A new genus and two new species of phylinae (Heteroptera: Miridae) from the Andean-Patagonian region of Argentina Author Carpintero, Diego L. Author Chérot, Frédéric Author Henry, Thomas J. text Zootaxa 2023 2023-12-07 5382 1 27 38 https://www.mapress.com/zt/article/download/zootaxa.5382.1.5/52421 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.5382.1.5 1175-5326 10280095 563B82F2-CE1F-4DD8-9082-085FB2B682F4 A. manzanoensis , n. sp. ( Figs 1A–E , 3A–D , 4A–C , 5F , 7A–C ) Type material. Holotype ( ). ARGENTINA : Neuquén , Cuyín Manzano, P. N. Nahuel Huapi, 21.xii.2010 , Carpintero D. L. ( MACN _En 37477) ( MACN ) . Paratypes : ARGENTINA : 106♂♂ , 104♀♀ , same data as for holotype (including FC n°s 12006-12015) ( ISNB , MACN , USNM ) ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ , same data as for holotype ( IADI ) ; 2♂♂ , 2♀♀ , same data as for Holotype ( MLP ) . Description. Male . Coloration : Dorsum yellowish, dark brown and black. Frons, vertex, juga and lora (= mandibular and maxillary plates) shiny black. Clypeus black. Eyes reddish brown, their posterior margin yellowish. Labium and buccula black. Labrum yellowish tinged with black. Antennal segments I–III uniformly black, antennal segment IV pale brown apically, black basally. Pronotum uniformly shiny black, the posterior margin narrowly brownish. Mesoscutum shiny black; scutellum black, with yellow tip. Clavus shiny black, narrowly yellowishbrown along clavo-corial suture, the suture itself black. Corium dark brown, the embolium yellow. Cuneus brown with a yellow base. Membrane (including veins) brown basally, pale apically. Meso- and metapleuron shiny black. Scent gland peritreme and evaporatory area brown. Coxae and femora basally reddish brown, apically yellow. Tibiae yellow. Pygophore black. Surface and vestiture : Frons and vertex narrowly and shallowly but densely punctate, with simple, sparse, short, and recumbent setae. Antennal segments covered with semi-recumbent, short setae. Labium with short, semi-recumbent setae. Pronotum, mesoscutum and scutellum nearly glabrous, punctate, the punctures relatively wide and deep. Hemelytra nearly glabrous, with sparse, short, recumbent setae, distinctly punctate (except for apex of clavus), the punctures relatively wide and deep. Membrane glabrous. Structure : Frons almost flat. Eyes removed from ventral margin of head by a distance subequal to one half of eye height in lateral view. Cuneus opaque. Detailed measurements in table 1. Genitalia : Left paramere as in Fig. 3A . The anterior process (a process along inner margin) with a curved, pointed outer prolongation. Right paramere as in Fig. 3B . Endosoma coiled, secondary gonopore reduced, subapical, elongate-oval, not pointed basally ( Fig. 3D ), all margins thick. Apical process sclerotized, pointed apically, slightly reaching beyond secondary gonopore. Apex of phallotheca ( Fig. 3C ) typically phyline, without ornamentation. FIGURE 3 . Male genitalia of Adesmiaphylus manzanoensis n. sp. A . Left paramere. B . Right paramere. C . Theca. D . Endosoma. Female . Coloration : Similar to male, but with yellow or orange areas more developed. Labrum yellowish. Pronotum shiny black, margins yellowish, medial line orange (sometimes missing or difficult to see). Mesoscutum shiny black; scutellum black, apical part broadly orangish yellow. Corium yellowish brown, apex of endocorium brown, embolium yellow. Cuneus uniformly yellow. Membrane (including veins) brown basally, pale apically. Meso- and metapleuron red, evaporatorium reddish. Legs yellowish brown with brown stripes. Abdominal ventral and lateral surfaces yellowish. Surface and vestiture : As for the male, nearly glabrous. Structure : As for the male, the frons slightly swollen medially, shagreened. Labium relatively short, reaching mesocoxae. Detailed measurements in table 1. Genitalia : As in the Fig. 4A–C . Distribution . Argentina : Neuquén Province . Host plant . Adesmia volckmannii Phil. ( Fabaceae ) ( Figs 6A–C ). Etymology . Named after the type locality, Manzano, an adjective. Discussion . A. manzanoensis , n. sp. differs from A. herczeki , n. sp. by the dorsal pattern and coloration of both sexes and the structure of endosomal apex. The female of A. manzanoensis is obviously darker than the almost evenly pale female of A. herczeki ( Fig. 1B versus Fig. 2B ) and the dark hemelytral markings in male of A. manzanoensis are less complex than the corresponding markings in A . herczeki ( Fig. 1A versus Fig. 2A ). In A. manzanoensis , the secondary gonopore is elongate oval, not slightly pointed basally. The apical process of endosoma is shorter in A. manzanoensis , and its shape is not exactly the same ( Figs 4E–F ).