Taxonomic review of the Asian Trogloneta species (Araneae, Mysmenidae) Author Li, Ya Author Lin, Yucheng text ZooKeys 2019 817 41 60 journal article 1313-2970-817-41 34C2B31ED13F453C8CCF4E945F22D011 Trogloneta yunnanense (Song & Zhu, 1994) comb. n. Figures 9, 10, 11 Pholcomma yunnanense Song & Zhu, 1994: 38, fig. 4 A-C ; Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 127, fig. 66 A-B ; Li & Lin, 2016: 320. Trogloneta denticocleari Lin & Li, 2008: 513, figs 16 A-E , 17 A-E . Syn. n. Type material. Holotype ♀ (of Pholcomma yunnanense ) (IZCAS) from CHINA: Yunnan Province, Gejiu City, Feixia Cave, 4-IV-1992, by hand, D. Song leg. Examined. Other material. (Types of T. denticocleari ): Holotype ♂, and paratypes 6♂, 29♀ (IZCAS) from CHINA: Yunnan Province, Kunming City, Panlong District, Xiaohe Town, Yanzidong Cave ( 25°11.280'N , 102°48.420'E ; T. 9 °C; H. 90%; alt. 2,042 m), 4-IV-2007, Y, Lin and J. Liu leg.; 7♂, 11♀ (IZCAS) from CHINA: Yunnan Province, Yiliang County, Jiuxiang Town, Baiyan Cave ( 25°09.060'N , 103°24.060'E ; T. 12 °C; H. 90%; alt. 1,875 m), 9-IV-2007, Y. Lin and J. Liu leg.; 5♂, 7♀ (IZCAS) from CHINA: Guizhou Province, Dafang County, Yangchangba Town, Longdong Village, Qianxudong Cave ( 27°05.940'N , 105°40.260'E ; T. 15 °C; H. 95%; alt. 1,486 +/- 14 m), 17-V-2004, Y. Tong and Y. Lin leg.; 2♂, 8♀ (IZCAS) from CHINA: Guizhou Province, Dafang County, Wen'ge Town, Sanhe Village, Yelaodadong Cave ( 27°10.920'N , 105°28.260'E ; T. 10 °C; H. 90%; alt. 1,438 m), 3-V-2007, Y. Lin and J. Liu leg.; 4♂, 5♀ (IZCAS) from CHINA: Guizhou Province, Panxian County, Zhudong Town, Shilipin Village, Shilidadong Cave ( 25°37.560'N , 104°45.000'E ; T. 13 °C; H. 80%; alt. 1,680 m), 15-IV-2007, Y. Lin and J. Liu leg. Supplementary material. 2♂, 18♀ (NHMSU) from CHINA: Yunnan Province, Chuxiong City, Wuning County, Cat street, Xianren Cave ( 25°27.931'N , 102°10.437'E ; alt. 2,066 m), 18-IV-2010, C. Wang, Z. Zhao and L. Lin leg.; 3♂, 1♀ (NHMSU) from CHINA: Guizhou Province, Zunyi City, Shenxi Town, Longjiang Village, Juzizu, Guanniu Cave ( 27°36.745'N , 106°58.091'E ; alt. 814 m), 20-III-2011, Z. Chen and Z. Zha leg. Diagnosis. Trogloneta yunnanense can be distinguished from those Trogloneta species with a pointed abdominal tubercle ( T. cantareira , T. cariacica , and T. mourai in Brescovit and Lopardo 2008 : figs 1 A-C , 2A, B, and 2J; and T. speciosum in Figure 2A, B, F, G and T. yuensis in Figure 6A, B, E, F) by the globular abdomen (Figure 9 A-F ). It differs from T. canariensis and T. madeirensis (see Wunderlich 1987 : figs 375-380, 382-387) by the long embolus, huge cymbial process, a recurved scape, and the unique broad epigynal plate (Figure 10A, B, 11A, B). It differs from the type species T. granulum (see Lopardo and Hormiga 2015 : figs 66 A-E , 67A, 128F, 131E) and T. paradoxa (see Gertsch 1960 : figs 12, 15, 16) by a well-developed, spoon-shaped cymbial process and a protruded, pentagonal epigynal plate (Figs 10A, C, D, 11A, B). It differs from T. uncata in Figure 5 A-D by the long embolus with a straight, tapering distal end (Figure 10B vs. 5A, C) and a huge cymbial process (Figure 10A vs. 5A, D). Figure 9. Trogloneta yunnanense (Song & Zhu, 1994) comb. n., male habitus (A, B, E) and female habitus (C, D, F). A, C dorsal B, D ventral E, F lateral. Scale bars: 0.50 mm. Figure 10. Trogloneta yunnanense (Song & Zhu, 1994) comb. n., male left palp ( A-D ). A prolateral B retrolateral C dorsal D ventral. Abbreviations: Cy cymbium; CyC cymbial conductor; CyF cymbial fold; CyFs setae on cymbial fold; CyP cymbial process; E embolus; Et embolic tip; TA tegular apophysis; Pa patella; PC paracymbium; SD spermatic duct; T tegulum; Ti tibia. Scale bars: 0.20 mm. Figure 11. Trogloneta yunnanense (Song & Zhu, 1994) comb. n., female epigyne (A, B) and vulva (C, D, lactic acid-treated). A, C ventral B lateral D dorsal. Abbreviations: Acc accessory gland; At atrium; CD copulatory ducts; FD fertilization ducts; S spermathecae; Sp scape. Scale bars: 0.20 mm. Taxonomic justification. The type material of Pholcomma yunnanense has been examined as well as its related literatures in this study, the habitus features, the body size, the shape of protruded epigyne with an inflexed space, the broad epigynal plate, the configura tion of vulva with a pair of far apart, globular spermathecae depicted in the type and original illustrations ( Song and Zhu 1994 : figs 4 A-C ) leave little doubt that the identification is correct. The original illustrations of epigyne and vulva of Pholcomma yunnanense by Song and Zhu (1994) are rather simple and show some differences in comparison with those of Trogloneta denticocleari (Lin & Li, 2008: fig. 17A, D-E ), but we have examined the type of Pholcomma yunnanense and the plentiful specimens of Trogloneta denticocleari . Therefore, we consider these subtle differences as being intraspecific variation. To further confirm our judgments using DNA barcoding, a survey at the type locality was specially conducted in August 2018. Unfortunately, the habitat of type locality had become so dry that no samples were obtained. Nevertheless, there are valid reasons to think they are synonyms and T. yunnanense (Song & Zhu, 1994), comb. n. is proposed and transferred from the genus Pholcomma of Theridiidae , as well as T. denticocleari proposed as a new synonym. Distribution. China (Guizhou, Yunnan).