Nomenclatural revision of Cryptantha (Boraginaceae s. str.) names linked to South American taxa Author Moroni, Pablo Instituto de Botanica Darwinion (ANCEFN-CONICET), Labarden 200, CC 22, B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Martinez, Agustina Instituto de Botanica Darwinion (ANCEFN-CONICET), Labarden 200, CC 22, B 1642 HYD, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, Argentina Author Simpson, Michael G. Department of Biology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 92182, USA text PhytoKeys 2021 2021-08-30 181 29 47 journal article 1314-2003-181-29 25B16C1AE4375702BC69E64E28291B0A 20. Cryptantha volckmannii (Phil.) I.M. Johnst., Contr. Gray Herb. 78: 66. 1927. Cryptantha volckmanniiEritrichium volckmannii Phil., Anales Univ. Chile 18: 54. 1861. Type: Chile. Region de Coquimbo: Huanta, 1860, H. Volckmann s.n. (holotype: SGO [SGO000004151 digital image!]). Cryptantha volckmannii = Eritrichium chrysanthum Phil., Linnaea 33: 191. 1864. Cryptantha chrysantha (Phil.) Reiche, Anales Univ. Chile 121: 815. 1907. Type: Chile. Region de Coquimbo: Cordillera de Illapel, Aug. 1861, H. Volckmann s.n. (first-step lectotype, designated by Johnston 1927 , pg. 66: SGO; second-step lectotype, designated here: SGO [SGO000004051 digital image!]; isolectotypes: GH [GH00096376 digital image!], SGO [SGO000004052 digital image!]). Note. Rudolph A. Philippi's description of Eritrichium chrysanthum ( Philippi 1864 ) was based on material collected by H. Volckmann near Illapel, Chile. Johnston (1927) indicated a specimen housed at SGO as the "type" . However, two sheets linked to E. chrysanthum were located at SGO and, therefore, his statement must be considered as a first-step lectotypification. In order to narrow this broad designation, the specimen SGO000004051 is here selected as a second-step lectotype.