The snakeflies of the Mediterranean islands: review and biogeographical analysis (Neuropterida, Raphidioptera) Author Aspoeck, Horst Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Medical Parasitology, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, 1090 Vienna, Austria Author Aspoeck, Ulrike Natural History Museum Vienna, Department of Entomology, Burgring 7, 1010 Vienna, Austria & Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Vienna, Djerassiplatz 1, 1030 Vienna, Austria text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2023 2023-05-03 70 1 175 218 journal article 1860-1324-1-175 9E52FBF7700E4FC3A62E0334CE3DE926 88E9CFE5B5315143B11AAA90BD90ECBF Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major (Burmeister, 1839) Raphidia major Burmeister, 1839 (odescr): H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon). Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) major ( Burmeister 1839 ): H. Aspoeck et al. 1989 (biogeogr, distr); H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon); Devetak 1992b (distr); H. Aspoeck and Hoelzel 1996 (distr); H. Aspoeck et al. 2001 (anncat); Troeger 2002 (rec); U. Aspoeck and H. Aspoeck 2005a (biogeogr); U. Aspoeck and H. Aspoeck 2005b (ill: pu); Lange 2010 (rec); H. Aspoeck and U. Aspoeck 2013 (cat, etymol), 2014 (cat); Sziraki 2014 (rec); Weissmair et al. 2021 (biol, ecol). Phaeostigma major (Burmeister): H. Aspoeck et al. 1991 (mon); Saure and Gerstberger 1991 (ecol, rec); Horstmann 1994 (paras); Roehricht 1996 (rec); Saure 1996 (biogeogr, ecol, rec); Sziraki and Popov 1996 (rec); Achtelig 1997 (ecol, rec); Sziraki 1999 (rec); Roehricht 2000 (rec); Abraham 2001 (list, rec); Gruppe et al. 2004 (ecol, rec); Popov 2004 (chorol); Abraham 2006 (rec); Gruppe 2006b (ecol, rec); Gruppe and Mueller 2007 (ecol, rec); Gruppe 2008 (ecol, rec). Phaeostigma (Magnoraphidia) majus (Burmeister): Letardi et al. 2010 (rec). Phaeostigma majus (Burmeister): Tillier et al. 2022a (rec). Taxonomy. H. Aspoeck et al. (1991) . Ph. (M.) major (Fig. 3e, f ) is the sister taxon of all other species of the major complex (i.e. all species of the subgenus except Ph. (M.) klimeschi (H. Aspoeck & U. Aspoeck ) and can easily be distinguished in both sexes by characters of the genital segments. Biology and ecology. Larvae (Fig. 3g ) live under bark of a great variety of deciduous trees, but may sometimes (particularly in the southeast of Europe) be found on conifers. Development two, Subilla three or more years. Last hibernating stage: full-grown larva. Adults: (IV)V-VI(VII). Ph. (M.) major occurs in a great variety of habitats with trees in altitudes from 0 to ca. 1000 m. Records on Mediterranean islands (Fig. 9a ). Levkas, Kefalonia. Probably the species can also be found on other Ionian islands. Syntopic species on Levkas: Parvoraphidia microstigma , Ornatoraphidia flavilabris , Subilla artemis , Dichrostigma flavipes . Continental distribution. Balkan Peninsula, Central Europe (including eastern France and northern Germany), Eastern Europe. Biogeography. Ph. (M.) major is a monocentric Balkanopontomediterranean faunal element with considerable expansivity. Ph. major is the only monocentric Balkanopontomediterranean snakefly which has reached the northern coast of Germany.