Three new genera of oriental Xyleborina (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Scolytinae) Author Hulcr, Jiri Author Cognato, Anthony I. text Zootaxa 2009 2204 19 36 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.189700 f48b8ba7-9ec3-455c-8087-9082458a6f72 1175-5326 189700 AA07F2AD-8D1C-408E-9F44-A7696CF3B1AE Beaverium latus ( Eggers 1923 ) comb. n. Previous genus: Xyleborus Diagnosis: Larger than the type species B. insulindicus . The costa on the anterior edge of pronotum is semicontinuous, broken up into several segments almost resembling serrations. Elytral disc flat or slightly concave, declivital concavity not covering the whole width of elytrae; elytra attenuated laterally. Conspicuous erect hair-like setae on declivity, unlike most other Beaverium spp. Striae black, interstriae lighter, brown to red. Length: 7.5 mm Discussion. Browne (1961) included the species in the " major group", an artificial group containing species which belong to unrelated groups. Biology: Relatively abundant in Borneo. Examined material: Malaysia (non-types, BMNH ), Malaysia , Sabah, Danum Valley (16), J. Hulcr 2006.