A revision of and key to the world species of Mycterothrips Trybom (Thysanoptera, Thripidae) Author Okajima, Masami Masumoto And Shûji text Zootaxa 2006 2006-07-17 1261 1261 1 90 journal article 1175­5334 Mycterothrips tschirkunae (Yakhontov) ( Figs. 142–146 ) Rhopalandrothrips tschirkunae Yakhontov, 1961: 1473–1474, 1477 . Mycterothrips tschirkunae (Yakhontov) ; Jacot­Guillarmod, 1974: 891 . Unfortunately, the? type specimen deposited in ZIRAS can not be observed in detail because of its very bad condition; the label is also unclear. However, we had an opportunity to study some specimens from Iran identified by Dr. zur Strassen through the courtesy of Dr. J. Alavi and Dr. Bhatti. This species is small­sized pale species and has the following character states: body uniformly yellowish white, fore wings uniformly pale, antennal segments III and IV gently bulged at each side each with long sense­cones about 1.4 times as long as segment V , VI widest near base and gently tapering to apex and with 12–16 setae ( Fig. 143 ), compound eyes with strongly pigmented ommatidia ( Fig. 142 ), mesonotal median setae far from posterior margin ( Fig. 145 ), abdominal terga without numerous ciliate microtrichia on lines of sculpture, smooth medially, but microtrichia small and dentate, tergum II with three lateral marginal setae, tergum IX without CPS , sterna without discal setae. Male has antennal segment VI distinctly longer than that of female and with numerous long setae and without microtrichia ( Fig. 144 ), tergum X with SB1 setae slightly shorter than B1 setae and no CPS ( Fig. 146 ), hypomere weakly dilated at apex ( Fig. 146 ) . FIGURES 142–146 . Mycterothrips tschirkunae from Iran. Female 142–143, 145; male 146: (142) Ventral surface of compound eye (right). Antenna 143–144: (143) Right; (144) left; (145) Mesonotum & metascutum (sculpture on mesonotum omitted); (146) Tergum IX with apex of hypomere (sculpture omitted) (male). Specimens examined . USSR: 4 females , 4males and 1 larva mounted into a same slide, [ Rhopalandrothrips tschirkunae sp. nov. ], Middle Asia, without descriptions of type on label although described ''The type'' in original description; host plant and date could not be read because of poor condition of the label (ZIRAS). Iran : 1 female , Bojnaurd , Baghe­Azari , Medicago sativa , 30­vii­1993 , J. Alavi. 1 female , Bojnaurd, Mehnan, Vitis vinifera , 3­viii­1993 , J. Alavi. 2 females and 1 male , Bojnaurd, Peganum harmala , 9­viii­ 1993 , J. Alavi. 1 female and 1 male , Bojnaurd, Langer, Rosa canina , 31­vii­1993 , J. Alavi. 1 female , Bojnourd, Robinia Pseudoacacia , 5­viii­1993 , J. Alavi. 1 female , Bojnaurd, Keshanak, Trifolium montanum , 27­vii­1994 , J. Alavi. 1 female , Bojnaurd, Malkesh, Zygophylum yabago , 23­vii­1993 , J. Alavi. 1 male , Bojnaurd, Baghe­Rostami, 8­vii­1993 , Malus communis , J. Alavi. (Alavi Collection) .