Two new species of Semidalis Enderlein, 1905 (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae) from China, with an identification key to Chinese species Author Zhao 1, Yaru Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China Author Li *, Ying Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China Author Li, Min Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China Author Liu, Zhiqi Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100094, China text ZooKeys 2021 2021-08-05 1055 43 54 journal article 1313-2970-1055-43 86D8D6A03EB6450BAF1C804C6720008B FE19B2B0C7905FB3BA97AB31CF6DBC91 Semidalis tibetana Zhao, Y. Li, M. Li & Liu sp. nov. Figs 6 , 7 Type material. Holotype male, China: Tibet (Autonomous Region): Linzhi (City): Milin (County), [ 29.0428°N , 93.8898°E ],, leg. Yaru Zhao. Paratypes . Same data as holotype, 37 males. Other material. China : Tibet ( Autonomous Region ): Linzhi ( City ): Bomi ( County ): Zhamu ( Township ), [ 29.7103°N , 95.5857°E ], , leg. Fasheng Li , 92 males . China : Tibet ( Autonomous Region ): Linzhi ( City ): Linzhi ( County ), [ 29.6019°N , 94.4168°E ], , leg. Fasheng Li , 1 male . China : Tibet ( Province ): Linzhi ( City ): Bomi ( County ): Yigong ( Township ), [ 30.2389°N , 94.8523°E ], , leg. Fasheng Li , 2 males . China : Tibet ( Autonomous Region ): Linzhi ( City ): Chayu ( County ), [ 29.7103°N , 95.5857°E ], , leg. Fasheng Li , 4 males . Diagnosis. Male genitalia : stylus present; parameres without ventral knob, distal part gradually widened and bent upwards in an obtuse angle, apical part conspicuously bent forwards distally; uncini absent. Measurements. Male : Forewing length 2.6-3.5 mm, width 1.5-1.9 mm. Hindwing length 2.1-2.8 mm, width 1.2-1.5 mm. Body length 1.6-2.3 mm. Antennae 33-35 segments, 2.3-2.5 mm in length ( N = 25). Description. Male: Head (Fig. 6 ). Dark brown. Frons and palpi normal. Compound eyes large and dark. Antennae brown. Scape and pedicel broad and blunt. Basal flagellomeres as long as wide. Distal flagellomeres gradually tapering toward apex. Apical flagellomeres tapered. Pedicel and flagellomeres each with two circles of hair-like sensilla. Maxillary and labial palps light brown. Figure 6. Semidalis tibetana sp. nov., male habitus, lateral view. Scale bar: 1 mm. Thorax (Fig. 6 ). Pale ochreous. Thoracic apodemes light brown. Sutures dark brown. Meso- and metanotum with shoulder spots. Legs light brown. Wing . Wing membrane dark brown, almost hyaline. Male terminalia (Fig. 7 ). Abdomen pale ochreous. Segment 9 wholly synscleritous, proximally strengthened by an apodeme encircling the whole abdomen. Ectoproct short, broad and round. Hypandrium truncate apically in lateral view; dorsal margin with a deep incision in caudal view; lateral process slender in caudal view. Stylus long and broad, apparently projecting from the border of ectoprocts and segment 9. Parameres long; basal part slender; distal part gradually widened and bent upwards in an obtuse angle, and its apical part bent forwards evidently. Uncini absent. Figure 7. Semidalis tibetana sp. nov., male genitalia a, b genitalia, lateral view c, d genitalia, caudal view. e, f genitalia, ventral view g parameres, lateral view. Pa, parameres; S, stylus. Distribution. China (Tibet). Etymology. The specific epithet " Semidalis tibetana " refers to the name of type locality. Remarks. The new species belongs to the Semidalis rectangular group. It is similar to Semidalis rectangular Yang & Liu, 1994, but the two species differ in the shape of the parameres. The distal part of the parameres is bent upwards in an obtuse angle in the new species, while it is bent upwards clearly in S. rectangular . Moreover, the apical part of the parameres bends forward distinctly in the new species, while it is bent upwards in S. rectangular . Furthermore, the stylus is long and broad in the new species, while it is small in S. rectangular .