Systematics of Robustagramma, a new genus of New World Sphaeroceridae (Diptera) Author Marshall, Stephen A. Author Cui, Yongsheng text Zootaxa 2005 2005-07-29 1026 1 1 122 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.1026.1.1 1175­5334 5049813 3EDC6787-C73B-4969-BA06-022D0532364F Robustagramma spinatimargo Cui and Marshall , new species ( Figs. 264–270 ) As described for Robustagramma biangulatum except as follows. Body length 1.2–1.8 mm . Postvertical bristle conspicuously smaller than inner occipital bristles. Postocellar bristles cruciate, slightly shorter than postvertical bristles. Eye height ca . 2.0–2.2 times genal height. Posterodorsal katepisternal bristle ca . 3/4 as long as distance between bristle base and wing base. Wing nearly clear, slightly pigmented in front of R 2+3 . Length of second costal sector ca . 0.51–0.55X length of third. Mid tibia of male with short, stout ventral bristles on distal 2/3; mid femur of male, sometimes, with a row of slightly strong anteroventral setulae. Male terminalia: Sternite 5 with 4–5 long, strong bristles on each side near posterior margin. Cercus relatively narrow, an ensiform gap between cerci. Female terminalia: Two sclerites of sternite 8 small. Spermathecae with basal portion (paired) similar in length to, or (single) longer than, distal portion. Single spermatheca with a duct nearly twice as long as spermathecal body. Holotype ( , DEBU ) and paratypes ( 4 ♀ , DEBU ): VENEZUELA : Aragua . Maracay , Rancho Grande , 1200m , cloud forest, FIT, 1–10.viii.1987 , Bordon & Peck. Other paratypes : COLOMBIA : Norte de Santander . Santiago , 2000ft , dung trap , 11–13.v.1974 ( 1 ♂ , DEBU ) ; 20 mi S Cucuta , Quebrada Honda , 2500ft , carrion trap , 13–15.v.1974 , S. Peck ( 1 ♂ , 1 ♀ , UNCB ) . Valle. AF Bosque de Yotoco , dung of “ Alovata seniculos ”( Miscetes seniculus ?), 16.xi.1997 , C. A. Medina ( 1 ♂ , 6 ♀ , DEBU ) . Mo. ( Montería ?), malaise trap , 9.vii.1969 , Pariler ( 2 ♀ , USNM ) . VENEZUELA : Aragua . Henri Pittier Natl. Pk. , Rancho Grande ( Biol. Stn. ), “La Toma MN PM 94.04", 9.iv.1994 , L. Masner ( 1 ♂ , DEBU ) . Etymology: The specific epithet refers to the strong bristles on sternite 5 of the male.