A collection of hexactinellids (Porifera) from the deep South Atlantic and North Pacific: new genus, new species and new records Author Castello-Branco, Cristiana Author Collins, Allen G. Author Hajdu, Eduardo text PeerJ 2020 2020-07-09 8 e 9431 e 9431 http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9431 journal article 10.7717/peerj.9431 6dd87e4c-4425-49d4-939e-265b2759830f PMC7354842 32714660 4624210 Genus Poliopogon Thomson (1877) Diagnosis Body is fan-like, where the concave side represents the atrial cavity. Basalia are in relatively broad tufts and include some monaxons with clavate distal ends and two-toothed anchors. Choanosomal, hypodermal and hypoatrial spicules are pentactines, rarely stauractines and tauactines. Uncinates usually consist of only one type. Dermalia and atrialia are pinular pentactines and rare hexactines. Microscleres are amphidiscs (from one to three kinds) and combinations of microhexactines and pentactines (in some species also stauractines, diactines, monactines and spheres) ( Tabachnick & Menshenina, 2002 ).