A new species of the genus Onychopygia Beier (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Pseudophyllinae) from Guatemala Author Cadena-Castañeda, Oscar J. Author Monzón-Sierra, José text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-01-10 2014 329 1 8 journal article 8317 10.5281/zenodo.4531666 d4560222-05a8-41ac-b752-9ff0500b5c6d 1942-1354 4531666 3607B6BF-C439-4DC2-AA93-5DA3ED612E6B Key to genera to the Tribe Eucocconotini (Adapted from Beier 1960 ) 1. Anterior and medial femora with dorsal surface unarmed, tegmina variable in length, female without stridulatory organ, body medium sized ( 18-40mm ) and slender ................................ 2 — Anterior and medial femora with dorsal surface armed, tegmina almost as long as pronotum, females with stridulatory organ, body large ( 60-63mm ) and robust .......................................... ................................................................................................... Panoploscelis Scudder, 1869 2(10). Mandibles well developed in both sexes, anterior femora with internal genicular lobe armed with a spine, dorsal surface of anterior tibiae smooth ...................................................................... 3 — Mandibles strongly developed (specially in males), anterior femora with internal genicular lobe unarmed, dorsal surface of anterior tibiae granular or with distinctive tubercles ................. 7 3(2). Tegmina reduced or not beyond abdomen’s length ...................................................................... 4 — Tegmina extending widely beyond abdomen’s length ................................................................... 5 4(3). Body slender, abdomen cylindrical and uniform, terminalia well developed, male cerci bifurcated, ovipositor wide and strong .................................................................. Ottotettix Braun, 2011 — Body robust, abdomen wide and broad shaped, terminalia developed prominently; tenth tergite and epiproctum pronounced, male cerci not bifurcated, ovipositor slightly curved and narrow ........................................................................................................... Onychopygia Beier, 1962 5(3). Medial tibiae dorsal surface unarmed, anal margin of tegmina stained ..................................... 6 — Medial tibiae dorsal surface with internal face armed, anal margin of tegmina unicolored ......... ................................................................................................... Eucocconotideus Beier, 1960 6(5). Posterior femora armed with small spines, preapical femoral rings yellow, male cerci simple ..... ..................................................................................................... Eucocconotus Hebard, 1926 — Posterior femora armed with big and prominent spines, femora without preapical femoral rings, male cerci with medial tooth and terminal spine ........................ Myopophyllum Beier, 1960 7(2). Middle tibia dorsally unarmed, mandibles of male strongly elongated mostly with dorsal lobe to hump ................................................................................................. Gnathoclita Haan, 1842 — Middle tibiae with some spines on each side, mandibles in both sexes with long, coniform (hornshaped) band-like process ........................................................ Dicranostomus Dohrn, 1888