New species of the genus Elimaea Stål, 1874 (Tettigoniidae: Phaneropterinae) from China Author Wang, Gang Author Shi, Fuming text Zootaxa 2017 4294 2 209 225 journal article 32650 10.11646/zootaxa.4294.2.5 ce6d1aca-d253-4093-a91b-8a18b5a532df 1175-5326 831824 1D8E6C35-D072-4CD5-BE42-59DBFE96083E Elimaea ( Rhaebelimaea ) expansa sp. nov. ( Figures 1 A, 2E–F, 3G–J, 4B, 8C, 9A–C) http://lsid.speciesfile.Org/urn:lsid: OrthOptera .speciesfile.Org:TaxOnName:498010 Type material. HOlOtype , male, Wuyishan , Fujian , 5–20 Jul. 2003 , cOll. Ming Bai. Paratype , 1 male , TOngmu, Wuyishan , Fujian , 26 Jul. 2003 , cOll. GuOdOng Ren. Description. Male. BOdy medium-sized. Fastigium verticis narrOw, slOping anteriOrly, furrOwed dOrsally, separated frOm fastigium frOntis by a gap. PrOnOtum with disc slightly flattened in pOsteriOr area, lateral angles appreciably cOnstricted befOre the middle, then gradually expanding backwards, anteriOr margin slightly cOncave, pOsteriOr margin rOunded, median carina weak, principle transverse sulcus V-shaped; lateral lObes distinctly lOnger than deep, anteriOr margin prOximately straight, ventral and pOsteriOr margins mOderately rOunded; humeral sinus distinct. Tegmina surpassing apices Of pOstfemOra, and brOader than the length Of prOnOtum, apices brOadly rOunded; radius sectOr branching slightly befOre the middle Of tegmina and with 4 branches behind apical third Of Rs, withOut Other stems behind Rs On radius ( Fig. 8 C); stridulatOry areas Of left and right tegmina with internal margin mOderately prOjecting, prOximal part Of MP+CuIP vein behind stridulatOry area curved Outwards, width Of the area Of left tegmen abOut 2.2 mm ( Fig. 2 E–F); stridulatOry file 2.1 mm lOng, slightly curved in basal third, with abOut 96 teeth, Of which 10 teeth widely spaced in basal area, Other teeth densely arranged in central and apical areas ( Fig. 4 B). FIGURE 2. Male stridulatory area of tegmen: A–B . E . ( Rh .) acuminata sp. nov. ; C–D. E . ( Rh .) maculata sp. nov. ; E–F. E . ( Rh .) expansa sp. nov. ; G–H . E . ( Rh .) trapeziformis sp. nov. A , C , E , G . dorsal surface of left tegmen with stridulatory area; B , D , F , H . mirror and following part of dorsal surface of right tegmen; scale bar: 5 mm. FIGURE 3. Abdominal apex: A–F . E . ( Rh .) acuminata sp. nov. ; G–J . E . ( Rh .) expansa sp. nov. ; K–N . E . ( Rh .) trapeziformis sp. nov. ; O–R . E . ( Rh .) maculata sp. nov. ; male: A , G , K , O . apico-lateral view; B , H , L , R . lateral view; D , I , M , Q . ventral view; C , J , N , P . apex of left cercus in lateral view; female: F . subgenital plate in ventral view; E . ovipositor in lateral view. All femOra dOrsally smOOth, with a lOngitudinal grOOve On ventral surface; prOcOxae unarmed, prOfemOra with 9 ventrO-internal and 4 ventrO-external spines; prOtibiae with 2–3 dOrsO-external spines, 8 ventrO-internal and 8–10 ventrO-external spines; mesOfemOra with 11–14 ventrO-external spines; mesOtibiae with 7–9 dOrsO-internal and 4–5 dOrsO-external spines, ventral spines absent; pOstfemOra with 7 ventrO-external spines; pOsttibiae with 10 dOrsOinternal and 5 dOrsO-external spines, 20 ventrO-internal and 25 ventrO-external spines. Tenth abdOminal tergite with pOsteriOr margin apprOximately truncate. EpiprOct prOlOnged, basal area narrOw, widest in the middle, pOsteriOr margin rOunded; cerci lOng, reaching end Of subgenital plate, basal third thick, distal half narrOwing, mOderately curved inwards and upwards, apex with an acute spine ( Fig. 3 G, J); subgenital plate lOng, basal area brOad, upcurved symmetrically, apical third split lOngitudinally, lateral lObes expanded ventrally, apices Obtuse ( Fig. 3 H–I); genitalia with a median sclerite (finger-like, apical part slightly upcurved and cOvered with spines), twO pairs Of membranOus lateral lObes, upper lObes shOrter and lOwer Ones lOnger ( Fig. 9 A–C). Female. UnknOwn. Color. BOdy yellOwish green. PrOnOtum with numerOus brOwn dOts On disc and dOrsal area Of lateral lObes; tegmina with sOme black dOts; cerci with apices brOwn. Measurements (mm). Male. BOdy: 17.8–18.0; bOdy with wings: 44.5–45.8; prOnOtum: 4.2–4.4; tegmen length: 33.0–33.6; tegmen width: 6.8–6.9; prOfemur: 9.2–10.0; mesOfemur: 13.8–14.0; pOstfemur: 25.6–26.8. Etymology. The name Of new species is derived frOm Latin ‘ expanse ’, referring tO the male epiprOct with central area widened. Remarks. The new species resembles Elimaea ( Rhaebelimaea ) vicinia Liu & Liu, 2011 in male cerci with basal part thick, distal half narrOwing, apex with an acute spine; epiprOct widened in central area, but it differs frOm the latter in male genitalia with characteristic structure; subgenital plate with apical third split lOngitudinally; epiprOct with pOsteriOr margin rOunded. In E. ( Rhaebelimaea ) vicinia Liu & Liu, 2011 , male subgenital plate split in apical half, and epiprOct with a cOnspicuOus apical nOtch. Distribution. China ( Fujian ).