The genus Coenosia Meigen in Iran, with a key to species and description of a new species (Diptera: Muscidae)
Parchami-Araghi, Mehrdad
Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran 19395 - 1454, Iran. & Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Avenue, K. W. Neatby Building, Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada.
Pont, Adrian C.
Oxford University Museum of Natural History, Parks Road, Oxford, OX 1 3 PW, UK. muscidman 2 @ gmail. com
Gilasian, Ebrahim
Insect Taxonomy Research Department, Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Tehran 19395 - 1454, Iran. & ebrahimgilasian @ gmail. com
journal article
Key to Iranian species of
Meigen, 1826
The following key is primarily based on the key by
et al
. (2016)
and includes all seven species known from
including the newly described
C. persica
Pont & Parchami-Araghi
sp. nov.
1 Hind tibia with a median anterodorsal and a true anterior seta, placed close to each other............................ 2
- Hind tibia with a median anterodorsal and anteroventral setae that are not close to each other......................... 5
2 Body shining black (
Fig. 20
); male cercal plate subelliptical (
Fig. 27
); male sternite 5 horseshoe-like (
Fig. 26
C. atra
Meigen, 1830
- Body not shining, weakly dusted; male sternite 5 not as above.................................................
3 Parafacial at least as wide as width of postpedicel; length of longest aristal hairs equal to or longer than width of postpedicel (
Fig. 25
); male cercus and surstylus elongate (
Figs 42–43
); male sternite 5 V-shaped (
Fig. 41
C. tigrina
Fabricius, 1775
- Parafacial visibly narrower than width of postpedicel; longest aristal hairs at most as long as postpedicel; male terminalia and sternite 5 not as above................................................................................. 4
4 Aristal hairs longer than greatest diameter of arista; abdominal tergites 3–4 with paired round spots and a narrow median stripe; femora, antenna and palpus black in both sexes (
Fig. 22
); male cercal plate forked apically (
Fig. 33
); male surstylus blunt, setose on inner side (
Fig. 34
); male sternite 5 broadened basally (
Fig. 32
C. humilis
Meigen, 1826
- Arista short pubescent; abdominal tergites without spots; male femora, antenna and palpus yellow (
Fig. 21
); male cercal plate apically truncated and spinose (
Fig. 30
); surstylus sword-shaped, as long as cercus (
Fig. 31
); male sternite 5 basally broad (
Fig. 29
); female with femora, antenna and palpus black...............................
C. attenuata
Stein in
Becker, 1903
5 Two proepisternal setae; abdominal tergites entirely dark; fore femur entirely dark, mid and hind femora yellow in apical half; palpus and abdominal tergites dark (
Figs 12–13
); male cercal plate elongate, tapered, without apical spines; male surstylus shorter than cercus (
Figs 15–16, 18–19
); male sternite 5 basally narrowed, almost V-shaped (
Figs 14, 17
C. persica
Pont & Parchami-Araghi
sp. nov.
- Only 1 proepisternal seta; abdominal tergites partly yellow (
Figs 23–24
); male cercal plate oval (
Figs 36, 39
), moderately curved anteriorly (
Figs 37, 40
); other characters not as above.................................................. 6
6 Mid femur usually with 2 posterior setae, and in basal half with 3–4 strong posteroventral setae; frontal vitta wholly black; male with hairs on outer (posterior) surface of fore tarsomeres conspicuous, at least as long as depth of tarsomeres; hind femur with a complete row of anteroventral setae and with several posteroventral setae on a little over basal half (
Fig. 24
); male surstylus thumb-shaped; distiphallus bent right angularly (
Fig. 37
); sternite 5 (
Fig. 35
C. nigridigita
Rondani, 1866
- Mid femur with 1 posterior preapical seta, and in basal half with only 1–2 posteroventral setae; frontal vitta distinctly reddish to yellow in front, before lunule; male with hairs on outer (posterior) surface of fore tarsomeres short as usual; hind femur with only 2-3 anteroventral setae, confined to apical half, and no posteroventral setae (
Fig. 23
); male surstylus slightly dilated apically; distiphallus bend obtuse (
Fig. 40
); sternite 5 (
Fig. 38
C. testacea
Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830