Twelve new species of two genera Smenospongia and Cacospongia (Demospongia: Dictyoceratida: Thorectidae) from Korea Author Sim, Chung Ja Author Lee, Kyung Jin Author Kim, Young A text Journal of Species Research 2016 2016-02-29 5 1 31 48 journal article 10.12651/JSR.2016.5.1.031 2713-8615 13136330 2. Smenospongia nigra n. sp. ( Fig. 2 ) Type specimen. Holotype ( NIBRIV0000321366 ), Korea : Jeollanam-do , Shinan-gun , Heuksan-myeon , Gageodo Island (Jakeunganyeo), 14 Oct 2013 , Kim HS , by SCUBA diving, Depth 20 m , deposited in the NIBR . Description. Thick mass, size up to 13 × 8 × 6 cm . Surface, honeycomb pattern with short and sharp conules, covered with slimy membrane. Oscules open at surface of sponge. Colour in life light beige, change grey after exposure to air and turn to black very slowly in alcohol. Texture soft and compressible, cavernous. Skeleton: Primary fibres, 200-250 μm in diameter, regularly arranged at surface and have dark colour. Fasciculated primary fibres, 400-600 μm in diameter. Chanoso- mal primary fibres, 100-250 μm in diameter, cored with rare spicules and small sands, but easy to find spicules at end of surface primary fibres. Secondary fibres, 30-50 μm in diameter at surface. Choanosomal secondary fibres, 100-150 μm in diameter, irregularly arranged. Some part of enlarged secondary fibres cored with material like egg. Lateral side of sponge has thin secondary fibres network. Secondary fibres at base of sponge attached to substrate ( Fig. 2G ). Table 1. Fibres size data and morphological characteristics of the species of Smenospongia and Cacospongia
Species Growth form Colors Surface (dermal membrane) Fibres (μm in diameter) Primary Secondary
S. spinulosa Thick mass Beige to Black (very fast turn) light honeycomb (slimy membrane) 100-250 400-500 (fasciculate) 10-50-100 160(base)
S. nigra Thick mass Beige to Black (very slowly change) honycomb with sharp conules (slimy membrane) 200-250 400-600 (fasiculate) 30-150
S. flavia Thick mass Orange yellow to Dark brown honeycomb low conules 250-400 50-120
S. arbuscula Thick encrusting Golden yellow to Dark brown low conules 200-300 50-100 (rare)
S. dokdoensis Thick encrusting Dark brown honeycomb low sharp conules 100-300 50-100
S. scalaris Thick mass Dark gray to black round conules (slimy membrane) 100-250 500 (fasciculate) 50-100 30-50(base)
S. wiedenmayeri Thick mass Grey and beige to dark brown indistinct conules (slimy membrane) 100-200 30-100
S. varispina Thick chusion shape Beige to dark brown low sharp conules (without membrane) 100-300 40-100
S. duokyeo Thick mass Beige to dark brownish black smooth (membrane) 140-200 850-1000 (fasciculate) 30-120
S. gageoensis Thick encrusting Beige to black honeycomb (slimy membrane) 200-300 600 (fasiculate) 40-100 150-200
C. bakusi Round mass Grey to Black honeycomb sharp conules 150-230 (fasiculate) 100 20-30
C. dokdoensis Thin encrusting Black rough with conules 100-200-300 (fasiculate) 30-50-100
Etymology. The specific name, nigra , is named after the black color in spirit. Remark. This new species is similar to Smenospongia coreana Lee and Sim, 2005 in that the colour changed very slowly, but differs in skeletal structure. Secondary fibres of Smenospongia coreana are distributed only at the ectoderm and changed its colour to dark brown. This new species has secondary fibres throughout the sponge and changed its colour to black.