Revisions and key to the Vernonieae (Compositae) of Thailand Author Bunwong, Sukhonthip Maejo University Phrae Campus, Mae Sai, Rong Kwang, Phrae 54140, Thailand Author Chantaranothai, Pranom Applied Taxonomic Research Center, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Khon Kaen University, Khon Kaen 40002, Thailand Author Keeley, Sterling C. Department of Botany, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI 96816 USA text PhytoKeys 2014 2014-05-13 37 25 101 journal article 1314-2003-37-25 FFE8FFACFF84FFA95573FFFECD03F742 576215 Acilepis virgata (Gagnep.) H.Rob. & Skvarla, Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington 122(2): 144. 2009. Vernonia virgata Gagnep., Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. 25: 493. 1919. Type. Laos, Xieng-Kouang, Spire 1302 (holotype: P!). Description. Perennial herbs, ca. 1 m tall. Stems erect, conspicuously ribbed, pilose. Leaves cauline 8-10 by 2.5-3.5 cm, elliptic, margin serrate, apex acuminate, base cuneate, subcoriaceous; upper surface pilose along main and lateral veins; lower surface pilose glandular; lateral veins 7-10-paired; petioles up to 5 mm long. Capitulescences terminal, paniculate. Capitula campanulate, 7-10 mm long, pedunculate. Receptacle flat, hairy. Involucres campanulate, herbaceous, in 5-6 series, ca. 6 mm long. Phyllaries green with purple tips, outer surface arachnoid, glands capitate; the outer and the middle ones ovate-lanceolate, apex acuminate; the inner ones ovate-lanceolate to oblong, apex acute. Florets ca. 20; corollas funnelform, purple, glandular; corolla tubes ca. 3 mm long; corolla lobes ca. 4 mm long. Achenes subterete, ca. 2 mm long, 10-ribbed, pubescent with twin hairs and capitate glands. Pappus bristles, the inner ones 6-7 mm long. Distribution. Thailand: Surat Thani. Laos. Specimens examined. Thailand, Surat Thani, Khao Sok national park, 8°54.99'N , 98°31.68'E , 2 Mar 1983, H. Koyama, H. Terao & Th. Wongprasert T-33960 (KYO). Diagnostic characters. Acilepis virgata is distinguished from Acilepis tonkinensis by phyllaries that are nearly scarious and capitula that are long pedunculate in loosely paniculate capitulescences. Ecology. Evergreen forest, alt. 180 m; flowering March. Vernacular name. Muang Ngam (ม่วงงาม).