Aloe andersonii, a new cliff-dwelling aloe from Mpumalanga, South Africa Author Van Jaarsveld, Ernst J. South African National Biodiversity Institute text Bradleya 2014 32 112 117 journal article 10.25223/brad.n32.2014.a5 7849485 Key to the cliff-dwelling members of Aloe section Leptoaloe (grass aloes) in South Africa 1a Plants densely rosulate; stems decumbent to erect; leaves ascending, often becoming recurved 2a Plants in compact clusters: ؀........................................... A. thompsoniae 2b Plants solitary or in lax clusters: ؀؀؀؀....................................... A. condeae 1b Plants rosulate or distichous; stems and leaves pendent or sub-pendent: 3a Perianth subclavate; leaves bluish green, subterete ؀........................... A. challisii 3b Perianth cylindrical; leaves green, flattened: 4a Leaves firm, linear-lanceolate, rosulate, margin serrate ؀................... A. andersonii 4b Leaves not firm, linear tapering, [distichous at first or remaining distichous,] margin entire or minutely ciliate: 5a Leaves remaining distichous or becoming subdistichous, entire or minutely ciliate ؀.................................................. A. nubigena 5b Leaves becoming rosulate, margin denticulate ؀؀؀؀................ A. soutpansbergensis