Italian Dermestidae: notes on some species and an updated checklist (Coleoptera) Author Nardi, Gianluca MiPAAF, Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Centro Nazionale per lo Studio e la Conservazione della Biodiversita Forestale " Bosco Fontana " di Verona, Sede di Bosco Fontana, Strada Mantova 29, I- 46045 Marmirolo (MN), Italy Author Hava, Jiri Department of Forest Protection and Entomology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Sciences, Czech University of Life Sciences, Kamycka 1176, CZ- 165 21, Prague 6 - Suchdol, Czech Republic text ZooKeys 2013 2013-12-06 360 45 81 journal article 1313-2970-360-45 441BB156FF9B58304C3BFFBDFFA1FFBD 578089 Dermestes (Dermestes) peruvianus Laporte de Castelnau, 1840 Dermestes peruvianus Laport.: Bertolini 1904 : 58. Dermestes peruvianus Casteln.: Luigioni 1929 : 1024; Porta 1929 : 301. Dermestes (Dermestes) peruvianus Castelnau, 1840: Plata-Negrache 1972 : 150; Zhantiev 2011a . Dermestes (Dermestes) peruvianus Laporte de Castelnau, 1840: Audisio et al. 1995 : 12, 16; Hava 2007 : 300. Dermestes peruvianus Laporte de Castelnau: Pollini 1998 : 909. Material examined. [Latium: Roma province,] Roma env., [no other data,] 1 ex (JHAC). Chorotype. Subcosmopolitan ( Hava 2007 ). This species is also recorded from Portugal ( Grosso-Silva and Serrano 2000 ) and Switzerland ( Kenis 2005 , Zhantiev 2011a ). Both countries must be added to the European distribution summarized by Hava (2007) , while the former country must also be added to those provided by Zhantiev (2011a) . Italian distribution. Italy? ( Bertolini 1904 , Luigioni 1929 , Porta 1929 ). Italian mainland? ( Audisio et al. 1995 ). Italy (without further details) ( Plata-Negrache 1972 , Hava 2007 ). Italian mainland ( Zhantiev 2011a ). Remarks. Species described from Peru (cf. Hava and Kalik 2005 ); the first precise record from Italy is shown above. Domenichini et al. (1993 : 272) wrote that this species is common in food factories and was reared experimentally in an insectarium in Piacenza University (northern Italy), but the place of origin of this captive population is not mentioned. This species, and Dermestes (Dermestinus) carnivorus Fabricius, 1775 (see below), are also considered in an Italian manual of applied entomology ( Pollini 1998 ), but no records from Italy are listed therein.