A new and an unrecorded species of the family Psychidae (Lepidoptera) from Korea, with an annotated catalogue Author Roh, Seung Jin Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea; Author Banasiak, Grzegorz Private Researcher, Skierniewice, Poland Author Byun, Bong-Kyu Department of Biological Science and Biotechnology, Hannam University, Daejeon, Korea; text Journal of Natural History 2015 2015-08-31 50 669 680 http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00222933.2015.1082654 journal article 21291 10.1080/00222933.2015.1082654 21188528-9db3-4411-8402-62902f3502e8 1464-5262 3989693 E0475355-268F-4D86-A8E3-18E44630E5C5 Proutia maculatella Saigusa and Sugimoto, 2014 ( Figures 1 A-M, 3A) Proutia maculatella Saigusa and Sugimoto, 2014: 143–152 . Type locality: Japan . Adult ( Figure 1A–F ). Wingspan 15 mm ; length of head and thorax combined 3.1 mm ; length of abdomen 3.6 mm (intersegmental membranes not expanded); lateral length of male genitalia 1.3 mm ( Figure 1L ); length of aedeagus 0.9 mm . Colouration and vestiture: Head covered in light-brownish shortly hairs on frons, longish light-brown hairs posterior to antennal sockets. Thoracic notum densely covered with brown hairs. Upperside of wings: ground colour whitish between veins and termen margin shortly erect light-brown scales; generally covered light-brown scales; scales ( Figure 1E–F ) slightly slender, with weakly truncate apical margin usually produced into 2–3 weak rounded laciniation. Hindwing evenly covered with light-grey scales, basal part slightly longish light-grey hairs; scales slender and some scales become narrow towards the end, with arrowhead shape. Underside of wings usually covered brown or grey scales and hairs; forewing covered with similar scales as on upperside; hindwing covered greyish scales. Structure: Head nearly 2/3 as wide as thorax; compound eyes blackish, original form in lateral aspect, head width including eyes is approximately equal to thorax in dorsal aspect; anterior tentorial pits invisible; mouthparts reduced to small labial sclerite holding light-brown hairs basally. Ocelli absent. Antenna basal flagellomeres 18 segmented and bipectinated, slightly longer than 1/ 3 forewing, length of this antenna nearly 3.6 mm , flagellomeres covered with brownish scales, anterior pectinations almost identical posterior ones; bearing sensory hairs ventrally. Forewing ( Figure 3A ) slightly short and slender, nearly isosceles shape; costa practically straight, then gently arched beyond 4/5, apex obtuse and posterior margin gently arched, termen approximately 1/3 as long as costa, gently curved. All veins present without A 2 ; median cell longer than 0.76 times as long as wing, narrow on 1/3 of basal part, then widened distally, anterodistal and posterodistal corner rectangular; R 1 originated at distal 1/5 of costa; R 2 arising slightly proximal to anterodistal cell; R 3 , R 4 and R 6 stalked beyond half; M 1 close to lower anterodistal corner; distal margin of median cell rather slightly isosceles triangle; M 2 +M 3 arising with short stalk from posterodistal corner of median cell; CuA 1 slightly closer to posterodistal corner than CuA 2 ; CuP, 1A united and stalked of anal angle. Hindwing subtriangular, costa nearly straight; all veins present; median cell approximately 1/2 length of hindwing, slightly asymmetrical, gradually dilating apically, posterior portion of the cell much bigger than anterior portion; stem of M simple in median cell; R 1 originated at 1/5 of costal margin, Rs ending at wing apex; M 1 arising at distal margin of median cell; M 2 and M 3 arising from posterodistal corner of cell; CuA 1 arising at posterodistal corner; stalk of CuA 2 arising at axillary area. Legs shortly covered with scales. Figure 1. Proutia maculatella Saigusa et Sugimoto , male. (A) adult; (B) close-up of right wing; (C) head, frontal view; (D) ditto, lateral view; (E) scales, upperside of forewing; (F) ditto, upperside of hindwing; (G) close-up of cucullus; (H) anellus, dorsal view; (I) close-up of saccus; (J) left valva; (K) dorsum, dorsal view; (L) genitalia, lateral view; (M) ditto, ventral view. Scale bar 0.5 mm. Male genitalia ( Figure 1G–M ). In lateral aspect, dorsum slightly curved dorsally at the middle; saccus very long with 1.3 times as long as height of ring; valva measured from ventroproximal corner to apex of ampulia 1.2 times as long as height of ring; ampulla 0.8 times as long as valva, club-shaped apically; process of harpe 0.6 times as long as ampulla, slightly longer than thick apically. In ventral aspect, gnathos and juxta absent. Valva narrow, proximal part of costa expands inwardly; apical part of valva consists of a claviform. Saccus elongated though expanded inwardly. Aedeagus shortly, slightly bent from basally, as long as 1/3 length of aedeagus. Material examined 1♂ , Chuncheon, Prov. Gangweon, 26 April 1989 , K. T . Park, genitalia slide no. EHNU-53- coll. SELHNU . Distribution Korea , Japan .