Descriptions and synonymies in American Desmiphorini (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae)
Santos-Silva, Antonio
Wappes, James E.
Galileo, Maria Helena M.
journal article
Estoloides uyucana
sp. nov.
Figs 144–147
. Integument mostly dark brown, almost black especially on head and prothorax; antennae brown; elytra black interspersed with irregular reddish brown areas, more abundant after basal quarter.
. Frons and vertex moderately coarsely, abundantly punctate (punctures slightly, gradually coarser toward vertex); with ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument, pale yellow close to eyes; frons with moderately short and abundant, suberect yellowish and brownish setae, and sparse, long, erect brownish setae close to eyes; vertex with moderately short and sparse, suberect brownish setae centrally, and a few long, erect yellowish setae laterally. Area behind upper eye lobes with fringe of pale yellow pubescence close to eye, ochraceous, not obscuring integument toward prothorax. Area behind lower eyes lobes with fringe of pale yellow pubescence close to eye, light ochraceous, not obscuring integument on remaining tumid area, nearly glabrous toward prothorax; with a few long, erect yellowish setae close to eye. Antennal tubercles abundantly micropunctate; with ochraceous pubescence not obscuring integument, with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed. Median groove distinct from clypeus to prothoracic margin (less so close to clypeus). Genae finely, transversely striate; with pale yellow fringe of pubescence close to eye, light ochraceous, not obscuring integument, toward glabrous apex; with a few long, erect yellowish setae. Gulamentum smooth and glabrous except area close to mentum finely, sparsely striate, with light ochraceous pubescence, sparser centrally, with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed. Labrum finely, moderately abundantly punctate; with long, moderately sparse, erect yellowish setae, and golden pubescent fringe at apex. Distance between upper eye lobes 0.60 times length of scape (2.80 times width of one lobe); in frontal view, distance between lower eye lobes 0.95 times length of scape. Antennae 1.93 times elytral length, reaching elytral apex at basal fifth of antennomere VIII. Scape gradually widened internally, more distinctly at basal quarter; densely, minutely punctate, with a few coarser punctures interspersed; with light ochraceous pubescence not obscuring integument, denser close to apex, with long, erect, sparse yellowish and brownish setae interspersed. Antennomeres with basal ring of yellowish white pubescence obscuring integument, light ochraceous, not obscuring integument on remaining surface; antennomere XI with distal yellowish white pubescent ring; with long, erect yellowish setae ventrally, gradually shorter, sparser toward XI (part of them brownish after VI). Antennal formula (ratio) based on length of antennomere III: scape = 0.71; pedicel = 0.12; IV = 1.18; V = 0.78; VI = 0.71; VII = 0.68; VIII = 0.62; IX = 0.62; X = 0.58; XI = 0.50.
. Prothorax, maximum width 1.38 times wider than long (including lateral tubercles); lateral tubercles large, placed at middle, with apex acute. Pronotum without distinct gibbosities; coarsely, abundantly punctate; with ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument, but distinctly exposing punctures; with a few long, erect yellowish setae interspersed, and short, suberect, sparse brownish setae. Sides of prothorax coarsely, moderately abundantly punctate basally and close to pronotum, smooth on remaining surface; with light ochraceous pubescence not obscuring integument. Prosternum moderately coarsely and sparsely punctate on basal half, especially laterally, nearly smooth on remaining surface; with light ochraceous pubescence not obscuring integument. Prosternal process widely depressed centrally, coarsely punctate; with light ochraceous bristly pubescence. Ventral side of meso- and metathorax with light ochraceous pubescence, denser laterally; sides of metaventrite coarsely, sparsely punctate. Scutellum with dense pale yellow pubescence except nearly glabrous centro-basal area.
. Coarsely, abundantly punctate, slightly sparser toward apex; with ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument, but nearly glabrous on irregular areas involving punctures; with short, erect, abundant brownish setae throughout; apices rounded.
. Femora with light ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument, with long, erect, sparse yellowish setae interspersed.
. Ventrites with light ochraceous pubescence partially obscuring integument except glabrous, small, moderately abundant circular areas; with long, erect, moderately sparse yellowish setae, slightly denser laterally; apex of ventrite V nearly truncate.
Dimensions (mm)
. Total length, 9.36; prothoracic length, 1.77; basal prothoracic width, 2.02; distal prothoracic width, 1.75; maximum prothoracic width (between apices of lateral tubercles), 2.49; humeral width, 2.88; elytral length, 6.75.
male from
Francisco Morazán
San Antonio do Oriente
; “trampa malaise; bajo bosque nebuloso”),
R. Ortega
col. (
. Named after the collection locality of the
, which is the Uyuca Experimental Research Station, Zamorano Agricultural University, on Uyuca Mountain near Tegucigalpa,
Estoloides uyucana
sp. nov.
is similar to some specimens of
E. perforata
, but differs by the absence of contrasting dorsal and ventral pubescence (ashy ventrally in
E. perforata
). It (
Fig. 145
) differs from
E. noguerai
Figs 77
) and
E. morrisi
Fig. 118
) by the slender body, coarser pronotal punctures, and black elytra with distinct reddish brown areas.