A synopsis of the genus Disperis Sw. (Orchidaceae) Author Kurzweil, Hubert Author Manning, John C. text Adansonia 2005 3 27 2 155 207 journal article http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5186519 1639-4798 5186519 54. Disperis renibractea Schltr. Ann. Transvaal Mus. 10: 252 (1924) ; J . C . Manning in H . P . Linder F Kurzweil , Orch. S . Afr.: 308 (1999). — Type : South Africa , Mpumalanga , Kaessner s.n. (holo-, B †) . Plants to 280 mm . Leaf 1, basal, ovate, 19- 4 0 × 1 4-2 6 m m. Fl owe r s 4-1 3, i n s e c u n d racemes, cream and maroon or brown; median sepal ovate, 4-5 × 3-4 mm , hooded, lateral sepals ovate, 6.5-8 × 3.5-4 mm ; petals oblong, clawed, 7 × 3.5 mm ; lip blade ovate, appendage triangular, with pubescent apex. DISTRIBUTION AND PHENOLOGY. — South A f r i c a (E a s t e r n C a p e, Kw a Zu l u -Na t a l a n d Mpumalanga ); in montane or subalpine grassland from 1300 to 2800 m . Flowering mainly from December to February.