level between striae 2 and 3. Humeral submarginal carina present. Apical sinuation slight to indistinct. Elytral striae all impressed; parascutellar striole anastomosis with stria 1 ended before basal margin; stria 2 joined to foveate parascutellar puncture; striae 2-4 not reaching basal margin; striae 5 and 6 reaching basal margin; stria 7 distinct medially, nearly reaching basal border. Elytral intervals 1-6 nearly flat, 7 and 8 subconvex to convex; granulation in marginal furrow continuous. Legs . Mesotibia slightly dilated apically. Basomesostarsus and basometatarsus pubescent dorsally. Female genitalia . Gonocoxite 2 subtriangular. Etymology. The specific epithet Coptocarpus lescheni is treated as a noun in the genitive case and is in honor of Richard Leschen, collector of the type specimen and highly-regarded coleopterist. Notes. We were not able to recover and examine the internal structures of the female reproductive tract due to the poor condition of these features in the specimen. Apparently, this was due to the fact that most of the tract was everted after death in the aqueous FIT pan solution. Deterioration of the structures made the proper study impossible.