2699 Author Brown, Brian V. Author Kung, Giar-Ann text Zootaxa 2010 2010-12-03 2699 1 142 journal article 1175­5334 Dohrniphora scutellaris Borgmeier ( Figs 15–16 ) Dohrniphora scutellaris Borgmeier, 1960: 271 , figs. 15–16. Holotype . , COSTA RICA : Higuito , San Mateo [ LACM ENT 211032 ] ( MZSP ; examined). Species recognition. Among species with six scutellar setae, D. scutellaris is recognized by the relatively large group of well–spaced peglike setae. It is similar to D. palenquensis , which however has only four scutellar setae. Description. Body length: 1.88 mm . Head: Frons brown, second row of setae slightly concave. Flagellomere 1 rounded-oval, orange. Palpus of normal size, yellow. Thorax: Scutum brown. Scutellum brown, with 3 pairs of setae; middle pair longest; anterior seta two-thirds length of middle seta; posterior seta one-half length of middle seta. Pleuron brown. Costa 0.51 wing length. Halter yellow. Legs mostly yellow. Forecoxa in lateral view yellow. Foretibia with 5 dorsal setae. Foretarsomeres slender, elongate. Midcoxa brown. Hind coxa yellow. Hind coxal lobe yellow, small, round. Posterior face of hind femur with triangular basal group of peglike setae; ventral margin of hind femur slightly emarginate at level of peglike setae ( Figs 15–16 ). Abdomen: Abdominal tergite 1 dark brown with lighter posterior seam, tergites 2–6 as tergite 1. Venter of abdomen gray, with sparse setae. Male terminalia dark brown, except cercus yellow. Distribution. Known only from the holotype specimen and some paratype females, all collected in Costa Rica . It is remarkable that among 2,300 specimens of Dohrniphora examined from Costa Rica we have found no further examples of this species.