A Revision of New World Lyroda Say, 1837 (Hymenoptera: Crabronidae) Author Khvir, Viktor I. Department of Zoology, Belorussian State University, BY- 22003 Minsk, Belarus. khvirv@gmail.com Author Pulawski, Wojciech J. Department of Entomology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park, California 94118, USA; wpulawski@calacademy.org text Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 2020 2020-10-30 66 13 315 330 journal article 299722 10.5281/zenodo.11512832 96a6adfe-ad70-4e50-bec4-aaab22a7645f 0068-547X 11512832 Lyroda fasciata (F. Smith) Morphota fasciata F. Smith, 1856:294 , . Holotype by monotypy: , Brazil : Pará: Santarém (BMNH), examined. – As Lyroda fasciata : Kohl, 1885:267 (new combination, in checklist of world Lyroda ); Dalla Torre, 1897:696 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera ); Iwata, 1933:7 (in list of world Lyroda ); R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:299 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Nascimento and Overal, 1980:7 ( Brazil ); Amarante, 2002:41 (in catalog of Neotropical Crabronidae ). Morphota harpactoides F. Smith, 1856:294 , (as Harpactoides , incorrect original capitalization). Holotype by monotypy: , Brazil : no specific locality (BMNH), examined. New synonym . – As Lyroda harpactoides : Kohl, 1885 a:267 (new combination, in checklist of world Lyroda ); Dalla Torre, 1897:696 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera ); Iwata, 1933 a:7 (in list of world Lyroda ); R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:299 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Amarante, 2002:41 (in catalog of Neotropical Crabronidae ). Morphota tridens Taschenberg, 1870:8 , . Holotype by monotypy: , Brazil : Minas Gerais : Lagoa Santa (Halle), examined. New synonym . – As Lyroda tridens : Kohl, 1885:267 (new combination, in checklist of world Lyroda ); Dalla Torre, 1897:696 (in catalog of world Hymenoptera ); Iwata, 1933:7 (in list of world Lyroda ); R. Bohart and Menke, 1976:299 (in checklist of world Sphecidae ); Nascimento and Overal, 1980:7 ( Brazil ); Amarante, 2002:41 (in catalog of Neotropical Crabronidae ). RECOGNITION . Like Lyroda concinna , this species has the gaster red basally, and the wing membrane in most specimens with slightly darkened, subapical, transverse fascia ( Fig. 6 ), fascia inconspicuous in male. Unlike that species, the propodeal dorsum has at most one longitudinal carina and smaller, variously shaped ridges that are absent is some specimens (Fig.7); also the mesopleural pilosity conceal the integument (at least from certain angles and at least on some mesopleuron parts). Many females are unique within the genus in having the scutellum punctate only basally, mostly microsculptured and with a few sparse, minute punctures ( Fig. 8 ), appearing unsculptured under lower magnifications; there are all intermediates to all punctate scutellum. JUSTIFICATION OF NEW SYNONYMY . In spite of some minor differences, the holotypes of Lyroda fasciata and of Lyroda harpactoides are certainly conspecific. Both species were described in the same paper. Acting as first revisers (Article 24.2.2 of the Code), we select L. fasciata as the valid name, and L. harpactoides as its junior synonym. The holotype of Morphota tridens is just an average specimen of Lyroda fasciata , not differing from other specimens of this species by any particular feature. Consequently, we also synonymize these two names. TYPE LOCALITY OF MORPHOTA TRIDENS . This species was described from Lagoa Santa in Brazil . There are two places of this name in Brazil : one in Goiás , the other in Minas Gerais . The one in Goiás , however, was established only on 1 January 2001 , whereas the one in Minas Gerais did exist already in 1863–1866, when paleontological excavations were conducted there. The holotype of Morphota tridens , described in 1870, must have been collected there during that time. DESCRIPTION . Propodeal dorsum with median ridge and smaller, irregular, variously shaped ridges on each side of it ( Fig. 8 ), median carina and smaller ridges lacking in some specimens; propodeal side unridged, without spiracular groove. Tergum I with only a pair of basomedian carinae. Body black except two or three first gastral terga red ( Fig. 6 ); legs black or male tibiae partly or all red. Forewing membrane in many specimens with slightly darkened, subapical, transverse fascia ( Fig. 6 ) that is inconspicuous in male. : Free margin of clypeal lobe varying: mostly with three teeth on each side of the lobe ( Fig. 4 ), but with two teeth in some specimens (on one or both sides), without teeth on right side in one specimen from Potrillos del Guneda National Park, Bolivia . Length 7.1–9.2 mm . : Free margin of clypeal lamella varying from slightly convex to shallowly concave (Fig. 5). Length 6.0– 8.3 mm . VARIATION . In most females, the scutellum is microsculptured (Fig. 7), with a few sparse, minute punctures, appearing unsculptured under lower magnification. In the females from the three following localities, however, the scutellum is all or nearly all punctate: Bolivia : Potrillos del Guneda National Park (one of three specimens ) ; Brazil : Lagoa Santa ( holotype of Morphota tridens ) ; Paraguay : Caaguazú (one of four specimens ). Some other specimens are intermediate . GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION (Fig. 9). South America except southern Argentina and Chile . RECORDS . ARGENTINA : Entre Ríos : Liebig ( 13 ♀ , 27 ♂ , AMNH ) . Salta : Pocitos ( 3 ♂ , AMNH ) . BOLIVIA : Santa Cruz : Potrillos del Guneda National Park at 17°40′S 63°27′W ( 2 ♀ , 7 ♂ , UCD ) , Ciudad Santa Cruz ( 1 ♀ , AMNH ) , no specific locality ( 1 ♀ , CAS ) . Santiago : Santiago ( 1 ♀ , AMNH ) . BRAZIL : Espírito Santo : Santa Teresa ( 1 ♂ , DZUP ) . Goiás : Jatai ( 1 ♀ , CNC ) . Mato Grosso : Cáceres ( 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , DZUP ) . Mato Grosso do Sul : Serra da Bodoquena National Park ( 2 ♂ , HYMB ) , 7 mi. N Nioaque ( 1 ♂ , HYMB ) . Minas Gerais : Pedra Azul National Park ( 1 ♀ , CNC ) , Lagoa Santa ( 1 ♀ , holotype of Morphota tridens, MLUH ) . Pará : Belém ( 1 ♀ , BISH ; 1 ♀ , CNC ), no specific locality ( 1 ♀ , CAS ) . Paraíba : Mamanguape ( 1 ♀ , HYMB ) . Paraná : Piraquara ( 1 ♀ , DZUP ) , Vila Velha State Park ( 1 ♀ , DZUP ) . Piauí : Corrente ( 1 ♂ , CAS ) . Rondônia : Vilhena ( 1 ♀ , 1 ♂ , DZUP ) . GUYANA : Cuyuni-Mazaruni : Kartabo ( 1 ♀ , CAS ) . Mahaica-Berbice : Blairmont ( 1 ♀ , FSCA ) . PARAGUAY : Asunción ( 2 ♀ , USNM ) , Caaguazú ( 4 ♀ , 1 ♂ AMNH ) , Cororo : San Pedro Department : Río Ypane ( 1 ♀ , AMNH ) . PERU : Madre de Dios : Río Tambopata National Park at 12°50’S 69°20’W ( 2 ♀ , CAS ) . SURINAM : Zanderij ( 1 ♂ , CAS ) . URUGUAY : Río Negro 15 km S Paysandú ( 1 ♀ , AMNH ) .