CCIII Orchidaceae Author D. M. Moore (ed.) text 1980 Cambridge University Press Camebridge Flora Europaea, Vol 5: Alismataceae to Orchidaceae 325 350 book chapter 10.5281/zenodo.215522 e75af61c-ea0f-4791-94c6-806a39e338ea 052120108X 215522 23 . Traunsteinera Reichenb . 1 Tubers 2, ovoid, entire . Perianth-segments ovate to ovatelanceolate, acuminate or sometimes with spathulate apex . Labellum patent, 3-lobed, glabrous . Spur short . Rostellum 3- lobed, the middle lobe erect, linear-cucullate . Viscidia in a somewhat rudimentary, 2 -lobed bursicle .