New World species of the genus Calliscelio Ashmead (Hymenoptera, Platygastridae, Scelioninae) Author Chen, Hua-yan Author Masner, Lubomir Author Johnson, Norman F. text ZooKeys 2017 648 1 136 journal article 1313-2970-648-1 2A8EB7C41BD44C0D9F0AB3B39CB6C0B1 2A8EB7C41BD44C0D9F0AB3B39CB6C0B1 Calliscelio elegans (Perkins) Caloteleia elegans Perkins, 1910: 624 (original description). Caenoteleia elegans (Perkins): Kieffer 1926 : 550 (generic transfer, description). Calotelea tanugatra Narendran, 1998: 71 (original description, keyed); Rajmohana K. 2006 : 122, 123 (description, keyed); Rajmohana, Peter and Narendran 2013 : 8 (junior synonym of Calliscelio elegans (Perkins), type information). Calliscelio elegans (Perkins): Masner, Johnson and Musetti 2009 : 61 (description, diagnosis, generic transfer); Rajmohana, Peter and Narendran 2013 : 8 (description of male, synonymy). Description. See Masner et al. (2009) and Rajmohana et al. (2013) . Diagnosis. Callliscelio elegans is easily distinguished within Calliscelio based on the combination of the following characters: fore wing with three darkened and two white bands; head and mesosonotum granulose; metascutellum extremely narrow and weakly concave medially to accommodate T1 horn ( Masner et al. 2009 ). Link to distribution map. [] Material examined. Non-type material: (61 females) AUSTRALIA: 1 female, OSUC 256856 (CNCI). BELIZE: 4 females, OSUC 256871- 256874 (CNCI). BENIN: 3 females, OSUC 256882- 256884 (CNCI). CHRISTMAS ISLAND: 4 females, OSUC 256857- 256860 (ANIC). FIJI: 2 females, FBA015304, OSUC 256864 (BPBM). FRENCH POLYNESIA: 8 females, OSUC 256861- 256863 (CNCI); OSUC 256866- 256867 (UCDC); UCRC ENT 111562, 135651- 135652 (UCRC). GUAM: 1 female, OSUC 256854 (CNCI). INDIA: 3 females, OSUC 256899- 256901 (CNCI). INDONESIA: 4 females, OSUC 256893- 256896 (CNCI). IVORY COAST: 2 females, OSUC 256885- 256886 (CNCI). MADAGASCAR: 2 females, CASENT 2029779, OSUC 215759 (CAS). MAURITIUS: 1 female, MHNG 0002 (MHNG). MEXICO: 5 females, OSUC 256868- 256870 (CNCI); OSUC 256875 (NMNH); OSUC 583205 (OSUC). NEPAL: 4 females, OSUC 256890- 256892, 256898 (CNCI). NIGERIA: 1 female, OSUC 256881 (CNCI). PUERTO RICO: 2 females, OSUC 256876- 256877 (CNCI). SAMOA: 1 female, OSUC 256865 (BPBM). SRI LANKA: 2 females, OSUC 256902- 256903 (CNCI). THAILAND: 3 females, OSUC 256897, 256907, 321997 (OSUC). UNITED STATES: 3 females, OSUC 256855 (CNCI); OSUC 256878 (NMNH); UCFC 0 079 680 (UCFC). VENEZUELA: 2 females, OSUC 256879- 256880 (CNCI). YEMEN: 3 females, OSUC 256887- 256889 (CNCI).