New cave-dwelling spiders of the family Dictynidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Guangxi and Guizhou, China Author Li, Shuqiang Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yezin, Nay Pyi Taw 05282, Myanmar; E-mail: lisq @ ioz. ac. cn & Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China & University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China Author Wang, Xiaoxiao Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China text Zoological Systematics 2017 42 2 125 228 journal article 10.11865/zs.201711 2095-6827 5366040 AB92E114-07FF-41A5-AF24-DF04F8232CA5 Lathys inaffecta Li , sp. nov. ( Figs 92 , 93A–B , 94–97 ) Type material. Holotype . Male , China , Guizhou , Kaili City , Zhouxi Town , Wangzhou Cave , 26°29.261´N , 107°55.416´E , elev. 704 m , 25 May 2007 , Y. Lin & J. Liu leg., deposited in IZCAS . Paratypes . 2 females , same data as holotype, deposited in IZCAS . Compared type material. Paratypes of L. chishuiensis ( Figs 90–91 , 93C ), 1 male and 1 female , Suoluo Nature Reserve , Jinshagou , Guizhou , 28 May 2008 , deposited in SWUC . Etymology. The specific name is derived from the Latin word “ inaffectus ”, meaning “smooth”, and refers to the shape of the most conspicuous tibial spine; adjective. Diagnosis. This new species is similar to L. chishuiensis (Zhang, Yang & Zhang, 2009 ; Figs 90–91 ), but can be separated by the smooth retro-dorsal tibial spine (with a row of denticles on the retro-dorsal spine in L. chishuiensis ), TA prolaterally short, about 1/5 of TA length (about 1/3 of TA length in L. chishuiensis ). Description. Male ( holotype ). Total tength 3.01 ( Figs 96D–E ). Prosoma length 1.33, with 1.14. Cephalic region width 0.74. Cephalic part strongly elevated, dark brown, with several setae. Thoracic part brown, furrows indistinct, fovea reduced. Prosoma margin black. Six eyes, PER procurved in dorsal view, AME absent. All eyes encircled with black. Eyes subequal in size. ALE 0.10, PLE 0.10, PME 0.10. Eye region length 0.26, width 0.47. ALE-ALE 0.17, PME-PME 0.09, PME-PLE 0.06. Clypeus height 0.07. Chelicerae length 0.67, width 0.32. Chelicerae dark brown, with distinct lateral condyles, 3 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium dark brown, gnathocoxae dark brown, sternum yellow-brown. Labium length 0.25, width 0.28. Gnathocoxae length 0.49, width 0.25. Sternum length 0.79, width 0.69. Legs yellow-brown. Leg formula I-IV-II-III. Leg measurements: I 4.84 (1.48, 0.44, 1.09, 1.14, 0.69); II 4.25 (1.14, 0.44, 1.09, 0.99, 0.59); III 3.81 (0.99, 0.40, 1.04, 0.84, 0.54); IV 4.58 (1.28, 0.44, 1.38, 0.99, 0.49). Ratio Cl/Met IV = 0.56, with 14 setae. Opisthosoma length 1.83, width 1.28. Opisthosoma pale yellow, with black anchor shaped pattern. Ventral without distinct pattern. Cribellum narrow, undivided. Figure 97. Locality records for twenty-four new species of Dictynidae . 1. Brommella baiseensis Li , sp. nov. 2. B. casseabri Li , sp. nov. 3. B. chongzuoensis Li , sp. nov. 4. B. dolabrata Li , sp. nov. 5. B. funaria Li , sp. nov. 6. B. josephkohi Li , sp. nov. 7. B. linyuchengi Li , sp. nov. 8. B. renguodongi Li , sp. nov. 9. B. resima Li , sp. nov. 10. B. sejuncta Li , sp. nov. 11. B. spirula Li , sp. nov. 12. B. tongyanfengi Li , sp. nov. 13. B. wangfengcheni Li , sp. nov. 14. B. xinganensis Li , sp. nov. 15. B. yizhouensis Li , sp. nov. 16. Cicurina avicularia Li , sp. nov. 17. C. damaoensis Li , sp. nov. 18. C. dong Li , sp. nov. 19. C. kailiensis Li , sp. nov. 20. C. majiangensis Li , sp. nov. 21. C. parallela Li , sp. nov. 22. C. wusanani Li , sp. nov. 23. C. zhazuweii Li , sp. nov. 24. Lathys inaffecta Li , sp. nov. Pedipalpus ( Figs 92–93 , 95 ) relatively large. Embolus relatively short, filiform, originating at approximately 12-o’clock position. TA prolaterally small and pointed. Prolateral of TA with a sheet apophysis. RTA with a tiny apophysis and a spine apically. Three spines present on the tibia, a prominent and smooth spine and a hooked spine on the dorsum of tibia, and a tiny spine located at the base of RTA. Apex of patella with a spine. Female (one of the paratypes ). Total body length 2.57 ( Fig. 96C ). Prosoma length 1.28, width 1.04. Cephalic region width 0.74. Eye diameters: ALE 0.10, PLE 0.10, PME 0.09. Eye interdistances: ALE-ALE 0.16, ALE-PLE 0.01, PME-PLE 0.07, PME-PME 0.09. Clypeus height 0.06. Chelicerae length 0.74, width 0.32. Chelicerae with distinct lateral condyles, 2 promarginal and 4 retromarginal teeth. Labium length 0.22, width 0.26. Gnathocoxae length 0.42, width 0.26. Sternum length 0.84, width 0.59. Leg formula I-IV-II-III. Leg measurements: I 4.24 (1.28, 0.44, 1.09, 0.89, 0.54); II 3.56 (1.09, 0.40, 0.84, 0.74, 0.49); III 2.80 (0.99, 0.35, 0.40, 0.64, 0.42); IV 3.80 (1.19, 0.44, 0.94, 0.79, 0.44). Ratio Cl/Met IV = 0.56, with 16 setae. Opisthosoma length 1.43, width 1.09. Opisthosoma white. Epigynum ( Figs 94 , 96A–B ). Width 0.37. BO small, round and sclerotized. Copulatory ducts short, touching at midline, forming an "X". Spermathecae large, oval, widely separated. Fertilization duct internally attached to the spermathecae base. Variation. Total body length: females 2.57–2.85 ( n = 2). Distribution. Known only from the type locality in Guizhou , China ( Fig. 97 ). Remarks. The species differs only slightly from L. chishuiensis Zhang, Yang & Zhang, 2009 . Zhang, Hu & Zhang (2012) excluded L. chishuiensis from Lathys , but could not transfer it to any of known genera. Zhang suggested erecting a new genus to include L. chishuiensis (personnal communication). Pending such a transfer to a new genus, we have also preliminarily placed L. inaffecta Li , sp. nov. , along side with L. chishuiensis , in Lathys . Funding This study was supported by the National Natural Sciences Foundation of China (31471960, 31530067) and the Southeast Asia Biodiversity Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2015CASEABRI005, Y4ZK111B01). Acknowledgments The manuscript benefitted greatly from comments by Peter Jäger (Frankfurt am Main, Germany ), Yuri M. Marusik ( Magadan , Russia ), Yanfeng Tong (Shenyang, China ) and Yucheng Lin (Chengdu, China ). Fuqiang Chen ( Beijing , China ) helped to modify the drawings. Joseph K. H. Koh ( Singapore ) kindly checked the English of the manuscript.