Additions and corrections to the systematics of mayfly species assigned to the genus Callibaetis Eaton 1881 (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae) from South America Author Cruz, Paulo Vilela Author Salles, Frederico Falcão Author Hamada, Neusa text Zootaxa 2017 4231 4 500 534 journal article 36559 10.11646/zootaxa.4231.4.2 fb0a7416-8d2e-4793-9dc3-525ffccb9e62 1175-5326 292674 99D539A1-D4BF-48C4-AEE1-0CA8F198C631 Callibaetis ( Callibaetis ) jocosus Navás 1912 ( Figs. 7 A–7B) Callibaetis jocosa Navás 1912 : 195 . (name emended by Ulmer 1920 ) Callibaetis jocosus Ulmer 1920 : 126 ; Gillies 1990 : 26 ; Domínguez et al. 2006 : 115 ; Cruz et al. 2014: 40. Callibaetis spegazzinus Navás 1920c : 36 . (syn. by Gillies 1990 ) Callibaetis rimatus Navás 1933 : 113 . (syn. by Gillies 1990 ) Known stages. I ♀♂, N . Diagnosis. Male imago: 1) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes oval ( Fig. 7 A); 2) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes in lateral view without constriction; 3) dorsal portion of turbinate eyes stalk height 1.9 × height of dorsal portion; 4) turbinate portion of compound eyes (in lateral view) with anterior and posterior margins subparallel; 5) forewing with three transversal bands on apical third, base without pigmentation (Fig. 111 in Cruz et al. 2014); 6) marginal intercalary veins paired (Fig. 111 in Cruz et al. 2014); 7) hind wing hyaline (Fig. 112 in Cruz et al. 2014); 8) costal process of hind wing rounded (Fig. 112 in Cruz et al. 2014); 9) marginal intercalary veins on hind wing present (Fig. 112 in Cruz et al. 2014); 10) abdominal terga covered with spots and terga III, V and VII with lateral, inverted V mark ( Fig. 7 A); 11) abdominal sterna covered with spots and with one anterolateral mark ( Fig. 7 B); 12) abdominal sterna with pair of medioanterior and medioposterior sigilla weakly pigmented ( Fig. 7 B); 13) forceps segment I wide at base (Fig. 110 in Cruz et al. 2014); 14) forceps segment III oval (Fig. 110 in Cruz et al. 2014). Female imago: 1) forewing with pigment in C and Sc areas, overpassing R1, and after R2 pigmentation lighter (Fig. 114 in Cruz et al. 2014); 2) marginal intercalary veins paired (Fig. 114 in Cruz et al. 2014); 3) hind wing with mark near costal process (Fig. 115 in Cruz et al. 2014); 4) costal process of hind wing rounded (Fig. 1151 in Cruz et al. 2014); 5) marginal intercalary veins on hind wing present (Fig. 115 in Cruz et al. 2014); 6) abdominal terga covered with spots, medially with longitudinal mark, and terga III, V and VII with lateral inverted V mark (Fig. 113 in Cruz et al. 2014); 7) abdominal sterna covered with spots (Fig. 116 in Cruz et al. 2014); 8) abdominal sterna with pair of medioanterior sigilla and medioposterior sigilla weak pigmented (Fig. 116 in Cruz et al. 2014); 9) abdominal sterna medially, on anterior margin, without one large spot. Mature nymph: 1) maxillary palp subequal in length of galea-lacinia (Fig. 122 in Cruz et al. 2014); 2) below maxillary palp insertion on outer margin with tuft of robust spine-like setae (Fig. 122 in Cruz et al. 2014); 3) paraglossa with row of spine-like setae on ventral surface (Fig. 123 in Cruz et al. 2014); 4) segment III of labium apically rounded (Fig. 123 in Cruz et al. 2014); 5) metanotum without spines; 6) foretarsus anterior surface without spine-like setae; 7) hind claw denticles smaller than foreclaw denticles (Fig. 125D in Cruz et al. 2014). Comments. The female imago of C . ( C. ) jocosus is similar to C . ( C. ) zonalis , C . ( C. ) willineri and C. ( C. ) guttatus (see C. ( C. ) guttatus comments). The female imago of C . ( C. ) jocosus can be differentiated from these three species by the abdominal sterna covered with spots (Fig. 116 in Cruz et al. 2014) (in contrast to C. ( C. ) guttatus ); abdominal sterna medially, on anterior margin, without one large spot (in contrast to C . ( C. ) willineri ); and marginal intercalary veins on hind wing present (in contrast to C . ( C. ) zonalis ). FIGURE 7. Callibaetis ( Callibaetis ) jocosus male imago. A. dorsal view (black arrow indicate the lateral inverted V mark); B. ventral view. Callibaetis jaffueli Navás 1918 and Callibaetis stictogaster Navás 1915 , previouly considered synonyms of C . ( C. ) jocosus by Gillies (1990) , have here their species status revalidated. For the diagnoses, redescriptions and comments, see their respective species sections. The specimens studied by Navás (1912) from São Paulo, Brazil, were not found, thus the lectotype was not designated. Material examined. Female imago (reared), two male imagoes (reared), BRAZIL , São Paulo , Jundiaí , Serra do Japií , Lake near two houses, 23°14’15.1” S / 046°56’ 26.2” W , 14.vii.2009 , 1043 m, P. Brito coll., INPA ; female imago, photograph of the type of Callibaetis stictogaster , ARGENTINA , Buenos Aires , 15.x.1913 , Museo de Ciencias Naturales de La Plata, C. Bruch coll.; one male imago, BRAZIL , São Paulo , i.1915 , L. Navás det., MZB ; one female imago ( type of Callibaetis spegazzinus ), PARAGUAY , Asunción , 10.x.1919 , Spegazinni coll., L. Navás det., MZB ; one female imago reared, BRAZIL , Santa Catarina state, Dionisio Cerqueira , Linha Toldo , Cachoeira do Toldo , 26°18’11.4” S / 53°37’01.6” W , 649 m alt., 14–15.ix.2011 , P.V. Cruz , R. Boldrini , N. Hamada and A. M. O. Pes cols., INPA ; one female imago, BRAZIL , Paraná state, Balsas Novas , Rio Pomba , 25°26’29.8” S / 49°44’40.5” W , 911 m alt., 11.ix.2011 , P.V. Cruz , R. Boldrini , N. Hamada and A. M. O. Pes cols., INPA . Distribution. Argentina : Buenos Aires . Brazil : São Paulo ; Mato Grosso do Sul ; Santa Catarina ; Paraná . Paraguay : Asunción .