The Clavatulidae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea with considerations on fossil and extant Clavatulidae genera Author Harzhauser, Mathias 0000-0002-4471-6655 Author Landau, Bernard 0000-0002-7768-8494 Author Janssen, Ronald 0000-0002-4471-6655 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-30 5123 1 1 172 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5123.1.1 1175-5326 6399827 036F6B4D-CDCC-4CD7-A914-9A1D8C7A097A Olegia winterlingensis (Quenstedt, 1884) Figs 27A–C * Pleurotoma Winterlingensis —Quenstedt 1884: 626, pl. 201, figs 53–55. Type material. Lectotype designated herein: specimen illustrated in Quenstedt (1884: pl. 201, fig. 54), Winterlingen ( Germany ), SL: 27 mm , MD : 14 mm (Fig. 27A) . Paralectotypes : specimen illustrated in Quenstedt (1884: pl. 201, fig. 53), Winterlingen ( Germany ), SL: 29 mm , MD : 12 mm (Fig. 27B); specimen illustrated in Quenstedt (1884: pl. 201, fig. 55), Winterlingen ( Germany ), SL: 21 mm , MD : 10 mm (Fig. 27C) . The Quenstedt collection is probably stored in the Institut für Geowissenschaften of the Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen but we have not been able to obtain pictures of the syntypes . Revised description. Shell medium-sized, solid, moderately slender fusiform; apical angle ~33°. Protoconch and early teleoconch not preserved. Subsutural collar moderately swollen, bearing indistinct tubercles. Suprasutural spiral cord with blunt tubercles, in some distance to deeply incised suture. Mid-whorl moderately concave, with delicate spiral cords and dense pattern of growth lines of anal sinus. Last whorl with tubercular shoulder cord, weakly convex below, weakly constricted at base. Sculpture of low, slightly opisthocline, rounded ribs developed below shoulder, crossed by irregular flattened cords, separated by narrow grooves, forming weakly beaded sculpture. Peribasal and perifasciolar cords somewhat strengthened with small, pointed nodes. Aperture unknown. Discussion. Olegia winterlingensis (Quenstedt, 1884) is a rather overlooked species, which has not been mentioned in the Paratethyan literature. The general shape and sculpture and especially the densely spaced growth lines along the anal sinus place this species in Olegia . Olegia winterlingensis is strongly reminiscent of the roughly coeval Olegia agathae ( Hoernes & Auinger, 1891 ) from the Austrian Korneuburg Basin. The two species differ mainly by the pointed nodes on the subsutural collar and prominent tubercles on the shoulder of O. agathae . Moreover, the shoulder of O. agathae is more angulated. Paleoenvironment. Unknown. Distribution in Central Paratethys. Eggenburgian/Ottnangian (early Miocene): Schwäbische Alb :Winterlingen (Suebia, Germany ) (Quenstedt 1884).