On the Scaphisomatini (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae, Scaphidiinae) of the Philippines, IV: the genera Sapitia ACHARD and Scaphisoma LEACH Author Ivan Löbl Author Ryo Ogawa text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2016 48 2 1339 1492 journal article 37307 10.5281/zenodo.247206 cd615cd7-ecb8-4cc3-b074-5ddfab94649a 247206 Scaphisoma rufescens ( PIC , 1920) ( Fig. 29 ) Pseudoscaphosoma punctatum PIC var. rufescens PIC, 1920a : 24. Syntypes, MNHN; type locality: East Malayasia, Island Banggi. Status and diagnostic characters: LÖBL 1981a : 155, Fig. 4 , 157 . Scutoscaphosoma distinctipenne PIC, 1923 : 195. Lectotype 6, MNHN; type locality: Vietnam, Lac Tho. Lectotype designation and synonymy: LÖBL 1981a : 157. A d d i t i o n a l m a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d: Palawan, Central, Cabayugan nr. Lion’s Cave, sea level, 1.XII.1995, leg. I. Löbl, 2 ex. and leg. J. Kodada, 1 ex (MHNG); Palawan, Sabang, trail to Underground River, sea level, 30.XI.19 95, leg. I. Löbl, 2 ex. (MHNG); Palawan, Sabang, N. of Mt. St. Paul, 11-13.VII.1977, leg. M. Satô, 16 ex. (MHNG); Palawan, Binaluan, 7 ex. (SMTD); Olangoan, 18 km NE San Rafael, sea level, 5-6.XII.1995, leg. I. Löbl, 1 ex. (MHNG); Olanguan, 1.IX.1985, leg. M. Sakai, 1 ex. (EUMJ); Palawan, Matalangao nr. Roxas, 150 m, 29.VIII.1985, leg. M. Sakai, 1 ex. (EUMJ); Palawan, Iwahin River Valley, 16.VI.1977, leg. M. Satô, 5 ex. (MHNG, BZLA). Distribution: China: Yunnan, Indonesia, West and East Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines: Palawan.