10. Rosa L. Author I. Klášterský text 1968 Cambridge University Press Cambrdige Editor T. G. Tutin Editor V. H. Heywood Editor N. A. Burgess Editor D. M. Moore Editor D. H. Valentine Editor S. M. Valters Editor D. A. Webb Flora Europaea, Volume 2, Rosaceae to Umbelliferae 35 42 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.47067 35 . R. villosa L. , Sp. PL 491 (1753) ( R. pomifera J. Herrmann). Compact shrub up to 1-5 m. Stems with short internodes, not pruinose. Prickles slender, long, straight, somewhat inflated at the base, scarcely decurrent. Leaflets 5-7, 30-50(-60) x 16-30 mm, oblong-ovate to broadly elliptical, biserrate, pubescent to tomen-tose on both surfaces, often densely glandular beneath, conspicuously bluish-green, with a resinous smell; teeth glandular. Pedicels 5-10(-15) mm, about as long as the fruit, stipitate- or setose-glandular. Sepals erect and persistent after anthesis. Petals 20-25 mm, pink. Disc narrow. Styles lanate. Fruit 1020 mm, globose to pyriform, densely stipitate-glandular, dull red. C. & S. Europe, extending northwards to the Netherlands. A1 Au Bu Ga Ge Gr He Ho Hu It Ju Po Rm Rs (C, W) [Cz Da No Rs (B) Su],