Faunal study of velvet ants (Hymenoptera: Mutillidae) and their activity patterns and habitat preference at Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge, Nye County, Nevada, USA Author Boehme, Nicole F. Author Tanner, David A. Author Williams, Kevin A. Author Pitts, James P. text Zootaxa 2012 2012-12-17 3587 1 45 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3587.1.1 20d58797-2815-434b-a9c5-5786e926af9d 1175-5326 283115 91FCB387-5D4F-4F12-ABDC-B06D7F60A271 Dilophotopsis paron ( Cameron , 1896) Sphaerophthalma [sic!] paron Cameron , 1896: 381 , 3. Lectotype (designated here): Mexico , Northern Sonora (BMNH). Dilophotopsis concolor sonorensis Schuster, 1958: 88 , 3. Holotype : Arizona, Gila Bend (UMSP). Diagnosis . MALE. The male of this species is quite similar to the previous species from which it can be differentiated only by genitalic characters. The cuspis is dorsoventrally flattened and the cuspis elbowed, but lacks a dorsal carina in this region (see Wilson & Pitts 2008 : Figs 12–14 ). The mandibles are similar to Acrophotopsis campylognatha illustrated by Pitts et al . (2010a : Fig. 2 ). FEMALE. Unknown. Material examined. Type material. Lectotype of S. paron : Mexico , Northern Sonora ( BMNH ) . Holotype of D. concolor sonorensis : Arizona, Gila Bend, 24 Apr 1935 , F.H. Parker ( UMSP ) . Other material: Nevada, Nye Co., AMNWR: Non-dune site 1: 1 ♂, LT, 12–14.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 4–6.VIII.2009 , NFB ; Non-dune site 2: 3 ♂, LT, 12–14.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 26–28.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 23–25.VI.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 17–19.VIII.2009 , NFB ; Non-dune site 3: 2 ♂, LT, 12–14.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 26–28.V.2009 , 3 ♂, LT, 23–25.VI.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 17–19.VIII.2009 , NFB ; Non-dune site 4: 4 ♂, LT, 26–28.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 23–25.VI.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 6–8.VII.2009 , 3 ♂, LT, 21–23.VII.2009 , NFB ; Sand dune site 1: 1 ♂, LT, 12–14.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 26–28.V.2009 , 1 ♂, LT, 23–25.VI.2009 , 3 ♂, LT, 21–23.VII.2009 , NFB ; Sand dune site 2: 1 ♂, LT, 17–19.VIII.2009 , NFB ; Sand dune site 5: 1 ♂, LT, 26–28.V.2009 , NFB ; Non-dune site 5: 1 ♂, LT, 12–14.V.2009 , NFB ; Copeland site: 5 ♂, LT, 5.V.2008 , DAT, 7 ♂, LT, 14. V.2008, 2 ♂, LT, 13.VI.2008 , NFB & DAT. Distribution. USA (Arizona, California and Nevada), Mexico (Baja California, Baja California Sur and Sonora ). Activity. Males were active from mid-spring through the summer (May through August). Remarks. Dilophotopsis paron were uniformly distributed across sand dune and non-sand dune habitats (U=21.5, p>0.05). Forty-seven D. paron males were collected from May through August at light traps. Only three D. paron specimens were found at the NTS ( Ferguson 1967 ). This genus was reviewed by Wilson and Pitts (2008) , where they discovered that this species is morphologically and molecularly distinct from the other three subspecies, and raised it to the species level from the subspecies level. For this study we have designated a lectotype from the available syntypes . We selected the lectotype from the only specimen available.