The species of Eilema Hübner, [1819] sensu lato present in Europe and North Africa (Lepidoptera: Erebidae: Arctiinae: Lithosiini) Author Macià, Ramon 0000-0002-2166-1540 Corresponding author Author Ylla, Josep 0000-0001-7280-9421 Author Gastón, Javier 0000-0003-3382-3874 Author Huertas, Manuel 0000-0002-6758-1984 Apartado de Correos 47, 21080 Huelva, Spain. huertasdionisio @ gmail. com; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 6758 - 1984 Author Bau, Josep 0000-0002-9231-2356 Biosciences Department, University of Vic - Central University of Catalonia, 08500, Vic, Spain. josep. bau @ uvic. cat; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 9231 - 2356 text Zootaxa 2022 2022-10-03 5191 1 1 87 journal article 157785 10.11646/zootaxa.5191.1.1 b8beacf0-8401-4c8b-8b7e-8e97dc1a199e 1175-5326 7144073 B66F9DFC-3BF3-42CA-B08F-F983FD615F4E Manulea complana ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) Original combination: Phalena complana Linnaeus, 1758 , Systema Naturae (Edn 10), 1: 512. T. L.: Europa. Material examined. SPAIN : ARABA : 2 ♂ , Puerto de Herrera , 1000 m , 15.vii.1981 , J . Gastón leg. ; 2 ♀ , Apellániz , 800 m , 21.viii.1980 , J . Gastón leg. ; 2 ♂ , Berganzo , 500 m , 30.vii.2005 , J . Gastón leg. ; ÁVILA : 5 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Sierra de Ávila , Amavida , 1450 m , 9.ix.2007 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 4 ♂ , Navarredonda de Gredos , 1523 m , 13.viii.1995 , R . Macià leg. ; BARCELONA : 5 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Santuari de Puiglagulla , Vilalleons , 810 m , 16.viii.2002 , R . Macià leg. ; 5 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Els Munts , Sant Agustí de Lluçanès , 958 m , 12.vii.2000 , 5.viii.2000 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 10 ♂ and 8 ♀ , Urb. La Roca , Taradell , 650 m , 2.viii.1994 , 18.vii.2003 , R . Macià leg. ; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀ , St. Julià de Cabrera , 1008 m , 2.vii.2003 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 6 ♂ and 5 ♀ , Vespella , Gurb , 650 m , 15.viii.2001 , 29.viii.2018 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 5 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Castell de Montesquiu , Montesquiu , 637 m , 31TDG36, 11.viii.2007 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 5 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Pla del Hom , Gurb , 680 m , 31TDG34, 15.vii.2013 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; BURGOS : 2 ♂ and 1 ♀ , San Martín de Don , 950 m , 2.vii.1983 , J . Gastón leg ; 1 ♀ , Santuario de Cantonad , 500 m , 17.viii.1985 , J . Gastón leg. ; 5 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Páramos de Lora , Sargentes de Lora , 992 m , 30TVN33, 7.vii.2015 , R . Macià leg. ; 9 ♂ and 5 ♀ , Páramos de Masa , Quintanilla Sobresierra , 970 m , 2.vii.2000 , R . Macià leg. ; 7 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Toca de Cuevaburgos , Covarrubias , 993 m , 30TVM65, 13.vii.2012 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; CÁCERES : 3 ♂ , Jerte , 604 m , 3.viii.1994 , R . Macià leg. ; GIRONA : 8 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Font del Home Mort , Queralbs , 1750 m , 9.vii.1999 , 6.viii.2004 , 29.vii.2006 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 5 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Vilamanya , Queralbs , 1250 m , 31TDG38, 5.viii.2010 , 18.vii.2014 , 7.viii.2015 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 3 ♂ , St. Joan de les Abadesses , 773 m , 8.ix.2002 , R . Macià leg. ; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Camí de Vilavella , Vidrà , 973 m , 31TDG46, 27.ix.2013 , R . Macià leg. ; 8 ♂ and 4 ♀ , La Sala , Viladrau , 830 m , 19.viii.2019 , 14.viii.1920 , S . Novellas leg. in coll. MCNB .; LEÓN : Caldas de Luna , 1140 m , 17.vii.2005 , R . Macià leg. ; 2 ♂ , Pancorbo , 634 m , 28.vii.1995 , R . Macià leg. ; 2 ♂ and 3 ♂ , Peñalba de Cilleros , 1320 m , 28.vii.2002 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; LLEIDA : 9 ♂ and 7 ♀ , Banhs de Tredós , Val d´Aran, 1758 m , 31 TCH32 , 3.viii.2008 , 27.vii.2010 , 26.vii.2015 , R . Macià leg. ; 4 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Bassa d´Arrès, Arrès de Sus , Val d´Aran, 1573 m , 31TCH13, 19.viii.2009 , R . Macià leg. ; 5 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Josa del Cadí , Josa i Tuixén , 1758 m , 31TCH32, 20.vii.2009 , R . Macià leg. ; 5 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Pleta d´Horno, Val d´Aran, 1520, 31TCH12, 7.vii.2016 , R . Macià leg. ; 1 ♂ , Salardú , Val d´Aran, 1268 m , 10.ix.1921 , S . Novellas leg. in coll. MCNB .; LA RIOJA : 7 ♂ and 5 ♀ , Ortigosa de Cameros , 1069 m , 30TWM26, 27.vii.2018 , R . Macià leg. ; OURENSE : 2 ♂ , La Portela de Pedrouzos , 800 m , 6.viii.2014 , JJ. Pérez leg. in coll. MCNB ; TARRAGONA : 3 ♂ , El Tillar , Vimbodí i Poblet , 891 m , 5.viii.2013 , R . Macià leg. ANDORRA : 3 ♂ , Les Escaldes , 1751 m , 19.vii.1920 , S . Novellas leg. in coll. MCNB . FRANCE : 4 ♂ and 2 ♀ , Col du Glandon , Savoia , 1507 m , 8.vii.2004 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 4 ♂ , Mont Ventoux , Provença , 1020 m , 29.vii.1994 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. ; 2 ♂ , Mont Dauphin , Guillestre , Hautes Alpes , 1350 m , 11.vii.1991 , R . Macià leg. ; 4 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Saint Martin Bellevue , 700 m , 6.vii.2018 , J . Gastón leg. HUNGARY : 1 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Kiskunfélegyháza , 105 m , 3.viii.2004 , A . Szabó leg. ; 2 ♂ and 1 ♀ , Bugac , 47 m , 5.ix.2004 , A . Szabó leg. ITALY : 7 ♂ and 3 ♀ , Vallicelli de Monzuno , Bologna , 62 m , 13.vii.1996 , R . Macià & J . Ylla leg. Diagnosis. Manulea complana can be confused with Nyea lurideola , Manulea pseudocomplana , Eilema caniola caniola and even with Manulea palliatella , but males of Manulea complana are easily distinguished by the presence of a visible stripe of androconial scales on the costal margin of the forewing underside. It is much more difficult to distinguish the females, as they lack these scales and are easily confused with female Eilema caniola caniola or Manulea iberica . Re-description. Imago ( Figs. 5–6 ). Average wingspan males 33.1 mm (n=10; 31–36 mm ); average wingspan females 33.6 mm (n=10; 32–37 mm ). FIGURES 1–8. 1. Eilema caniola caniola (Hübner, [1808]. Male: Serra del Turmell, Vallibona, (Castellón) Spain, 1100 m,, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg.; 2. Female: Vespella, Gurb, (Barcelona) Spain, 582 m, 5.viii.2003, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg.; 3. Eilema caniola torstenii Mentzer, 1980 . Male: Puig de s´Aritjar, Serra d´Alfabia, Bunyola, Balears, 1025 m, 31SDD79, 3.x.2015, R. Macià leg.; 4. Female: Nus de sa Corbata, Coll de Reis, Escorca, 674 m, 31SDE83, 27.v.2019, R. Macià & J. Ylla leg.; 5. Manulea complana ( Linnaeus, 1758 ) . Male: Banhs de Tredós, Val d´Aran (Lleida) Spain, 1758 m, 31TCH32, 3.viii.2008, R. Macià leg.; 6. Female: Banhs de Tredós, Val d´Aran (Lleida) Spain, 1758 m, 31TCH32, 3.viii.2008, R. Macià leg.; 7. Manulea iberica Mentzer, 1980 . Male: Puntal del Ahorcado, Moscardón (Teruel) Spain, 1446 m, 30TXK26, 4.ix.2013, R. Macià leg.; 8. Female: Puntal del Ahorcado, Moscardón (Teruel) Spain, 1446 m, 30TXK26, 4.ix.2013, R. Macià leg. Genitalia ( Fig. 51 ). Male genitalia: Uncus cylindrical, of medium-sized, topped with a small hook; valvae ovoid, with pointed cucullus; sacculus sclerotised, the apical part slightly arched inwards; vinculum trapezoidal and of a great size; juxta trapezoidal, topped in its upper part by two small pointed processes. Aedeagus trapezoidal, thick and short, with two cornuti, a thick central one and a smaller but conspicuous apical one; a strongly sclerotised pointed process located in the apical fascia, topped with a small, highly sclerotised hook; everted vesica projects distally from the aedeagus shaft, basal diverticulum with large cornuti; in Manulea pseudocomplana the two diverticula with cornuti project towards the same side of the aedeagus. Sternum of the 7 th abdominal segment dome shaped, with a flattened upper part. In Manulea pseudocomplana , the domed shape is pointed at the top. Female genitalia: Anal papillae slightly sclerotised with short posterior apophysis; 8th segment narrow; lamella postvaginalis barely visible or absent. Ostium bursae membranous and broad; ductus bursae of medium length, trapezoidal and slightly sclerotised; corpus bursa displaced to the right, with two small signum; cervix bursa of medium size with membranous wart covered with many tiny spines. Immature stages ( Fig. 77 ). The last instar larva is 18 mm long. Cephalic capsule black, with a smooth vertex. Verrucae D1, D2 and SD 1 dark grey, and L2 and L3 light grey. A black dorsal central band with a narrow light grey line on each side; area from D1 to SD 1 black, with an orange spot in front of the D2 wart and two white spots behind this same wart; lateral sides dark with wavy light grey lines, with an orange spot behind L2. Pupa shiny brown, smooth, without appreciable clypeus and without sexual differences. The cocoon among the lichens. Molecular data. The Bayesian support for Manulea complana was very high (PP=1), showing for the two samples of Manulea complana a very strong sequence similarity (TN-dist=0.16%). The consistency of this species group was further supported when the analysis was extended to include 49 additional COI sequences downloaded from BOLD database, with a within-group distance of 0.21% (data not shown). RESL Cluster Analysis returned a single specific cluster, coinciding with the only published BIN assigned to Manulea complana (BOLD: AAB6846). Biology. Univoltine, flying in a single generation between June and September. It occurs in a great variety of biotopes, from sea level to mountain areas at elevations between 1400–1800 m . The moths are mainly nocturnal; both males and females are lured to bait and to artificial light, but can also be seen during the day imbibing from flowers. The larvae feed on different species of lichen ( Parmelia spp. ) and dry and tender leaves of various plants ( Quercus, Fagus, Prunus , Salix , Rubus , among others) ( Ylla et al. , 2010 ). In captivity the larvae can thrive with artificial diet. Distribution ( Fig. 97 ). Asian-Mediterranean. Present in most of Europe, apart from the northernmost areas of the British Isles, Scandinavia and Russia and in the southern parts of the Iberian Peninsula. Unknown from the Balearic Islands.