Revision of the grass huntsman spider genus Pseudomicrommata Järvi, 1914 (Araneae: Sparassidae) in the Afrotropical Region Author Moradmand, Majid text African Invertebrates 2015 2015-08-12 56 2 425 425 journal article 10.5733/afin.056.0213 2305-2562 7914200 Pseudomicrommata longipes ( Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895 ) Figs 1 , 3–14 Micrommata longipes BÖsenberg & Lenz, 1895: 34 , pl. 1, fig. 11 ( holotype : East Africa [exact locality not clear], 31.i.1896 , leg. S.F. Stuhlmann, ZMH – examined); Lessert 1936: 271 , figs 68–69. Pseudomicrommata vittigera ( Simon, 1897 ) : JÄrvi 1914: 49 , 162, pl. 3, figs 4–6, 40 (material from Kenya , misidentified); Lawrence 1942: 168 (in part, misidentification). Pseudomicrommata longipes ( Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895 ) : Levy 1989: 163 ; JÄger & Kunz 2005: 168, figs 255–258, 262–267. Diagnosis: Males with diagnostic EA, which in ventral view is narrow proximally, widened medially and bifurcated distally ( Figs 3, 5 , 14 ). Females can be recognised (especially in comparison with closely similar P. vittigera ) by the vulva equipped with several glandular pores (GPO) ( Figs 9, 10 , 12 ) and sTL extending beyond fTL laterally in dorsal view ( Figs 9 , 12 ). Redescription: Male (ranges: n=11, single measurements: holotype ). Measurements : Medium sized; total length 10.9–12.9, total length of holotype : 11.3, prosoma length 5.1–5.5, prosoma width 4.2–4.7, anterior width of prosoma 2.3–2.6, opisthosoma length 5.8–7.4, opisthosoma width 2.3–3.0. Eye diameters: AME 0.22, ALE 0.31, PME 0.24, PLE 0.30; eye interdistances:AME–AME 0.15, AME–ALE 0.09, PME–PME 0.40, PME–PLE 0.30, AME–PME 0.75, ALE–PLE 0.42, clypeus height at AME 0.17, clypeus height at ALE 0.28. Chelicerae : With 2 anterior and 3 posterior teeth (first two larger than the third one) ( Fig. 7 ). Legs : Leg formula: IV II I III. Palp 6.6 [2.6, 1.1, 0.5, 2.4], I 21.7 [6.1, 2.6, 5.2, 5.7, 2.1], II 23.8 [7.0, 2.8, 6.1, 5.9, 2.0], III 21.5 [6.2, 3.2, 5.0, 5.1, 2.0], IV 23.3 [7.1, 2.4, 5.8, 5.9, 2.1]. Spination : Palp 131, 001/101, 1211; Legs: Femur I–III 323, IV 321/322; Patella I–IV 000/101; Tibia I–IV 2126 /2226; Metatarsus I–III 2024 , IV 3036. Palp : As in diagnosis, with dRTA pointed and vRTA rounded at distal end in ventral view ( Fig. 3 ), both with the same length ( Figs 3, 4 ); cymbium more than 2 times longer than tibia ( Fig. 4 ). Female (ranges: n=20, single measurements: MRAC 211305 from Tanzania ). Measurements : Medium sized; total length 15.3–18.3, prosoma length 5.8–6.5, prosoma width 4.7–5.1, anterior width of prosoma 2.8–3.1, opisthosoma length 9.5–11.8, opisthosoma width 4.1–6.0. Eye diameters:AME 0.34, ALE 0.48, PME 0.44, PLE 0.46; eye interdistances: AME–AME 0.21, AME–ALE 0.08, PME–PME 0.56, PME–PLE 0.37, AME–PME 0.85, ALE–PLE 0.52, clypeus AME 0.27, clypeus ALE 0.38. Chelicerae : As in males. Figs 3–7. Pseudomicrommata longipes ( Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895 ) , male, Tanzania (MRAC):(3–5) left palp: (3) ventral view, (4) retrolateral view and (5) tip of embolus, embolic apophysis and conductor, ventral view; (6) eye arrangement; (7) left chelicera, ventral view. Abbreviations: C – conductor; dRTA – dorsal retrolateral tibial apophysis; E – embolus; EA – embolic apophysis; EM – embolus membrane; ET – embolus tip; H – haematodocha; T – tegulum; vRTA – ventral retrolateral tibial apophysis. Figs 8–10. Pseudomicrommata longipes ( Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895 ) , female, Tanzania (MRAC):(8) epigyne, ventral view; (9) vulva, dorsal view; (10) left vulva, anterio-dorso-lateral view.Abbreviations:AMP – anterior margin of epigynal pocket; CD – copulatory duct; CO – copulatory opening; EF – epigynal field; EP – epigynal pocket; FD – fertilization duct; fTL – first turning loop; GPO – glandular pores; LL – lateral lobes; MS – median septum; PMP – posterior margin of epigynal pocket; SS – slit sensillum; sTL – second turning loop. Figs 11–14. Pseudomicrommata longipes ( Bösenberg & Lenz, 1895 ) , (11–13) female, Barberspan, South Africa (NCA) and (14) male, Brandfort, South Africa (SMF): (11) epigyne, ventral view; (12) vulva, dorsal view; (13) schematic course of internal duct system; (14) tip of embolus, embolic apophysis and conductor, ventral view.Abbreviation:AB – anterior bands of epigynal field; for others see Figs 8–10. Legs : Leg formula: IV II I III. Measurements of palp and legs. Palp 6.9 [2.0, 1.1, 1.3, 2.5], I 19.8 [6.5, 3.0, 4.9, 5.0, 2.0], II 21.4 [6.5, 3.0, 4.9, 5.0, 2.0], III 19.0 [6.0, 2.7, 4.3, 4.4, 1.6], IV 21.8 [6.7, 2.6, 5.2, 5.6, 1.8]. Spination : Palp 131, 001/101, 1013; Legs: Femur I–III 323, IV 321/322; Patella I–IV 000/101; Tibia I–IV 1016 /2026; Metatarsus I–III 0004/1014/2024, IV 3036. Epigyne/vulva : As in diagnosis ( Figs 8–13 ), with AMP slightly longer than PMP (for more details the genus redescription). Other material examined: BOTSWANA : Palapaye , 23.xii.1980 , leg. P. Reavell , on herbs, 1♂ ( NCA 81 /82) . KENYA : Eastern Prov. : Kibwezi , 23–24.xii.1905 , leg. K.P. Scheffler , grassland steppes, 2♂ 5♀ 5 imm. ( ZMB 31331 ) . NAMIBIA : Kunene : Annabis Farm , 20°00'S , 14°38'E , 23–24.ii.1969 , leg. B. Lamoral & R. Day , with egg sac attached to grass, 1♀ ( NMSA 11526 ) . SOUTH AFRICA : Free State Prov. : Brandfort district , Amanzi Private Game Reserve , 28°36.042'S 26°25.791'E , 17.xii.2010 , leg. C. Haddad & V. Butler , canopy fogging, Olea europea africana , canopy height 8 m , 10:00 am, 1♀ (SD742, SMF); same locality, 28°35.435'S , 26°26.157'E , 1425 m , 25.x.2011 , leg. C. Haddad , 1♂ (SD1117, SMF) . Gauteng Prov. : Roodeplaat Dam , 20.xi.1991 , leg. A. Leroy , in grass, 1♀ ( NCA 92 /164) . KwaZulu-Natal Prov. : Maritzburg (= Pietermaritzburg ), ii.1945 , 4♀ ( NMSA 4309 ) ; Ndumo Game Reserve , 26°54.425'S 32°19.191'E , 11.ii.2005 , post AFRAS 2005 excursion, leg. D. Kunz , 1♀ (DK323, SMF); same data as previous but 26°53.025'S 32°10.050'E , 8.ii.2005 , 1♀ (DK298, SMF); same data as previous but 26°54.425'S 32°19.191'E , 5.ii.2005 , 1♂ (DK269, SMF); Ndumo Game Reserve , 28.xi.1973 , 1♂ ( NMSA 20171 ) ; Pietermaritzburg , Ashburton , 27.i.1982 , under brick in Acacia karroo veld, 1♂ ( NMSA 20170 ) ; Nyala Game Reserve , 12.xii.1980 , in dense grass at side of path, 1♀ ( NMSA 20171 ) ; Zululand , Mfongosi , ii.1918 , leg. W.E. Gonzo , 1♀ (misidentified as Micrommata vittigera , Lawrence det.) ( SAMC B4023 ) . Limpopo Prov. : Tuinplaas , Springbokvlakte , Settlers ( Tweekaansen ), 19.xii.2002 , leg. M. van Jaarsveld , 1♂ ( NCA 2003 /1322); Nylsvley Nature Reserve , 6.iii.1998 , leg. J. Leeming , on grass, sweep net , 1♀ ( NCA 98 /570); Farm Rochdale, between Waterpoort and Louis Trichardt IV, slopes of Soutpansberg, 4.xii.1998 , leg. W. Croucamp , 1♀ ( NCA 2001 /308) . North West Prov. : Barberspan , xii.1990 , leg. K. Morgan , in passage of house, 1♂ ( NCA 91 /812); same data as previous but 2.ii.1991 , 1♀ ( NCA 91 /813) . TANZANIA : Mkomazi Game Reserve , Igire Ridge , 15.iii.1995 , leg. A. Russell-Smith , grassland, 2♂ 1♀ ( MRAC 211305 ) . Known geographical distribution: Kenya , Tanzania , Botswana , South Africa and Namibia ( Fig. 40 ). Remarks: For a long time P. longipes was thought to be the only species of Pseudomicrommata widespread in tropical Africa. Recent molecular investigation ( Moradmand et al . 2014 ) revealed a clue, that in spite of similarity in morphology between species in South Africa and Guinea (in particular females), considerable genetic distance can be observed (see Moradmand et al . 2014 : fig. 3).