A catalogue of the Braconidae (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonoidea) of the Malagasy subregion Author Madl, M. Author Achterberg, C. Van text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2014 2014-07-31 46 1 5 220 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4507364 0253-116X FF8DFFCAFFBC5538335B823F7A58F75E 4507364 Bracon ( Bracon ) testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 Bracon testaceorufatus n.sp. : GRANGER 1949: 56 (key), 67 (fig. 71), 70 (fig. 81), 71 (descr. , Madagascar ). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : BRÉNIÈRE, RODRIGUEZ & RANAIVOSOA 1962 not seen. Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : BRÉNIÈRE 1965: 348 (host-parasite cat. Madagascar ). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : APPERT 1967 not seen. Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : APPERT, BETBEDER- MATIBET & RANAIVOSOA 1969: 568 (host-parasite cat. Madagascar ). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : APPERT 1973: 84 (biol., Madagascar ), 87 (biol., Madagascar ). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : SHENEFELT 1978: 1546 (cat.). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : POLASZEK et al. 1994: 68 (key), 77 (tax., descr. ♂ , biol., Madagascar ), 70 (figs 18, 19). Bracon testaceorufatus GRANGER 1949 : VAN ACHTERBERG & POLASZEK 1996: 28 (key), 31 (key), 32 (tax., descr.♂ , biol., Madagascar ), 91 (figs 110-112), 115 (figs 358, 360). H o s t Maliarpha separatella RAGONOT 1888 ( Lepidoptera : Pyralidae ). D i s t r i b u t i o n: Madagascar : Prov. Mahajanga : Marovoay – Prov. Toamasina : Lac Alaotra – Prov. Toliara : Bekily. Known from the Afrotropical region.