The Clavatulidae (Gastropoda, Conoidea) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea with considerations on fossil and extant Clavatulidae genera Author Harzhauser, Mathias 0000-0002-4471-6655 Author Landau, Bernard 0000-0002-7768-8494 Author Janssen, Ronald 0000-0002-4471-6655 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-03-30 5123 1 1 172 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5123.1.1 1175-5326 6399827 036F6B4D-CDCC-4CD7-A914-9A1D8C7A097A Pusionella palatina Strausz, 1954 Figs 41A 1 –A 3 , B 1 –B 3 , C 1 –C 3 , D, 4J , 5 , 7 * Pusionella pseudofusus palatinus nov. var. Strausz 1954: 66 , pl. 4, figs 75a–d. Pusionella pseudofusus palatina Strausz, 1954 Strausz 1966: 398 , pl. 12, figs 7–8, pl. 13, figs 34–36, pl. 14, fig. 1. Pusionella pseudofusus Desmoulins var.— Strausz 1966: 398 , pl. 14, fig. 2. Pusionella pseudofusus palatinus Strausz, 1954 Pálfy et al. 2008: 108 . Type material. Lectotype designated herein: M.60.4948, SL: 39.6 mm , MD : 13.7 mm , Várpalota ( Hungary ), illustrated in Strausz (1954 , pl. 4, figs 75b), stored in the Hungarian Natural History Museum , Budapest ( Hungary ), figs 41D . Paralectotypes : M.60.4949, M.60.4950, M.60.4951, M.60.4952, Várpalota ( Hungary ), stored in the Hungarian Natural History Museum , Budapest ( Hungary ) . Illustrated material. NHMW 2021/0159/0001, SL: 41.6 mm , MD : 14.4 mm , Várpalota ( Hungary ), figs 41A 1 – A 3 ; NHMW 2021/0159/0002, SL: 35.4, MD : 12.5 mm , Várpalota ( Hungary ), figs 41C 1 –C 3 ; NHMW 2021/0159/0003, SL: 35.1 mm , MD : 12.9 mm , Várpalota ( Hungary ), figs 41B 1 –B 3 , 4J. FIGURE 41 A 1 –A 3 . Pusionella palatina Strausz, 1954 , NHMW 2021/0159/0001, Várpalota (Hungary). B 1 –B 3 . Pusionella palatina Strausz, 1954 , NHMW 2021/0159/0003, Várpalota (Hungary). C 1 –C 3 . Pusionella palatina Strausz, 1954 , NHMW 2021/0159/0002, Várpalota (Hungary). D. Pusionella palatina Strausz, 1954 , lectotype, M.60.4948, Várpalota (Hungary). E 1 – E 2 . Pusionella hofmanni nov. sp. , NHMW 1867/0019/0136, holotype, Coşteiu de Sus (Romania). F 1 –F 2 . Pusionella hofmanni nov. sp. , NHMW 1867/0019/0142a, paratype, Coşteiu de Sus (Romania). G 1 –G 2 . Pusionella hofmanni nov. sp. , NHMW 1867/0019/0142b, paratype, Coşteiu de Sus (Romania). Additional studied material. NHMW 2021 /0159/0004, 33 spec. , Várpalota ( Hungary ) . Revised description. Shell medium-sized, moderately broad fusiform with high, weakly gradate spire; apical angle 35–38°. Protoconch high conical, only partly preserved consisting of two high weakly convex whorls. Teleoconch of 11 whorls. Early teleoconch whorls with weak subsutural spiral cord and suprasutural row of large, slightly opisthocline beads, separated by broad concave mid-whorl portion. On third to fourth whorl profile flatsided, suprasutural beads fade, narrow groove separates narrower subsutural cord from wider abapical portion of whorl. Late whorls smooth, subcylindrical. Suture weakly impressed, linear. Last whorl about 55% of total height. Subcylindrical subsutural collar; ramp and shoulder not developed. Rounded and moderately constricted at base. Siphonal fasciole strongly delimited by raised ridge, flattened, twisted, with prominent growth lines. Sculpture of weak, narrow cords restricted to base and fasciole. Aperture moderately wide, pyriform. Outer lip thin, smooth within. Anal sinus very shallow, wide; siphonal canal moderately long, strongly deflected to left and dorsally, very deeply notched at tip. Columella weakly twisted, smooth. Columella excavated in upper third, strongly twisted at fasciole. Columellar and parietal callus thin, poorly delimited from base. Discussion. Pusionella pseudofusus ( Des Moulins, 1842 ) from the Burdigalian of the northeastern Atlantic differs in its slightly more convex whorls, the less subcylindrical last whorl, the less constricted base and the weaker spiral cord delimiting the fasciole (see Peyrot 1931: 103 , pl. 9, figs 74–76, Pusionella _pseudofusus#/media/File: Pusionella _pseudofusus_01.JPG). Pusionella tauronifat Sacco, 1891 differs from P. palatina Strausz, 1954 in its lower spire, the higher, barrel-shaped last whorl and the slightly angulated base (see holotype in Sacco 1904: 62 , pl. 2, fig. 77 and Ferrero Mortara et al. 1984: 66 , pl. 56, fig. 14). Pusionella pedemontana Sacco, 1891 is based on two syntypes , which are most probably not conspecific. Both specimens can be distinguished easily from P. palatina : syntype BS.033.01.001 has a much higher and markedly gradate spire (see Ferrero Mortara et al. 1984 , pl. 56, fig. 12) and syntype BS033.01.002 has convex whorls and a higher last whorl (see Ferrero Mortara et al . 1984 , pl. 56, fig. 13). To clarify the situation, we designate specimen BS033.01.002 from the Burdigalian of Baldissero ( Italy ) as lectotype of Pusionella pedemontana Sacco, 1891 . Pusionella borealis Kautsky, 1925 is distinguished from all other Miocene Pusionella species by its prominent spiral sculpture ( Kautsky 1925: 151 , pl. 10, figs 24–25). Paleoenvironment. Extant Pusionella species occur in inner neritic environments, e.g., Boyer & Ryall (2006) report Pusionella ghanaensis from 18 to 34 m water depth. This agrees with the occurrence of P. palatina at Várpalota, which represents an agitated coastal setting with sand bottoms (own data). Distribution in Central Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): Pannonian Basin. Várpalota ( Hungary ) ( Pálfy et al. 2008 ); Cserhát Mountains : Márkháza ( Hungary ) ( Strausz 1966 ).