Revision of Anisepyris Kieffer (Hymenoptera, Bethylidae), with description of 135 new species Author Barbosa, Diego N. Author Azevedo, Celso O. text Zootaxa 2018 4416 1 1 258 journal article 30136 10.11646/zootaxa.4416.1.1 aa238a39-adf8-4b94-8808-c788670d0455 1175-5326 1242263 3341A80B-7E54-4C6B-8B46-1336094952E2 Anisepyris gundori Barbosa & Azevedo , sp. nov. ( Figs 17B ; 17M; 18A; 18D) Description, male. Body length 5.54 mm . Head with darkish green reflection; mesosoma with darkish blue reflection and metapectal-propodeal disc black; wings sub-hyaline; metasoma dark castaneous. Head wide. Flagellomeres short, with dense and short setae. Mandible narrow, curved, and with teeth equally wide. Median clypeal lobe rounded, long. Frons coriaceous . Antennal scrobe carinate, but weak. Eye large. Frontal angle of ocellae forming right angle; ocelli large. Vertex convex. Pronotal disc as long as wide, sparsely punctate; transverse pronotal carina present, incomplete; with posterior pronotal sulcus. Notaulus very narrow. Mesoscutellar sulcus narrow. Metapectal-propodeal disc short; metapostnotal median carina complete; longitudinal ridges present; metapostnotal-propodeal suture straight; paraspiracular carina present and conspicuous; metapleural carina present and conspicuous; metapectal-propodeal disc polished; propodeal declivity strigate. Mesopleuron with anterior fovea closed; mesopleural fovea closed; lower fovea opened; posterior fovea absent; mesopleural suture opened. Forewing with stigma developed; Rs&M vein distinguished. Mesotibia not spinose. Claws trifid. Metasomal segments sparsely setose. Genitalia. Basiparamere shorter than paramere; paramere slender and club-shaped, sparsely setose; basivolsella with apical excavation at inner margin; cuspis with arms long, with basal projection at inner margin, dorsal arm wide; aedeagus with basal portion convex and slender, and apical portion as long as basal and wide; apodeme slender. Material examined. Holotype , , BRAZIL , Espírito Santo , Santa Teresa, Est[ação] Biol [ógica] S[an]ta Lúcia , 638m , 19°58'25.2”S 40°31'44.6"W , 07.iv.2001 , varredura, C.O. Azevedo & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 29755 ) . Paratypes (69). BRAZIL , Pará , 1 ♂ , Canaã dos Carajás , 6.4°68'93"S 49.8°80'27"W, 28.xi.2005 , arm[adilha] Malaise, R.M. Valente & E.M. Santos col[etores] ( MPEG ) ; Bahia , 1 ♂ , Palmas de Monte Alto , Fazenda Boa Vista , 1–14.x. [19]91, armadilha mala{y}[i]se, D. Pimentel col[etor] ( MPEG ) ; 2 ♂ , Ilhéus, Faz[enda] São José , 14°42'S 39°11'W , 12.iv.2003 , arm[adilha] Malaise (CEPLAC) ; Espírito Santo , 2 ♂ , Santa Teresa, Est[ação] Biol [ógica] S[an]ta Lúcia , 638m , 19°58'25.2"S 40°31'44.6"W , 07.iv.2001 , varredura, C.O. Azevedo & equipe col[etores] ( UFES 29753 ; 29754) ; 1 ♂, 10.iv.2001 (UFES 29765); 1 ♂ , Santa Teresa , Estação Biológica S[an]ta Lúcia , 09–13.v.2006 , [armadilha] Malaise, M.T . Tavares, C.O . Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 128209 ) ; 11 ♂ , Santa Maria de Jetibá , Fazenda Paulo Seick , 20°02'31.1"S 40°41'51.3"W , 29.xi–06.xii.2002 , armadilha Malaise, M.T . Tavares, C.O . Azevedo & eq[quipe] col[etores] ( UFES 9722 ; 9732; 9736; 9738; 9765; 9766; 9770; 29703; 29706; 29707; 29708) ; 17 ♂ , Santa Maria de Jetibá , Fazenda Clarindo Krüger , 20°02'31.1"S 40°41'51.3"W , 29.xi–06.xii.2002 , armadilha Malaise, Tavares, Azevedo & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 29704 ; 29709; 29710; 29711; 29712; 29713; 29714; 29715; 29733; 29744; 29746; 29747; 29753; 29754; 29755; 29756; 29759) ; 5 ♂, 06–13.xii.2002 (UFES 09760; 09762; 29716; 29717; 29718); 1 ♂ , Santa Leopoldina, Alto Rio das Farinhas , 20°08'16.7"S 40°36'51.8"W , 14–24.v.2008 , arm[adilha] Malaise , Waichert & Furieri col[etores] ( UFES 30263 ) ; 2 ♂ , Domingos Martins , Pico do Eldorado , 20°22'17"S 40°39'29"W , 26.xi–03.xii.2004 , [armadilha] Malaise, Tavares e eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 09823 ; 09824) ; 2 ♂, 03–10.xii.2004 (UFES 09845; 09846); Rio de Janeiro , 2 ♂ , Nova Iguaçu, Res[erva] Biol [ógica] do Tinguá , 22°34'35"S 43°26'10"W , 7.iii.2002 , varredura, STP Amarantes & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 29658 ; 29660) ; 3 ♂, 8.iii.2002 (UFES 29664; 29666; 29667); 2 ♂, 8–11.iii.2002 (UFES 29662; 29663); 3 ♂ , Salesópolis, Est[ação] Biol [ógica] Boracéia , 23°39'06.5"S 43°53'48"W , 30.iii–2.iv.2001 , [armadilha] Malaise , STP Amarantes & eq[uipe] col[etores] ( UFES 29766 ; 29767; 29769) ; 1 ♂, 1.iv.2001 , varredura (UFES 29770); Paraná , 1 ♂ , Jundiaí do Sul, Fazenda Monte Verde, 2.iii.1987 , Lev [antamento] Ent [omológico] Profaupar , [armadilha] Malaise ( DZUP ) ; 1 ♂, 30.iii.1987 ; 1 ♂, 20.vii.1987 ; 1 ♂, 30.xi.1987 ; 1 ♂, 07.xii.1987 ; 1 ♂, 04.i.1988 ; 2 ♂, Fênix, Reserva Est[ação]—ITCF, 22.xii.1986 , Lev[antamento] Ent[omológico] Profaupar, [armadilha] Malaise (DZUP); PARAGUAY , Cazaapá , 1 ♂ , Hermosa, Sosa family, San Rafaeal Res [erve], 90m , 26°19'15"S 55°44'55"W , 3–6.xii.2000 , FIT , Z.H. Falin [collector] ( CNCI ) ; Itapua , 3 ♂ , Yatai Hostettler family, San Rafael Res [erve], 100m , 26°38'17"S 55°39'50"W , 21–25.xi.2000 , FIT , Z.H. Falin [collector] ( CNCI ). Distribution. Brazil : Pará , Bahia , Espírito Santo , Rio de Janeiro , São Paulo , Paraná ; Paraguay . Remarks. This new species differs from A. anduzei by having the body with darkish blue reflection and the metapectal-propodeal disc black; the clypeus with the median lobe rounded and long; the antennal scrobe ecarinate; the vertex convex; the pronotal disc with its transverse pronotal carina incomplete; the basiparamere inner margin excavated; the paramere swollen apically; and the aedeagus apical portion wide and as long as the basal portion, whereas A. anduzei has the body with darkish green reflection; the clypeus with the median lobe angulate and short; the antennal scrobe carinate; the vertex straight; the transverse pronotal carina present and complete; the basiparamere inner margin uniform; the paramere slender and club-shaped; and the aedeagus with the apical portion slender and longer than the basal portion.