Catalogue of rhysodine beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) from East Asia Author Wang, Cheng-Bin text Zootaxa 2020 2020-12-17 4895 4 541 558 journal article 9234 10.11646/zootaxa.4895.4.5 524f4746-c092-41d7-979f-26748ac3b5cb 1175-5326 4358896 AC4BE322-3080-4B92-B2C5-4E37167FA92B Omoglymmius ( Orthoglymmius ) coomani ( Arrow, 1942 ) ‡Ḇǿṣä甲 Arrow, 1942: 180 ( Rhysodes subdiv. Brevilobati; description; key); Bell & Bell, 1978: 74 ( Omoglymmius ( Orthoglymmius ) ; new combination); Bell & Bell, 1982: 176 ( Omoglymmius ( Orthoglymmius ) ; lectotype designation; redescription; distribution; recorded from Thailand and Java ( Indonesia ); illustrations); Bell & Bell, 2000: 74 ( Omoglymmius ( Orthoglymmius ) ; recorded from Yunnan ( China ); additional locality from Thailand ). Type locality: “[ Vietnam ] Tonkin : Hoabinh [ Hòa Bình ]”. (locality in original literature: “[ Vietnam :] Tonkin : Hoabinh”) Type depository: lectotype : ♁ (BMNH); paralectotypes : 4♁♁ (BMNH). Distribution: China ( Yunnan ), Indonesia ( Java ), Thailand , Vietnam .