Systematic revision of American Glaresidae (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) Author Gordon, Robert D. Author Hanley, Guy A. text Insecta Mundi 2014 2014-01-10 2014 333 1 91 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.4645613 1942-1354 4645613 112A1F0B-1A82-4672-842B-A79A21F251D6 Glaresis yanegai Gordon and Hanley , new species Description . Male . Length 3.3 mm , width 1.7 mm ; body form elongate, distinctly widened in apical 1/2 ( Fig. 6A ). Color yellowish brown. Head with clypeus and triangular median area on frons shiny, coarsely, rather sparsely tuberculate, some tubercles joined to form a rugosity, remainder of frons and vertex dull, densely, finely rugose with scattered tubercles, setae on frons short, barely visible. Clypeal apex truncate, broadly, weakly reflexed, with small, evenly spaced tubercles at apex, basal margin of reflexed area narrowly raised, lateral angles oblique, pronounced, outwardly toothed ( Fig. 6B ). Mandible pair symmetrical; mesal tooth strong; lateral prominence strong, pronounced; outer margin abruptly rounded. Pronotum with all foveae weakly impressed except fovea on each side medially near lateral margin strongly impressed; surface densely rugose, with sparse, setae-bearing carinae, carinae elongate, straight ( Fig. 6C ). Elytra with surface dull, densely microreticulate; striae convex, appearing carinate, carinal segments narrowly interrupted, each with short seta; intervals with small, shallow, mostly round punctures ( Fig. 6E ). Metasternum long, feebly shiny, finely, densely microreticulate, surface medially concave without median carina, lateral surface with short ridges in basal 2/3 ( Fig. 6D ); metasternal groove broad, distinctly impressed, lateral margins broadly rounded. Lateral protibial teeth unevenly spaced, basal 2 teeth close together. Mesotibia with 5 spines laterally, tibia strongly projecting at apex ( Fig. 6D ). Posterior metatrochanteral margin with 3 small, blunt teeth, outer angle acute; posterosuperior surface of metatrochanter with single large tooth ( Fig. 6H ). Metafemoral surface with widely scattered, small, round, setae-bearing tubercles, microreticulate; width to length ratio 1.0:1.5, with narrow flange on anterior margin, posterior margin without tooth; posterosuperior margin without tooth ( Fig. 6H ). Metatibia broadly triangular, surface entirely microreticulate, outer margin without posteromedian projection, with series of small teeth from near base nearly to apex, middle 4 teeth distinctly larger than remainder, inner margin smooth, pubescent ( Fig. 6G ). Apex of 5th abdominal ventrite broadly rounded. Genitalia slightly elongate, basal piece 1/3 as long as parameres, proximal end curved; median lobe wide, shorter than parameres, lateral margins broadly, weakly curved to rounded apex, curved upward before apex; parameres feebly curved in lateral view, apex bluntly rounded ( Fig. 6F ). Female . Apex of 5th abdominal ventrite truncate. Variation . Length 3.0 to 3.4 mm , width 1.6 to 1.7 mm ; mesotibia with 4 or 5 lateral spines. Type material . Holotype : California : USA : CA: Riverside Co. , Painted Cyn Rd , 4.3 mi NNW jct Box Cyn Rd. , 33 o 36’55" N 115 o 59’54" W , 21.iii.2010 D. Yanega MV, Univ. Calif. Riverside Ent. Res. Museum, UCRC ENT 260292 ( UCRC ) . Paratypes , 7: same data as holotype . ( UCRC ) ( USNM ). Remarks . This is another species most similar to G . phoenicis and G . montenegro . It is particularly similar to G . montenegro from which it is reliably distinguished only by form of median lobe of the male genitalia. This lobe is narrowed medially in G . montenegro , in G . yanegai the lateral margin is straight in basal 2/3, then smoothly rounded to apex. In addition, the metatrochanter has 3 small, blunt teeth on outer margin; average size smaller; and California specimens are all from Riverside Co., while all California specimens of G . montenegro are from Imperial or San Bernardino counties. See Remarks under G . montenegro . As under G . montenegro , the actual distribution of this species is unknown, but may be restricted to the type locality because the general geographic area has been heavily light trapped over the past 30 years. Etymology . This species is named for Douglas Yanega, University of California , Riverside, collector of the type series.