Review of the genus Eugryllacris Karny, 1937 (Orthoptera: Gryllacridinae) from China Author Bian, Xun Author Shi, Fuming text Zootaxa 2016 4066 4 438 450 journal article 51174 10.11646/zootaxa.4066.4.5 24f49927-38fd-40c9-9d5d-102b8b883c7f 1175-5326 258909 15920248-D234-4FE9-8A30-3EE461B92198 Eugryllacris elongata Bian & Shi sp. nov. ( Figs. 2 , 3 , Map 1) Male. Size normal for the genus. Fastigium verticis broad, about 2 times as broad as scape, lateral margins not raised. Scape elongate, shorter than the length of eye; pedicel about three-quarters length of scape; first segment of flagellum as long as pedicel. Eyes elongate and faintly oval; median ocellus subcircular; lateral ocelli very prominent, ovoid ( Fig. 2 A). Anterior margin of pronotum slightly projected in the middle, posterior margin nearly truncate; lateral lobes longer than high, ventral margin nearly straight ( Fig. 2 B–C). Hind femora with 2–5 inner and 7–9 outer ventral spines; tibiae with 6–7 pairs of short, robust spines on dorsal surface, these becoming larger apically. Tegmina considerably surpassing apices of hind femora, reaching the middle area of hind tibiae; hind wings slightly longer than tegmina. Ninth abdominal tergite divided in the middle, forming two lobes, the apices with 1 small hook, which invisible in dorsal view ( Fig. 2 D, F, G), its apex acute. Cerci longer, cylindrical, the basal four-fifths nearly straight, the apical curved outwards. Subgenital plate wider than long, anterior margin arched concave, posterior margin with 1 shallow obtuse-triangular concavity ( Figs. 2 E–F, 3D). Styli conical, faintly incurved, apices obtuse, located on the lateral margins of subgenital plate near apex ( Fig. 2 F). FIGURE 2. Eugryllacris elongata Bian & Shi sp. nov. A, H. head in frontal view; B–C, I–J. head and pronotum: B, I. dorsal view, C, J. lateral view; D–E, J–K. apex of abdomen: D, K. lateral view, E. ventral and slightly apical view, G. dorso-apical view; F, L. subgenital plate in ventral view; A–G. male; H–L. female. Female. Differs from the male in the following: median and lateral ocelli more conspicuous than male. Posterior margin of seventh abdominal sternite with 1 long process, directing backwards, the apex with 1 small median concavity. Cerci slender, conical. Subgential plate longer than broad, narrowing, posterior margin with 1 triangular concavity in the middle, the lateral lobes triangular ( Figs. 2 L, 3B). Ovipositor as long as hind femora, strongly upcurved, dorsal valvulae with apices obliquely truncate ( Figs. 2 K, 3C). Coloration. Yellowish green. Male ocelli pale yellow, female ones yellow. Dorsal surface of tegmina reddish brown. Spines of hind legs with apices black. Ovipositor brown. Measurements (mm). BWL: 32.5–36.1, 29.7–33.2; BL: 25.5–30.3, 22.3–29.7; PL: 7.2–8.3, 6.6–7.0; TL: 25.4–28.5, 22.0–25.5; HF: 16.5–17.0, 15.3–16.0; Ov: 17.0–17.5. FIGURE 3. Eugryllacris elongata Bian & Shi sp. nov. A. male head in frontal view; B. apex of female abdomen in lateral view; C. female subgenital plate in ventral view (Bian et al. , 2014: Fig. 4-9-58B); D. apex of male abdomen ventral and slightly apical view (Bian et al. , 2014: Fig. 4-9-58A). Material examined. Holotype : male, Tianmushan, Lin ′an, Zhejiang, 28 July , 2011, coll. by Guo Liying. Paratypes : 3 males and 2 females , the other data as holotype ; 1 male and 3 females , Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang, 4 August , 2012, coll. by Wang Xin & Jiao Jiao; 1 male , Tianmushan, Zhejiang, 18 September , 2012, coll. by Lu Yuanyuan; 1 female , Tianmushan, Lin ′an, Zhejiang, 30 June , 2013, coll. by Su Junyan; 1 male , Xianrending, Tianmushan, Zhejiang, 21–23 July , 2014, coll. by Yuan Caixia & Li Di; 1 female , Tianmushan, Lin ′an, Zhejiang, 30 July , 2014, coll. by Di Juanxia & Wang Ping; 1 female , Fengyanshan, Longquan, Zhejiang, 30 July , 2007, coll. by Xie Guanglin; 1 male , Wuyishan, Fujian, 5–20 July , 2003, coll. by Bai Ming & Ren Guodong. Other specimens: 1 female , Lin ′an, Zhejiang, 28 July , 2011, coll. by Guo Liying; 2 males , Fengyangshan, Longquan, Zhejiang, 20 July , 2012, coll. by Xie Guanglin & Jiao Jiao; 1 male and 1 female , Longfengjian, Tianmushan, Zhejiang, 12 July , 2012, coll. by Xie Guanglin; 1 female , Qianqingtang, Qingliangfeng, Zhejiang, 5 August , 2012, coll. by Jiao Jiao & Wang Xin. Distribution. China (Zhejiang). Remarks. The new species differs from the Eugryllacris cylindrigera ( Karny, 1926 ) in: posterior margin of female seventh abdominal sternite with a longer median process, its apex with 1 small median concavity, subgenital plate as long as broad. In Eugryllacris cylindrigera ( Karny, 1926 ) the female seventh abdominal sternite with a shorter median process, its apex nearly truncate, subgenital plate broader than long. Etymology. Named with reference to the longer posterior process of female seventh abdominal sternite.