2699 Author Brown, Brian V. Author Kung, Giar-Ann text Zootaxa 2010 2010-12-03 2699 1 142 journal article 1175­5334 Dohrniphora palenquensis sp. n. ( Figs 247–248 , 304 ) Species recognition. This species is recognized by the contrastingly dark midcoxa and the structure of the hind femur, as described below. The concave ventral margin of the hind femur is a useful distinguishing character. Description. Body length: 2.09–2.38 mm . Head: Frons dark brown, second row of setae concave. Flagellomere 1 rounded-oval, brown. Palpus of normal size, yellow. Thorax: Scutum dark brown. Scutellum brown, with 2 pairs of setae; anterior seta one-half length of posterior seta. Pleuron with proepisternum and dorsum of anepisternum dark brown, rest of pleuron yellowish-brown. Mean costal length 0.52 wing length, range 0.5–0.54. Halter yellow. Legs yellowish-brown. Forecoxa in lateral view yellowish-brown. Foretibia with 4 dorsal setae. Foretarsomeres slender, elongate. Midcoxa dark brown. Hind coxa yellowish-brown. Hind coxal lobe light brown (dark brown in Tayrona specimen), round. Posterior face of hind femur with short basal group of peglike setae, three rows deep; ventral margin of hind femur concave ventral to peglike setae; more distally with shallowly-concave lobe, with Y-shaped clear spot visible with light microscopy ( Figs 247–248 , 304 ). Abdomen: Abdominal tergite 1 yellow, with faint brown lateral marking, tergites 2–6 dark brown, tergite 2 yellow anteriorly in some specimens. Venter of abdomen gray, with few setae, larger on posterior margin of segment 5. Male terminalia dark brown, except cercus yellow. Distribution. Colombia and Ecuador . Derivation of specific epithet. Named for the type locality. Holotype . , ECUADOR : Pichincha : 47 km S Santo Domingo , Rio Palenque Science Center , 29.iv– 5.v.1987 , B. Brown & L. Coote , Malaise trap , rain forest, 180 m [ LACM ENT 268281 ] ( LACM ). Paratypes . COLOMBIA : Chocó : PNN Utría , Centro Visitantes , 6.02°N , 77.35°W , 1♂ , 7–28.ix.2000 , J. Pérez , Malaise trap , CAP-823 ; Magdalena : PNN Tayrona, Zaino , 11.33°N , 74.02°W , 1♂ , 28.vi–7.vii.2000 , R. Henriquez , Malaise trap , CAP-301 ( LACM , IAVH ) . ECUADOR : Pichincha : 47 km S Santo Domingo , Rio Palenque Science Center , 1♂ 17–25.ii.1979 , S. A. Marshall , 2♂ , ii.1983 , Malaise trap , M. Sharkey ( DEBU ) .