A review of the genus Kiwaia Philpott, 1930 (Lepidoptera, Gelechiidae) in the Palaearctic Region Author Bidzilya, Oleksiy Author Li, Houhun text Zootaxa 2016 4098 3 471 497 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4098.3.3 d63adea2-3c11-47ac-9de7-0ec4542a65db 1175-5326 265642 1ACE4A63-6A0A-4138-BB56-08FC5AEF9F2D Kiwaia ( Empista ) montana sp. n. ( Figs 18, 19 , 45, 46 ) Type material. CHINA : Holotype ♂, Mêdog County [ 29.19°N , 95.19°E ], Xizang (Tibet), 2800 m , 19.viii.2003 , coll. Xinpu Wang & Huaijun Xue, gen. slide no. L07029 (NKU). Paratypes : 3♂ , same data as holotype , gen. slide nos. L13017, L13019 (NKU). Decription. Adult ( Figs 18, 19 ): Wingspan 14.0–14.5 mm. Head grey to black, frons slightly lighter, off-white; labial palpus upcurved, segment 2 black, with white medial and apical belts, upper surface light grey to white, underside with moderate groove, segment 3 nearly one half length and one half width of segment 3, black with whitish basal belt and grey apex; antannae black; thorax and tegulae black mottled with brown; forewing separated by sinuous longitudinal strip into light brown dorsal and dark, greyish-black costal parts, subapical area light brown, three black spots in cell–the first one at the border between light and dark parts and two others within dark part in mid-length, light brown scales randomly spreaded over the wing forming two streaks under costal margin at 1/4 and 3/4 length, cilia grey black-tipped; hindwing light grey. Male genitalia ( Figs 45, 46 ): Uncus slightly longer than broad at base, narrowed apically, apex rounded; gnathos slender, slightly broadened in middle, sickle-shaped; tegumen moderately long, nearly parallel-sided, anteromedial emargination as broad as long, subtriangular, extending to about 2/5 length of tegumen; valva moderately slender, ventral margin with short thorn-shaped process in middle, apex broadened, triangular, turned outwardly, not extending the top of uncus; sacculus 2.5 times shorther than valva, slender, gradually narrowed apically, weakly curved inwards; vinculum moderately broad, posterior margin with shallow medial emargination, vincular process prolonged, reaching 2/3 length of sacculus, covered with short setae in apical part, separated by deep, narrow V-shaped medial incision; saccus broad, triangular, far extending beyond the the top of pedunculus; phallus straight, caecum moderately swallen, distal portion weakly narrowed towards rounded apex, apical arm slender, down curved, door hadle form, lamina well developed. Variation. Slight variation in the width of sacculus has been observed. Female unknown. Remarks. The light subapical area and absence of subapical fascia in K. ( E. ) montana sp. n. in combination with smaller size are the only characters for superficial separation of K. ( E. ) montana sp. n. from K. ( E. ) septentrionala sp. n. The male genitalia of a new species can easily be recognized by presence of thorn-shaped medial process of valva, slender sacculus and broad saccus. Biology. Host plant unknown. Adults have been collected in mid August at altitude of 2800 m . Distribution. China (Xizang). Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin montanus (mountain), referring to the special distribution environment.