Revision of the Scopula dubernardi species group: how many species? (Lepidoptera: Geometridae, Sterrhinae) Author Sihvonen, Pasi Author Stüning, Dieter text Zootaxa 2006 2006-04-03 1164 35 50 journal article 27087 10.5281/zenodo.2645417 887812f6-db65-401a-a7ac-c3ad96c1aa34 1175-5326 2645417 3B64C08F-F85E-4F33-AE07-11710E4ED8DB Scopula segregata Prout Figs. 1, 3–4, 6–13, 18–25, 30–37, 42, 44 Scopula segregata Prout, 1919 , Ann. Mag. nat. Hist. (9) 4: 280. Syntypes (BMNH). Type locality: China (west): Teng­yueh­ting. Prout 1920 –41; 197; Prout 1934: 207; Prout 1934–39 : 41; Scoble 1999 : 863; Sihvonen 2005c : 36. Material examined Type material Scopula segregata Prout, 1919 . “ Lectotype [red rectangle label] [here designated, Fig. 1] ; Type [round label, red margin]; TENGYUEH ­ / TING [= Yunnan , Tengchung, 25°1’N 98° 28’E , altitude approximately 1500 m ] / W. China .; Joicey / Bequest / Brit. Mus. / 1934–120.; A.M.N.H. / (9) iv. p. 280 / Det. 1919 [on the other side:] Scopula / segregata / Prout / type ; Genitalia prep. / BMNH / Geometridae / genitalia slide / No. 21846” (in Coll . BMNH). Remark. In the original description ( Prout 1919: 281 ) it is mentioned that description of S. segregata is based on two males from Teng­yueh­ting, W. China . In Coll . BMNH there is one other specimen that is not labeled as type , but with following data: “ Tengyueh­Ting / W. China . H.M.B. / 1914; Det. by / L. B. Prout ; Joicey / Bequest / Brit. Mus. / 1934­120”. We have not examined this specimen and therefore can not confirm if it is conspecific with the lectotype . Because it lacks type label, we do not formally designate it here as a paralectotype . Non­type material Seventy­three males (11 genitalia), 19 females (7 genitalia). “Li­kiang. ( China ). 2800–4000m / Provinz Nord­Yuennan. [collection dates ranging between 17.5.– 17.8.1934 , 26.3.– 14.8.1935 ]. H. Höne. ” ( 48 males , 14 females ); “Batang [ Paan ]. ( Tibet ). Im Tal / des Yangtze (ca. 2800–3800m ) / H. Höne. [collection dates ranging between 11.3.– 3.9.1936 ]. H. Höne. ” ( 22 males , 4 females ); “Batang [ Paan ]. ( Tibet ). / Alpine Zone (ca. 5000m ) / 9.6.1936 . H. Höne. ” ( 1 male ); “ Chasseurs Thibétains / de Ta­tsien­lou [ Kangting ] / Eté 1894 / reçu du R. P. Déjean ” ( 1 female ); “ Auf dem Wege von Yuennanfu [ Kunming ] / Likiang / 22 Tagereise / 1. Tag , 14.4.1934 “ [this means a journey of 22 days from Yuennanfu to Li­kiang, starting 14.4.] ( 1 male ); “ Auf dem Wege von Yuennanfu [ Kunming ] / Likiang / 22 Tagereise / 2. Tag , 15.4.1934 “ ( 1 male ) (all in Coll. ZFMK). Description As in S. dubernardi , but with following differences: Wing expanse : Male 17–22 mm ; female 16–20 mm . Thorax : From dark brown to gray brown to beige, sparsely mixed with brown. Wings : From light brown to gray­brown to beige ( Figs. 3–4 ); transverse anterior line weakly developed, parallel to wing margin, curved towards costa at about 2/3 of its length; transverse median line widest ( Fig. 44 ), suffused; terminal line with distinct black spots between vein endings; transverse median and transverse subterminal lines most pronounced in hind wings. Hindwings paler than forewings, suffused with brown, more pronounced in medial margin. Abdomen : Sternite 8 with right ceras absent occasionally; posterior margin of mappa round or slightly concave medially ( Figs. 30 –37). Male genitalia . As in S. dubernardi but slightly smaller. Variation Specimens from Central­ and West­Yunnan (Kunming, Li­kiang, Tengchung) are dark brown, transverse median line is wide, all transverse lines and markings contrast with ground colour ( Fig. 3 ), whereas specimens from South­West Sichuan (Paan, Kangting) are lighter, transverse median line is faint, and none of the transverse lines contrasts with ground colour ( Fig. 4 ). Specimens from higher altitudes are smaller ( Fig. 4 ). Discal spots are absent from a few of the Paan specimens ( Fig. 4 ). Right ceras in male 8 th sternite is present (n=11) or absent (n=1). Posterior margin of mappa in male 8 th sternite is round (n=10) or slightly concave (n=2) ( Figs. 30 –37). Biology There is no clear separation into generations, either two, or possibly three overlapping generations, judging from the specimen label date and specimens’ external wear (i.e., it is assumed that worn specimens were caught towards end of the flying season): first generation from 11 March to 14 June (n = 78), second generation from 1 July to 3 September (n = 13). One specimen lacks date information. Most records are from late May to early June. Immature stages and precise habitats are unknown. According to label data the species ranges from 2800 to 5000 m . Female genitalia . As in S. dubernardi , but with following differences: caudal margin of lamella postvaginalis elongated medially and ductus seminalis opening from left caudal end of corpus bursae (when viewed ventrally) ( Fig. 42 ). Distribution Known from China only: Central and North­Yunnan, and from South­West Sichuan ( Fig. 46 ).